
CRank: 5Score: 12910

nobody blamed bioshock for getting perfect reviews without multiplayer.

bioshock is a godly game and it happens one in a few years. its just most of us were jealous we couldnt play it so some of us made excuses on why it sucks just to make themselves feel better.

but i have to admit bioshock is an awesome game and theres no reason why people like you cant admit R and C and uncharted are good games too.

None of us know how much the game deserves un...

6169d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

killzone 2


6171d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

all i have to say is

screw gamespot.

even if its true

screw gamespot :D

6171d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

rental for me... one time through and it'll prob be amazing
but my real money goes towards rock band / gh 3, uncharted and assassin's

6175d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just want to play mario kart. ssmb and smg on my wii. other than that i dont even touch it cuz i rather play on my 360 and ps3.

but did u guys hear about that 7.5 ratchet and clank review on gamespot. gamerankings (avg of 30+ websites) has it listed at 92%

....gamespot is lame

6180d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont know why ppl are pissed off or ticked about the review


6180d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

naughty dog and insomniac are one of the best developers in the entire industry.
they're like valve, blizzard and bioware. just keep crapping out gold

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and how do u know gt5 isnt doing this?
you do realize the guys in PD spend more time on weight transfer, suspension, FWD, AWD and traction than any other racing dev out there? Just because Forza 2 shows it doesnt mean it doesnt exist in GT5.

What are you now, a harvard mathematician? nobody here can see or tell which game has better physics, you just believe it because the comapany said so.

6183d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the comparison sucks

if i took a picture of god of war 2 with a digital camera every1 would think its a next gen game

give us direct feed then it'll be a real comparison

6183d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it was expected wasnt it?
but still, sony is waiting to knock off all the hype by spring 08. They're pushing home, singstar, kz2, lbp, mgs4 and gt5 by then and it'll surely shut off the hype for halo 3 if it still survived.
Oh well not a big deal. Gamings just for fun, if u live breathe and sleep gaming, you need to go get a life

6185d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

its not a kid game
its like kingdom hearts
its got disney characters in it and stuff
but its still one of the best rpgs i've ever played
and many agree, who are 40 yeasr away from beign a kid

6191d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

who gives a crap about BC
90% of people that are going to get a ps3 have a ps2 already
not to mention everybody with a next gen console isnt gonna frickin buy last gen gaems unlses of course they TOTALLY missed out on that generation.

Sony's playing it smooth because they know the PS2 is in the hands of hundreds of millions so BC isnt as big as an issue as 360 is to xbox.

6195d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

more ppl with ps3s, more bluray in houses.
show them to their friends, they get bluray
word spreads quickily when a friend has a bluray player.

i know tons of ppl with bluray, i know none with hd dvd

6195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and thats only GT4
the london track in GT5 already looks phenomenal... imagine what they would go to match nurgburgring

6196d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

wow wuts up with fanboys all over the place.
insomniac and nintendo are class companies
they make triple a games left and right
and reinvented 3d platformers as we know it.

seriously, they're both creative and express their art styles they way they want to, and they make games that are a lot of fun. they're the type of companies that make what they want, not the public.

*cough* MICROSOFT *cough*

6196d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTHD was basicallt GT4 with updated graphcis -,-

6207d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

im just happy developers love how the ps3 allows them to do what they wanted to do for a long time because of all that power. Gran turismo finally is a driving simulator, MGS is what its supposed to be, Killzone 2 is what the first was supposed to be.

The only game i see on the 360 that shows what developers do to take advantage of a next gen console with their own dreams and goals is bioshock. hopefully the ps3 will push out many more quality games because it allows developers...

6207d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Sony times the release of LBP, Home, Killzone 2, GT5, MGS4, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, White Knighst Story and tons of other games in the same time frame (SPRING 2008 LOL) with a price drop, we should see a huge effing demand for ps3s for a long time carrying over into christmas.

After this holiday, it'll be hard for the 360 to keep momentum with the huge ass push Sony is making for Spring 2008.

6209d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol... they say GT has no type of personality or art style at all.... even saying that the tracks are on flat tarmac makes the game 10x more boring than concept.

what else are they gonna say? the visuals in forza 2 are the same as GT5?
oh wait.. they already said that


6211d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

...... you really have no idea what you're talking about

6212d ago 14 agree6 disagreeView comment