
CRank: 5Score: 12910

sure whatever lair looked stupid from the start anyways. its not gonna move systems like how none of the rogue leader games moved systems but the game will sell a lot trust me.

Quote me on this, after the 360 pushes out the three games, Halo, Mass Effect and Bioshock, they will have nothing, absolutely nothing in the 08 year. Not to mention Bioshock has a chance of going to PS3 anyways.

Fable, Alan Wake, Banjo Kazooie, Halo Wars, none of them stand a chance aga...

6147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so now EVERYTHING is crap compared to bioshock right? because bioshock is the god of games and every game is crap and nobody can have fun playing those games as long as bioshock exists.

whats so bad about an 8? i don't get it, its a good score and im sure there will be MS exclusive titles that you may see godly but an 8 and oh, crap compared to bioshock.

watch mass effect, halo and lost odyssey get 8s and what are you gonna do then? cry? jeez blue dragon got 6-7s...

6147d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when 08 comes and the big stuff comes out then the ps3 will sell liek hot cakes. once the price drop comes again next year, it'll sell even more to knock off the 360.

especially with bluray and futureproof technology, the ps3 has a huge future ahead of itself while the 360 and wii..... not so much

6147d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

EA actually completes the game before they release them? whoa.

6148d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

...i bet the creator of this topic on n4g doesn't even speak finnish. he just saw the numbers 30 and 60 in an nhl forum

6148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good job for sony i guess. they should start getting the public to know about bluray and HD to increase the gap between the two formats

6148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHAHA hilarious you just got owned xD

6148d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


.....gran turismo can sell consoles, forza can not. and you're saying that its a dead franchise.

gran turismo 1 - best selling ps1 game ever, 10.5 million
gran turismo 2 - 10 million copies worldwide
gran turismo 3 - best selling ps2 game ever, 15 million
gran turismo 4 - 8 million worldwide

forza 1 - 1 million worldwide
forza 2 - Not even 1 million yet

so as you can see. gran turismo pushes consoles...

6148d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

...i dunno this game flopped in japan so how the hell do they expect it to do good in usa

6148d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes enchanted arms had the ONLY on 360 and so did oblivion but look what happened to it. so i guess it's either timed exclusive or it won't come to ps3 at all but most likely it will come to ps3. I hope i get to play this game because it probably won't move PS3 units but many of us ps3 only owners would LOVE to play the game.

6149d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

canada loves to rock :D
it's funny because most of the asians up here count the 360 out of the equation of consoles to buy. its either the ps3 or wii. well of course, that's why we're asian :D

6149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

if it does come over then great. if it doesnt then fine. i simply would love to play bioshock since i dont have a powerful computer but i wouldn't mind because by the time it comes over to ps3, i'll be playing MGS4 and GT5 which i grew up with and love them no matter what

6149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i only have a ps3 but this game looks effing amazing. too bad i'll be missing out on it so i hope it comes to ps3. hopefully it will because this is the only game i'm really pumped for this holiday season thats going to the 360.

6149d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


lmfao jk, what is ea gonna do next. take kobe bryant out of nba 08? leave vick alone he's just beaten up a few dogs well so what, we chinese ppl frickin eat dogs.

6149d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

PS3 has a slow start and it picks up speed starting from 08 (MGS, GT5, FF, Killzone 2 etc) but the 360 sales will get slower as time passes because after the holiday season, there is no reason to get a 360.

Sony has a way to start slow and pick it up so you'll see the PS3 selling like mad in the near future

6149d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


what are the chances of microsoft charging $$$ for ALL DLC? I DON'T KNOW!


6150d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i love how jokes become so serious to MS fanboys. my god its a joke, if rockstar started saying GTA4 has more colour depth than ratchet and clank you wouldn't see sony fanboys jumping up down saying they hate rockstar. jeez, calm down, haze is from the ppl that did timesplitters and i'm sorry for you MS fanboys that missed out on that.

6150d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it was shown at e3 06 and everybody was like WTF? i seriously thought it was scrapped because there was no mention on it ever after that. well, we might see it again next e3 or tgs, who knows

6150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously home doesn't look attractive to thsoe without a ps3. for those who do it looks exciting because even if its online sims it looks like you can do lots of stuff.

for example you can meet up with your clan before a scrim in the clan room and talk some stuff over. you can meet new people and play games with them. if you've played habbohotel or cokemusic you would know how much fun meetnig new ppl really is.

6150d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

im getting this game on launch. gonna practice it evryday, get a good clan and kick some ass when you noobs get it muahahaha

no seriously this game looks amazing. heck its from the ppl that did twisted metal and its all online. and btw no draw distance at all and no slowdown with 32 players online. cant go wrong with that

6150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment