Kate Upton (oVo)
CRank: 5Score: 8870

If you're a Titan use this strategy:

1. Equip your flashbang to stun him
2. Get behind him so he's facing the ledge
3. Use your super OR rockets to send him over the edge
4. Loot the chests (if any spawned) AND don't forget to collect the Dead Ghost
5. Do this enough times and a Hallowed Ogre will spawn (watch out for the purple beam that shoots from his eyes)

3621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Destiny looks to be an Evolutionary Leap in the FPS genre.

3684d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

THIS is the holy grail of gaming.

I plan on pre-ordering the very first day that option becomes available (regardless of price.)

3684d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

^Some of those mentioned above and a few others off the top of my head:

The Thing
Peter Jackson's King Kong
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (not based off a movie, but still a tie-in)
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh
Dead Rising (loosely based off Romero's Dawn of the Dead)

3685d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is news?

I suppose I am glad they released these screenshots after all. At least now I know what the game looks like.

3687d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


EVERY other facet of society uses sex to sell. This is no different.

Off topic: that brunette can hamstring me anytime.

3687d ago 18 agree4 disagreeView comment

Doom already has Rift support.

3718d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the F2P model there has to be a way for the developer/publisher to recoup the costs of actually developing/promoting the game.

MicroTransactions which offer only simple cosmetic changes will be purchased by only a small percentage of players, so the revenue isn't coming from there.
No, the real incentive to spend moneycomes from in-game items or services that give the player a clear advantage. More powerful armor/weapons or XP boosters do just that.
Or ...

3722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"... it won't be a pay to win scenario." And you believe them?

You really don't think they will "nickel and dime" players when they're ALREADY doing it by charging people just for early access?! It's F2P, why is there even a cost associated with it?

The whole contradiction is absurd.

3723d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm disappointed.

Yet ANOTHER Free-for-All, Kill-on-Sight Survival MMO.
For all his talk about taking the genre to the next level...I just don't see it. It doesn't do anything that DayZ and Rust don't do already. In fact, I have 1/2 dozen games just like this already installed on my PC.
The only thing that will differentiate this title will be the fact that it's the only one of it's kind on consoles.

3723d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

They must limit the PvP. We've seen this gameplay in EVERY other survival horror MMO. And while it is rewarding in it's own way, I'd still like to see this type of game with a focus on co-operation and a fostering of socialization.

3723d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do you feel the need to limit other peoples options (and enjoyment)?
If you don't enjoy the zombie scene, fine...move on to something else and leave the zombies to the rest of us.

3723d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ALL free to play ARE pay to win since the most important features are locked out. Those features are usually the ones that, while absent, hinder your progression.

Example, your friend buys into the subscription, but you opt out. He is now leveling at a rate twice as fast as you and subsequently is leaving you behind, since you can no longer group together. In this scenario, those paying the sub will reach their goals first. They Win.

Forcing you to pay the s...

3723d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They should concentrate efforts to optimize the PC version first. The framerate makes the game unplayable with VR enabled.

3725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dedicated servers are great from a technical viewpoint, but their drawback is apparent.
Peer 2 peer gaming is far from ideal, but at least we can enjoy the game much longer.
Why not options for both? It's not that difficult to implement during development.

3726d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"ANYTHING they don't give you concrete details on is usually because they dont want bad PR."

Perhaps in some cases, but not all. It's often simply a PR tactic used to pique your interest.

Rockstar games are a perfect example of this.
For the amount of time their games are in development we usually know very little about them, except what they want us to know. I can't say how they always manage it (perhaps on pain of death or dism...

3729d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The best loading screens are found in "How to Survive."

During the process the game asks concurrent multiple choice questions pertaining to gameplay elements. Each right answer gives your character actual XP.

You become so obsessed with answering as many as you can during the short amount of time given that you effectively forget about the loading process entirely.

3729d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You talk about people using reason, then make this comment:

"2 billion injected in the hands of the best vr team..."

Oculus didn't get 2BN dollars in funding. The company was sold for that price. That money/FB stock now belongs to the previous owners/investors.
And you can be sure they won't dump it back into the Oculus development they NO LONGER own.

3732d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Deleted. Double Post

3732d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The VR industry. Yes.
VR gaming? No.

3732d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment