CRank: 5Score: 5700

I mean, it's already on PC, and it was in development for PS3 before it was 'canceled' (aka delayed via MS moneyhat), and no one said it would NEVER come to PS3, like Phil Harrison said about MGS4 (to 360).

Also, about MGS online, it's on the same engine as MGS4, which is only possible on PS3, so that's exclusive too.

Bioshock's happening, use this argument instead Xbots:
"lol we get to play games b4 PS3 release"
And we'll respond with we ...

6255d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not even an isolated incident, nor a big or small game. The fact is, we don't know because no one knew a damn thing or cared about this game.

6256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 has been thrashing 360 in Europe since launch, no question. America, it's finally caught up - but "drastically reduced prices in Europe?"
No, the bundles, (official and store, both very similar/identical) have taken effect. 360's the one you're looking for, Xbox 360 has been 300€ with 2 games in many many places for a giant part of this year and is still getting thrashed.

But keep prayin'

6257d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It would be of far lesser quality than PC Crysis obviously.

6257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft will win because everyone wants their cheaper core!!!! They are going to be mass market soon with the non-discontinued core u will C!!!!

Seriously though, this is uh oh news. Just when you thought MS couldn't get stupider. Well I suppose its not their fault their core isn't selling at all to warrant the retailer discontinuation if they didn't do it themselves.

Give it up, the casuals will never want the 360, and without them, it's game over. Expect PS3 ...

6257d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

80GB will drop to 499 or lower as soon as 60GB is gone. 80GB is the max GB that can be produced with the same process (80GB is no more expensive to produce than 60GB, Sony is just making a mint on them until 60GBs are gone), so we won't be seeing 120GB or anything like that.

Kaz said specifically they knew only 1 SKU would work, this is the final transition, and BC on PS3 as well as different SKUs, unlike the precedent set by the pathetic Xbox 360, are actually very good.

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That list Xeoset posted is ridiculous. Yes, you did post EVERY "AAA" game MS has. Seriously. The majority are: Either coming to PS3 (Ace Combat 6, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, Splinter Cell 5, Fatal Inertia), are already coming to/are on PC (Two Worlds, Huxley among many others), are NOT 2007 titles like my list of confirmed 2007 titles (Too Human, Infinite Undiscovery, among others), or are complete and total sh** (Naruto among many others).

Here Mart, Sony's GAMES whic...

6259d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, it is confirmed to NEVER be coming to Xbox 360, by Phil Harrison himself. NEVER means NEVER. Konami cares about cash, but they also realise that Kojima commands where the game goes via his studio, and not them. They also know, through Kojima, that ONLY PS3 can run the game. Konami got MGO as a seperate EXCLUSIVE PS3 release (runs on MGS4 engine - incompatible with inferior 360 hardware), they got the Cell phone and movie deal and much of Sony's support.

PS3 has, and will ha...

6259d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, what the market needs is to advance. We need better games, not just different games. More often than not, different (Any original game at all on Wii) is much sh*ttier than better (any original PS3 game). Different and better can work, but that's not where we're heading.

One platform under Nintendo would be disastrous, true. Back then it was, and now it would be even worse as we would have decades of inconceivably stupid and pointless games which don't challenge our emotion...

6259d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

See: Wii, though it's more a doorstop than a console.
See: Xbox 360 (400) vs PS3 (600) or more recently, Xbox 360 (350) vs PS3 (500)
That will soon become 350 vs 400, then 300 vs 300, then 300 vs 200, and no price drop will be able to save MS after 350 vs 400. Hell I doubt this drop to 350 will have saved them.

Yes, people are expected to say
"oh, i need to play uncharted, or rachet, i'm buying a ps3"
Ratchet and ND's previous efforts have ...

6259d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sony, Kojima, and Konami say millions of times that MGS4 is exclusive to PS3, going so far as to say it will NEVER come to 360 in an interview with Gameinformer.

If that isn't conclusive proof, and you'd prefer to take the word of a UK retailer who has been and still is wrong in some of their other listings, go ahead.

Didn't bother reading, just figured Mart would've spread his bullsh**, Xbots would've agreed, said he used logic while sucking his c**k, and they'd...

6259d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Amazon clearly knows better than Microsoft about who's publishing. Their sources told them it's coming to PS3, so it is. Simple as that. Retailers > all.

Oh wait...that makes no sense at all does it? Just like HMV's Coded Arms Assault (canceled game) available for pre-order, and their lack of a PS3 version on UT3, but the inclusion of Xbox 360's version!!!

Does...does that mean retailers don't know better than the companies???? That when Sony, Kojima, and Kona...

6259d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And it'd be great for the industry - one console future (Playstation) has the best, free online platform, and promotes dev competition rather than hardware competition, meaning much better games from 3rd parties.

And for that to happen, the games have to be exclusive to one platform, which, let's not kid ourselves, should be the PS3. It is superior in almost every single way to the other consoles.

Since Nintendo stopped being a gaming company, I've thought about ...

6259d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Damn f***ing straight. Not only can I play Gears on PC, but on Mac too! I can play Viva Pinata on DS (though no one would ever want to play that sh**) and next will come Blue Dragon.

Mass Effect, Halo 3, Bioshock (also coming to PS3) will all be playable on PC, and sorry Xbots, the myths are wrong, you can upgrade your PC for around the same cost as a 360, AND the games are cheaper.

No, this is not a blessing for MS, wtf? This is HORRIBLE news for them. It would ...

6260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks phenomenal. Yes, it looks better than Gears. Holy sh** can you f@gs not see it? Lair does as well. Now we have come to a time where all future games are matched up against PS3 games in terms of graphics. And I have a feeling only PS3 exclusives will be able to stack up.

Gears was 6 hours, I beat it real fast at a friend's. If it was something like 12-15, which is great and totally appropriate for an action game like HS, I would know.

Action games...

6260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Play is a print mag. I'll save my breath actually, it's all explained in the reviewer's damn post if you bothered to read it.

"Sony and Factor 5 went all out to make sure the print mags got review copies as early as possible and frequent updates so that they could have reviews out before the game's release (which was at that point supposed to be August 8th, I think)"

This reviewer at the mag is an excellent journalist. He/She rang the devs, was aware of...

6262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Elitegamer and his lunacy clearly displays his mental illnesses - HD-DVD does not look better, it is not the better choice, and people who choose it should be stoned to death for prolonging this "war" so that the customer suffers because everyone really wants Blu-ray, and Universal needs to switch. Only freaks want HD-DVDEAD.

The reason it's not a "war" as HD-DVDEAD apologists say, is because the battle has already been fought, and Blu-ray won. Retailers ha...

6262d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GTA4 would've given Xbox 360 the edge. I'm not denying that more people would have bought it on 360, only because of the cheaper entry fee ($350 console).
If it comes out in April, game over Microsoft. We have Killzone 2, Infamous and MGS4 releasing before it, GT5 releasing after it, probably FFXIII inbetween GTA4 and GT5, and definitely another price cut 1st Q 2008 to 400 if it doesn't happen this year.

Now, Xbox 360 has no GTA driver, it only has Halo 3, and nothing as...

6262d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You didn't listen to me when I gave you 2 (two) crucial facts:

1. Phil Harrison said it was NEVER coming to Xbox 360 - it was very clear. He didn't just say "exclusive" so you could assume timed exclusive like you always do, he responded by saying "yes" to "whether MGS4 was solidified as NEVER coming to 360".

2. Kojima has all control over MGS4 and every title which goes through Kojima Productions. Konami has zero control here, an ev...

6265d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Halo on Mac? How stupid can Microsoft get. It doesn't f***ing matter that MS is making money on it, how do you filthy Xbot f@ggots not see that?

MS is losing FIRST PARTY, I repeat, FIRST PARTY exclusives. I don't have to buy an MS platform to play them, I don't have to buy an Xbox 360 to play pretty much any worthwhile game on it either - Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo 3, Splinter Cell 5, Gears, Alan Wake etc etc etc are all on PC, coming to PS3 (Bio, SC5) or even MAC!!!

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment