CRank: 5Score: 2680

that I score a 10 (out of 10).

Hey, I finally made the most relevant post!

5594d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


5594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to stay young forever. Also, it'd be cool to see what it's like being a sperm. Especially when the race for the egg begins. Can you imagine the thrill of out-swimming your tadpole siblings and how ecstatic you'd feel as you first poke your little head into the finish line?

Some other cool abilities that I'd like added are: mind control, the ability to be invisible in a women's locker room - or just the ability to be invisible would be fine, as well - and, coolest of all...

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If not, oh well, life goes on?

Either way, I am happy to be alive and well?

Thanks for your time?

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is I might buy some Sony stock once again. Hopefully, she's as kind to me as she was the last time I banged her tender loins - albeit, slightly red from the prior whipping/spanking sessions...the nostalgia kills me!!!

On that note, has anyone ever heard of the song "I Wanna Love You Tender"?


- quality work!!!

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I meant to say that the infinite set of integers contains the infinite set of whole numbers (not natural numbers).

Natural numbers is another way of saying whole numbers (minus the 0). Some other infinite sets of numbers within the set of integers are prime numbers (e.g. 3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,...,etc.) , even numbers, odd numbers, and truly any of an infinite number of sets (e.g. 1,11,111,1111,11111,..., or 5,10,15,20,..., or 20,40,60,80,..., etc.). The set of integers itself is...

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if you want to get technical, there are people already playing Killzone 3. Heck, there are people that are already playing Killzone 46.5. I say 46.5 instead of 47 since G.G.'s engine had very few (if any) improvements after the release of KZ46 and the game was obviously rushed-out to bank on KZ46's fame. That is, if you believe in the infinite universe model.

Here's a thought to ponder: if there are an infinite number of universes, then is it possible that there are an in...

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if he used an Haduken.

5598d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd give KZ2 a 1,000/10 just to mess-up their scoring system (can anyone say 876/10 average?), only to reveal my real score of 12/10 several months later.

Oh wait, here's an idea: what if I make a game blog and give KZ2 a 1/10 so that Metacritic adds my score, then send an email to Metacritic that points out that I grade on a 1/10,000 scale (which is explained in the fine print on the bottom of my review); hence, it is rated 1,000 on the 10 scale? I'll tell you what they'd do, t...

5598d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

after reading your comment I thought to myself "who cares whether some anonymous guy likes a certain game or not". Surely, no game can appeal to everyone, right?

Then it got me to wondering: what exactly is the point of the comments section on n4g? And what I mean by that is the INTENDED purpose, because it is obviously used MOSTLY as a medium for brain dead quasi-human uber-geeks to spread their delusional observations regarding game consoles and those consoles perce...

5603d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

btw, it's "you're" as in "you are".

...and before you give me that "...I know that, but I like to save time...used to text-messaging" bull crap, how difficult is it really to add two characters? Is this generation really that lazy? It's quite saddening.

5603d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it just me, or should Portal not be on the list? I thought that game was a breeze...and quite a relaxing experience to boot.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see Chess or Go mentioned and they are widely regarded as the most difficult games to master. Pawn to e4 for the win! C5 to refute my former claim! Nf3 as a consolation.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well played dude. Or do you just need to go to school?

Ok so next I'll prove that a=a.

What are you waiting for? I just proved it. Discuss away.

5603d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, I would let you pick up my foreclosure anyway.

FFXIII Demo for a 2-story 2,200 sq. ft.: 4 br, 2.5 baths, on 3.2 acres, anyone?

PM if you're interested.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares?

That gets me to wonderin' though...are there "fanboys" relating to the size of one's "nether region"?

Ah yes, that's right, they're called "Village People".

BTW, my last gf swore to me that my size didn't matter...but when I walked in on her cheating on me I found that size really does matter to her (all 12 or so inches of it :0 )....very :(, with many many tears.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's really relaxing to play, unlike all those competitive multi-player games that are so popular today amongst young earthlings - often stressing them to the point of what I like to call "acne infestation". It's a nice touch how they managed to get the experience to work based only on a single button and the controller's six-axis function.

I never thought that I would ever consider a game to be therapeutic, I still don't but Flower is definitely a breath of fresh - al...

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't fight me when I use Ryu or Ken. It's an ego killer.

No, like literally, I have absolutely no ego left. I have yet to be victorious when I've fought as either of those two Chuck Norris- wannabes and that includes when I play a 2-player match by myself!

Now I resort mostly to choosing Chun-Li and Cetaphil brand moisturizing cream...and crying myself to sleep :(

5603d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that ships have been improved twelve-fold since the days that the Mayflower was still in service. How much would that suck? Ten month shipments FTL!

It would especially suck if the ship containing your product fell off of one of the sides of the earth. BTW, is it 3 sides to the earth, or is it 4 (5?)? Darnit, I always forget the answer to that one :(

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....sorry, bad joke.....riiiight, so... *averts eyes and ponders for a moment* riiiight...heh.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment