CRank: 5Score: 5700

So an excellent business strategy which makes Paramount richer while having ZERO effect on the war. Retailers have dropped HD-DVDEAD already, they know it's dead. Paramount comes back to BR in 2008 and that's it.

But please, be pathetic and consider it a victory while Sony will never change, Disney will never change, and Fox will never change. Universal and Paramount will 100% come to BR.

6241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but Metroid Prime? That would just be enormous bias. It pales in graphical comparison to other current gen games (obviously), and is even facing the likes of God Of War 2 in the graphics department for last gen.
It does not deserve a perfect score, or better than Bioshock if it can't top its graphics, nor a last gen game's.

Graphics aren't everything, but a perfect game must be perfect everywhere. Nintendo Power gave it 10 because they only review Nintendo games - where ...

6242d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You heard me.

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo? Pathetic in Sonyland (aka Europe)
Madden? Pathetic in Sonyland
And uhhh, that's it. I'd love to see another game make a difference against Sony's lineup.
Remember, Europe is big on PC (meaning Bioshock = sales for PCs, or wait until next year for PS3 version)

Now for Sony, it caters to Sonyland with the ever popular Singstar (more popular than Halo, Madden etc combined in Europe). That's enough to dominate over 360, but it still has HS, R&C, Warha...

6242d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

GI: Is Metal Gear Solid 4 still exclusive? Is that solidified and will never appear on the Xbox 360?

Harrison: Yes. We said it was an exclusive title.

(By the way, so did Kojima, Konami and other Sony execs - no ifs or buts. Kojima also made it perfectly clear that it was ONLY possible on PS3.)
(Some point to ...

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"No one believed that"
What, you think Halo's so fu**ing great that everyone wants to make it? There are better ideas, more popular games and ones with actual stories. It's not official and it's not getting made, face it.

6243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sweet I'll play it on my Mac.

6243d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And it's 100% getting ported to PS3, as with all of Namco's "360 only" games. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Bioshock's coming too. MGS4 of course is eternally exclusive to PS3 (Phil Harrison said it was NEVER going to 360)

No, I don't buy your sh**y lame@$$ excuses as to why the game has no "Only on 360" label. It's because it's NOT gonna be only on 360, not because of experimentation or some other bs you conjure up.

6243d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You just have to nitpick (hypocritically I might add) over everything. Nothing pleases you like the plump penis of Microsoft inside your rectums.

6243d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

But it's RUMOURED to be going up at TGS for 360. I mean, are these the same noooz insiders who "confirmed" MGS4 for 360, then Kojima f**ked them over, and Phil Harrison confirmed it was NEVER going to Xbox 360?

If it is showing at TGS, then the rumour says there MIGHT be a PS3 version also. Basically this unconfirmation lists an unconfirmation. Pretty pointless, but we all know for 100% certainty that Ninja Gaiden 2 is coming to PS3 as well - Sigma sold well, ensuring...

6243d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

And certainly won't overtake the PS2 - as long as Wii is alive, PS2 will be, because we'll know people are ok with outdated graphics (or above average graphics on PS2). It will keep getting games, like Wii games, it will keep getting multiplatform sports etc, so no, Wii will never win. PS2 has the edge of not being a gimmick (having survived so long) and can live on after Wii.

PS2 isn't at $99 yet, and I expect it to outlast Xbox 360 and Wii with ease. Probably even Wii 2 and w...

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Criterion (under EA) is PS3 lead, PS3 lead is proven to provide superior results.

6244d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Call it ZuneHome or something equally as stupid as Xbox, and release it in 2009 to keep the tradition of screwing over your fanbase with frequent upgrades.

It's like f***ing domestic violence with Xbots, they get raped up the @$$ and slapped around by MS, but keep coming back and bending over for more!

Also, GigaLOL at nobiz's "after they establish market dominance this gen"
Yeah, coming third will surely do that for them.

6244d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But I didn't say HS shatters 'Bioshock & Gears period' as the idiots quoted. I said, quite clearly that it shatters them in presentation, and this is absolutely true.
Do you f***wits stop reading in the middle of every sentence?

In game graphics which we've seen are also top of the line by the way.

For the record, I think Bioshock will be GOTY.

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game was already released twice last gen.
This confirms NG2 for PS3 (they said they would see how Sigma sales went). DOA of course is coming to PS3 too, but uhh...I'd rather they keep that Xbox exclusive. I don't mind them attempting to rub that sh** in our faces, we have Tekken exclusive and everyone truly agrees of its superiority.

6245d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Goes to show how useless you are. "Wait until the game comes out and pass judgement"
Well, we could, or we could look at the reviews, 10/10 and 9.67/10 and go from there. You can't say the game sucks, because nothing supports you and you don't own it. We can say the game is good because we have reviews supporting that.

Oh, and this shatters Bioshock and Gears (and really everything else) on a presentation level (graphics (acting included), sound etc). Gameplay ...

6245d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

-Not a big seller.
-N64 had Ocarina AND Goldeneye
-Dreamcast had Soul Caliber
-GC had Metroid Prime
-Ocarina, MP and SC are I think the top 3 games of all time by rankings, and none appeared on Playstation. Diversity is what helps PS win. This is unfortunately not going to grow the already shooter full Xbox 360 market.

Reasons why it'll appear on PS3
-Cell>Xbox 360 CPU, by far, obviously is possible
-Devs have not sai...

6245d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yep, that sounds right. If I want "360" games, I'll play them on my PC. 360 'exclusives' are by and large on/coming to PC, PS3 or last gen consoles and handhelds. If I want Wii games, someone would hopefully shoot me before I make that terrible mistake.

6245d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dream of a world where Ziff Davis is bankrupt too. I call it heaven.

I will join others in wiping my @$$ with EGM mags (off the shelves of course, I'm not buying it, not even as toilet paper)

6245d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

But I think this is much further below the standard than previously thought, since Xbox 360's failures have dragged the figure upwards at an alarming rate.

6247d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment