
CRank: 5Score: 16610

Something is better than nothing.

423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS5 doesn't have the raw rasterization performance to run both eye panels at close to their native resolution so games run at significantly lower resolutions and are upscaled or have simplistic graphics to achieve higher resolutions which isn't ideal and what many users complain about.

The PS5 Pro assuming it does eventuate and has significantly higher rasterization performance (probably not possible until at least late 2025 going off AMD's APU roadmap) coul...

423d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What rubbish. Many games have been hyped to hell and been mediocre to garbage tier like Forspoken and Halo Infinite at launch.

423d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

+ constant hit pieces by the gaming media looking for cheap clicks

423d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Thankfully I have no such problems.

One of the greatest games I've played in my entire life in Eternal Darkness had very average graphics and it was more atmospheric then probably every other game I've played.

By your logic all Nintendo's "technically inferior" games wouldn't be worth playing either.

423d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sadly this is probably the best mindset to have with current gen gaming, even a game is sound technically there's been so many ho-hum experiences like said game was designed via spreadsheet completely forgetting that games are supposed to be fun.

That's one area where Nintendo still rule, they're good at making games that aren't frustrating to give the illusion of difficulty.

423d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Most people who play Redfall won't be aware of the recent news and many simply won't care.

Really sad people are so desperate for games to fail, goes to show there's sad people out their who have so little empathy and stuff going for them in their lives they couldn't care less about the industry or the people in it and just want to root for their team and hope for everyone else to fail.

423d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Props to them, the learned a lot during the Xbox360/PS3 era like employing the same anti-competitive practices MS did.

423d ago 3 agree37 disagreeView comment

Delusional. You clearly have no idea how many third parties there are out there, MS couldn't even buy a fraction of them.

423d ago 1 agree38 disagreeView comment

It's the least they (moreso Sony as I doubt GG would mind the effort but obviously need Sony's blessing to cover costs) can do IMO.

It's not reasonable to make people buy another copy of Horizon Forbidden West when until recently the PS5 wasn't readily available in most regions so players were effectively forced to play HFW on PS4.

423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The entire west is corrupt and rotting from the head down.

It's why in places like Australia where I live living standards are declining for the majority of people but the politicians answers are wage stagnation, tax cuts for the wealthy and mass immigration without necessary upgrades for existing substandard infrastructure so the vast majority of people are worse off.

Prior to the 1980's in most western countries sectors of the economy were large...

423d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game Pass living rent free in Sony fans head is insane.

Sales in Japan for the games you listed aren't amazing so are we to believe Game Pass that almost no one uses in Japan somehow tanked sales of these games in that region as well?

Wild Hearts wasn't anything amazing.

Wo Long was at best a good game but certainly nothing special nor had a huge advertising budget to make it a huge seller for a game of its calibre.

423d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been hoping that's the case for COD for the past decade and that viable competitors would appear but once Sony got certain rights to the COD franchise they decided to not make competing, big budget FPS.

Other gamers keep buying yearly instalments of generic COD titles so the blame is partly on gamers for not buying and playing competitor's titles in the past.

423d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They've been anti-competitive and anti-consumer since the NES days. If Sony hadn't of come along with the PS1 and given developers and publishers a realistic alternative I shudder at the thought of the draconian conditions Nintendo may have imposed on developers and publishers for later Nintendo systems.

424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the professional reviewers and big YouTuber's get free review copies and they want that to continue so they don't write overly negative reviews or mention things the developer/publisher has asked them not to.

424d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well at least this is the author's opinions (I assume) as opposed to many of their articles that push feminist, misandristic and political agendas.

424d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

FFXVI and FFVII Remake had huge marketing budgets, most gamers don't know either Octopath Traveller game exists as the marketing for both games was non-existent in many regions.

Octopath Traveller 1 was not on PS so PS only players couldn't play it (huge mistake). Octopath Traveller 2 was on PS but not on Xbox so people that owned an Xbox and liked the first game were forced to buy the sequel on another another console platform or PC to play the sequel (no plot cont...

424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stopped right there, didn't click the link.

One of the worst sites out their for gaming "news".

424d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

MS/ABK will appeal and if that is rejected they might try to restructure their businesses then try again.

The costs to rollout cloud infrastructure is huge so what I think this will do is discourage future players from rolling out competing cloud platforms because companies will have to fear if they gain majority marketshare in a region regulators in said region will try to dictate how they run their business.

There's regions other platforms have high...

424d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Because it's not sustainable to run a business based around paying off third parties to have games on your platform or for timed exclusives especially when your platform has a much smaller userbase. MS has to cut much larger checks then Sony for all those missed potential sales.

Paying SE for the privilege of their games being on Xbox and PS simply wouldn't have been worth it and an irresponsible use of shareholders money. The deal MS did for FFXIII in hindsight was...

424d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment