
CRank: 5Score: 16610

There's something called Linux, you might want to look into it.

The splitting up of telecomm companies was mainly about lining certain people's pockets and stealing from taxpayers where the networks had been paid for by taxpayers, many of the resulting companies ended up merging over time.

515d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

An anti-capitalist and woke website backed by capitalists with their own interests at heart isn't exactly the place to go for impartial new coverage and I should know as I used to read The Guardian a lot but the articles became increasingly biased and political, spinning the narrative to such an extent you're reading more opinion then news and facts.

515d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Bud Light is cheap and available almost everywhere in the US which is why it sells so well, its customerbase is people looking to get drunk on the cheap. Talking down to others about their preferences ain't going to get you anywhere, if anything they'll dig in out of spite.

Just because you don't care how a company markets its products or like said products that doesn't mean others will be of the same opinion.

I don't drink but if I di...

515d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You're really reaching there. Last I checked MS hasn't sponsored a groomer who makes a mockery of females (and more) for a living which is what Bud Light did.

Execs make dumb and emotional statements like everyone else, if every time an exec was fired because they said something an individual or a group of people didn't like we wouldn't have functioning companies.

515d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I feel sorry for people who lose their jobs as Meta continues layoffs but at the same time I don't want to see the company get a foothold in gaming.

516d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So glad I bailed on the series after Halo 4 and didn't play another Halo game until Infinite. The actual gunplay of Infinite was decent at launch but everything else was mostly average to bad so I was lucky to play 5 hours of multiplayer then tried the campaign for half an hour when it came out.

516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember back in the day it was a simple as putting a disc in my PS1 and within a minute or two I'd be playing the game. Gaming has changed and not entirely for the better.

516d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

From reviews the PS5 looked like the lead platform in that less issues were reported but I didn't see any reviewer who had played the game on multiple platforms and compared performance.

Users on all platforms seem to be complaining about issues while other users report little to no issues which I can understand for the PC version given the plethora of PC hardware but it's odd for the experience on consoles to be so variable.

516d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

This comment made me think "It could've been worse I suppose, like BF2042" lol.

516d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You'd think companies would have got the memo after the disastrous Xbox One reveal and the many bad game launches but evidently not.

516d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

If he made 12 million off said cheats and the money can be realistically recovered it's fair game.

If he made a much smaller amount and has no realistic chance of repaying the 12 million it's overkill.

While I have no love for cheaters ruining someone's life over cheating and to send a message to other potential cheat creators is not reasonable.

516d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A future at the behest of MS is better then no future at all, Nvidia would be fine either way but some of these smaller companies potentially had/have a lot to gain from having access to part or all of the ABK/MS library.

516d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ABK's management would likely largely stay in place, hell MS would likely look at ABK's management specially around COD and try to emulate that.

516d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As others have said MS's board would have to approve of acquistions/mergers and ABK have a proven track record of delivering returns for shareholders, there's no way the board would approve a similar level of spending on many smaller, unproven developers and/or publishers.

516d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They're protecting their own interests too, one of the few things competing companies hate more then each other is ignorant and misinformed regulators as they create an uncertain business environment and businesses are all about minimising risks and maximising profits (traditionally at least, now you have startups that don't generate profits for many years and live off venture capital money but that's drying up and could sink some cloud providers).

516d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Because Nvidia and other streamers now know if they gain sufficient marketshare regulators will try to dictate their business in a way they have not done for other sectors of entertainment using the CMA's decision as a precedent.

For a sector in its infancy with a lot going against it like high upfront costs for infrastructure and the variable nature of internet connectivity meaning customer retention will likely be hard to impossible in many regions it's not hard t...

516d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I put a thousand or more hours into L4D1 and 2, since then nothing similar in co-op has been as addictive or anywhere near as good. I found Destiny 2 a borefest but people rave about that game.

A Way Out and It Takes Two were great but quite short with no replay value.

Hopefully this is fun and/or has something unique that keeps me playing, I'll try it out with friends but I'm not getting my hopes up.

516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even the NX Gamer video mentions many of the tricks they're using. Frame rate dips to 50FPS with a target frame rate of 60FPS. Double imaging and ghosting due to foveated rendering all signs of insufficient processing power.

The foveated rendering makes it hard to pixel count and it definitely isn't a full native image.

A native 120fps image with current gen graphics just isn't going to be possible given hardware constraints, that doesn't ...

516d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Something is capping/crippling performance on PC. Users with RTX 4090's and 13900K's are seeing 30% utilisation.

Hopefully this gets hammered in reviews and the game is promptly patched.

516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a mess.

I was looking forward to this but I didn't get hyped about getting it on launch as I expected 6-12 months later it would run better and be cheaper to boot.

Developers and publishers are shooting themselves in the foot with these rushed releases, RE4 Remake had its issues and that's one of the lesser offenders in recent times so it's pretty bleak.

You can't even brute force your way to better performance with...

516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment