
CRank: 5Score: 16610

I feel like that already and I'm not 50.

Games as a service, MTX and all the other crap have me wishing for the days of my youth when companies like Square were producing banger after banger, these companies clearly wanted to create great games whereas I feel with some modern games monetisation and maximising revenue to the detriment of the experience is the main focus for developers and publishers.

419d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Downloading this atm on PC to play with friends.

I am expecting a budget L4D2 clone but if the co-op is good enough to keep me playing with friends I'll be happy as the last few co-op games we've picked up just haven't been interesting and kept us playing long.

I think some people are expecting really in-depth lore like Arkane's prior games but that might not have been a focus for this game.

The marketing for this game h...

419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I expect some smaller sites will review bomb it for cheap clicks and some major sites like IGN will have their usual poor reviews that gloss over or don't acknowledge issues.

419d ago 13 agree18 disagreeView comment

The PS3 still sold well so it wasn't Sony fans that held Sony to account and made them change course but Sony being smart enough to realise producing another expensive and unique console that was a nightmare to code for and port to wasn't in their best interests and credit to them they hit it out of the park with the PS4.

419d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
419d ago
419d ago

Not that we'll ever find out but it would be interesting to see what companies behind the scenes were encouraging MS to do always online DRM, I'd imagine EA was one of them.

419d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I never owned an XBO or PS4 but I have a hard time believing the PS5/Xbox Series was closer given the dearth of first party content on Xbox Series.

419d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think BC is always an asset especially when games run better and/or are enhanced under BC. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor for example might be night and day difference on the next PS/Xbox.

Sad I can't go back and play PS3 games like Heavenly Sword on PS5, hopefully the PS6 will be powerful enough to emulate the PS3.

419d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think that's underestimating just how hard it is making a console transition when you're dealing with completely different architecture.

After the PS3 Sony went back to the drawing board and decided on an x86 APU with a traditional GPU design, it's not like they could easily port software from the PS3 > PS4 so it's natural it'd take some time to get elements of the software including SDK up to par.

I haven't loved many games t...

419d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

When the series became more grounded in realism and thus less fun, Vice City would be my pick as I liked the location and era the best, I had more fun with Saints Row 1&2 (especially 2 in co-op) then GTAIV.

419d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not surprised this wasn't fixed.

343i suspended the pro Halo player Royal2 for geofilting to force Halo Championship Series matches on a server in closer in proximity to his location in Canada then would otherwise be the case so even 343i have little faith in the integrity of their game holding up when higher latency in involved.

From what little I played of the multiplayer it was a desync nightmare at 70ms (closest servers in Australia), streams of b...

420d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Serious question: Do you adopt this stance with all third parties?

Most of Sony's developers started out second or third party so to just start enforcing this now is holding present/future acquisitions to standards that did not exist in prior console generations and advantages existing players with large IPs and talent pools like Nintendo which makes it harder for new entrants to compete which means less competition over time.

IMO the biggest take awa...

420d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony can't just block GaaS on their systems, they have regulations to worry about.

420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel the same way. I'm more selective with higher prices but the other trends you mentioned is what has made more more of an impact. As an early customer you paying a premium for an inferior experience when later customers pay less and have a better experience.

420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Neither MS nor Sony wanted to tick off ABK especially when they had certain rights for COD in the PS3/Xbox360 and PS4/XO generations respectively.

None of the big first party shooters MS and Sony created were COD clones/killers, Halo and Killzone are very different in terms of gameplay to COD.

421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That might be because the game isn't fully downloaded or it might be one of the many tech issues you're rewarded with for being an early buyer.

421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course at some point Game Pass is going to get more expensive, it'll be the same for all these subs going forward and even physical standalone games have risen in price the last few years.

Should regulators start regulating sub and game prices to make sure developers/publishers aren't screwing customers?

421d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Can't trust the big reviewers any more and I watched Skillup's coverage too.

421d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC reviewers normally review games on high-end PC hardware so their experience is generally better then that of the average gamer, they also often get review copies and that clouds their judgment IMO.

421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment