
CRank: 5Score: 16610

They're been laughing for decades now because the west was dumb enough to drop protections for many of their industries and let entire industries die while Japan openly protected and in some cases actively propped up Japanese industries and businesses that would have otherwise failed or died even sooner due to competition from China and other countries.

447d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment
447d ago Show

Elected officials in the Japanese government look out for Japanese companies and are far more protectionist, consider the the history of keiretsu in Japan. Sony was a keiretsu but they're far less diverse in terms of business units these days and have less influence then they once had with government.

South Korea decided to copy Japan's keiretsu with their chaebols that were also allowed to get away with anti-competitive practices. Contrast that with the Chinese whe...

447d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

"They barely make games that appeal to the American or world market."

Has to be one of thew stupidest takes I've read on N4G in a long time.

447d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

I would have thought Elden Ring would have sold more then 141,741 copies. Horizon Forbidden West has done well considering it's not really the type of game that has mass appeal for Japanese audiences.

447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just do your part by not giving into MTX and other attempts to monetize games that add little to nothing to the gaming experience.

I find it insane that some people I know spend far more on skins for Fortnite then actual games each year.

447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really showed how screwed the modern day dynamics are that the false accusers are trying to gaslight the general public by claiming they never made their past accusations and Avellone is forced to go along with it or the false accusers could have dragged this out even longer which would have resulted in the cloud hanging over him and more lost income and distress.

I've been in workplaces and seen false accusations made by both sexes and the false accusers rarely had ...

448d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Call me cynical but I just can't bring myself to get hyped for SE's games when they've underdelivered with most of their games the last 10+ years.

I prefer to go in with minimal expectations of SE's games and hope to be pleasantly surprised.

448d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think Capcom have any interest in returning to classic survival horror and inventory management when focusing on action results in much higher sales.

While I can appreciate Capcom clearly put a lot of effort into RE4 Remake hopefully we see some new titles in the RE series soon.

448d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

I'm well aware that CV was meant to be RE3 but it wasn't perceived as such by the wider RE community in part because it was not on the PS1 while what became RE3 was. It didn't help that the game was released for the short lived Dreamcast and was exclusive for a time which annoyed me and many other RE fans.

448d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'd rather a Dino Crisis remake then more RE remakes but that might just be me and said remake might not sell well considering Dino Crisis has been dormant forever in gaming terms.

449d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If the do a VC remake I hope they don't cut the game down like they did with RE3 Remake.

449d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Code Veronica is a different experience from other classic fixed camera angle Resident Evils. I enjoyed the game and it's sometimes nonsensical characters and settings but I can see while some people do not and consider it an inferior RE side story and not a mainline title.

I don't think the game would translate well to a third person over the should camera without majors changes and then it wouldn't be the same game.

449d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment


I have never thought to myself while playing a game "This is a good game but a character needs to be a difference race/religion/sex because of inclusion". Games do not have to be a reflection of real life, we play games in part to escape from reality.

RE4 had a Spanish setting and it was fine when players will killing Caucasian enemies but when RE5 came out and had an African setting where you were killing people of colour it was labelled ...

449d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Asian games have a lot more to offer then sexualised waifus/husbandus but it's hard to grow in Asian markets when you're a foreign company who doesn't have local talent to develop games that appeal to the local audience. Microsoft will have more success on mobile in Asian countries .

449d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sounds like you made some wise choices with possibly the exception of picking up the S instead of the X.

While he alone wasn't solely to blame Don Mattrick did a lot of damage to the Xbox brand, the bloke was hopelessly out-of-touch and Microsoft as a whole went that way culminating in the disastrous reveal of the Xbox One.

I don't view a game having a PC version as somehow a massive loss vs a console exclusive because we're seeing more and mo...

449d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sadly this is the case, unless you're happy to pay the premium to be on the cutting edge of tech to make up for the poor optimisation and shader compilation issues PC doesn't provide a great experience for many games.

449d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Rare lost much of their top talent before Microsoft acquired the studio. Microsoft has been letting Rare do what they want for a while now but their games just don't appeal to me like older N64 Rare titles.

449d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

That may have been the cause before shader compilation stutter became the norm for many PC releases.

Playing through the game once so the second playthrough has no stutters just means the initial experience is degraded and I'm unlikely to give most games a second playthrough. Also if you update drivers or reformat then shaders often have to be recompiled again and you're back to square one with stutters with degraded performance initially and/or ongoing as new objec...

449d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


A bit sad to see the Bad Company games go as while the PC Battlefield userbase derided both games I enjoyed both titles for what they were.

453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment