CRank: 5Score: 5700
5929d ago

That, I truly hope for.
$20-50 for 1TB in a few years sounds like gold to me.
I seriously need more, cheap space.

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 of your top 5 aren't even exclusive, while 1 and 3 will definitely be on PC later.
I didn't think Xbox was in THIS bad a state in 08, but, year of the PS3 and all.

5930d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

If this was by choice and not by contract (unlikely), Namco deserve to see their hard work flop hard until the PS3 release. Same for every one of their 360 timed exclusives.

Tekken 6 however is never coming to 360, only PS3/Arcade. Enjoy PS3 owners. More games for us!

5930d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The whole idea is that it's as powerful as PS2 BUT you can take it anywhere with you to play games.

He can also shove it for ignoring PS3 after saying he only works on the most powerful console last gen. My @ss he does, PS3 is incomparably better than 360 but he's just an MS lover.

5930d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Apart from this NOT actually being a proper hack, i.e. BR is copy protection is still in place, good luck buying a Blu-ray burner or hard drives big enough to rip them.

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And confirmed that physical media>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>DD for at least another half century.
This isn't full HD, and it isn't a substitute for Blu-ray.

Get a PS3 if you want the best HD games AND movies.

5931d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Deserves 9.5+
The quality of those is still much MUCH better than any 360 games, and yet an 8.8 for THREE games and $30.
Hell it's a better deal than Orange Box...

5932d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

You'll rent it in non-HD quality while we rent them out in full HD for less than 70c as physical media. My blockbuster has a 70c per movie deal once a week.

5934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 is not PS3's biggest game.
There's a little thing called GT5 which matched Grand Theft Auto in its 3rd iteration and doubles Halo/Smash Bros sales just. like. that.

Of course MGS4 has a big chance of matching Halo, but will easily topple Gears or Zelda as a secondary tier seller.

5934d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect is trash.
The graphics are NOTHING compared to Uncharted or GT5Prologue, and the ratings are baseless. needs more 7.x to teach bioware a lesson about telling crap stories with crap controls, crap game systems and an unoptimised engine. The hype got to them.

MGS4 will destroy all games on that list.

5934d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just because Kojima says its exclusive doesn't mean the publisher doesn't want more monies.

Only differences here:
Nothing on 360 can't be replicated on PS3, and improved
Kojima actually has say - and his own studio
Konami is not a notorious multiformat publisher like EA
Mass Effect 2 will sell better on PS3 than PC, so they WILL make the PS3 port.

So bioware devs are just not even trying to make their game the best it can be, while Kojima is ...

5934d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Jesus it must suck to know that THIS is the future for you if you're a Wii owner.

As for competing with GT5P, hell, it's blown Forza 2 clean off the planet, and it's not even the full game!

5934d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But not even the mighty PS2, the greatest console of all time can outsell the iPod (though PS2 doesn't come in a hundred different configurations and isn't portable), so how could PSP?

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5P is a better game on its own than Forza 2 and most FULL PRICED racing games. It costs <20 pounds ffs.
If it cost 60USD, then yes, unreasonable. But the article says a few hours can be spent with it...try a few HUNDRED.

ONLINE, GTTV, 60 cars etc
More than most games.

5936d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

The war's over in Europe - 360 had a MASSIVE cut last year too in mainland Europe, while PS3 blew past and actually sold out in many places in France, Spain, Germany. Now imagine having the most killer software like GT5, MGS4, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Littlebigplanet - all will sell more than Gears 2 which will be 360's highest selling game this year.

Simply amazing...

5937d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'll pass.
I won't even care when it comes to PS3.

5937d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I expect Sony to go in for the kill this holiday season with a price cut, riding the momentum of superior games until then.
MGS4 will annihilate any hopes 360 thinks it had when it's out, and even with the cuts in Europe, 360 continues to sell next to nothing while PS3 rockets past.

It's over.

5938d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Look at the list!
Arcade port
ANOTHER Worms Rehash ($50 TOO! Rip off)
Multiplat, a Sega multiplat no less
Uggh...Gamec0ck game
PS2 port
Another PS2 port
Multiplat monster builder
FF spin off that's the lesser of a basic PSN/XBLA game
ANOTHER Harvest Moon game that came out last June (in Japan)
And ANOTHER multiplat which will be horribly inferior as Wii is not treated as the lowest common denominator in PSWii60 development, 360 is. ...

5939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You admit it's not exclusive right now (it's on PC too for christ's sake), or a couple months from now you weep as you lose yet ANOTHER exclusive. God, this must be no#30 within a single year.

Anyway, the expansion to a sh!tty game will be a sh!tty game. Which Ps3 owners did not buy. And will not miss.

5939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment