
CRank: 5Score: 12910


if you've played GT HD the added effects include:

motion blur, slight fade on corners of the screen, more focus on the car, different focus when zoomed in, bloom

none of those effects are in the gameplay footage and no, they cant have AA in replays and not in the gameplay, they would have to make a completely new model for that etc.

and man, if you were going to start with jaggies, then be my guest. i'll just start with po...

6138d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Each GT that gets released is like a landmark in gaming history. None of the series you mentioned has made such an impression in the racing genre as GT did, which is why each GT game takes time and hard work to make. IF PGR4 (IF) was worked on as hard as GT then of course it would be made with double the polygons etc.

but its the developer's decision to work that long and hard, and so far the developers of Forza and PGR have not accomplished what GT1 and GT3 did for PS1 and PS2...

6138d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

theres a difference between hard working developers and developers pushing games to make $$$$$$

it takes longer and more time to make a quality product like GT5, than making two PGR titles. heck, one car in GT5 has double the polygons than a car in PGR. and there's 16 of them on at once at 1080p.

developers for PGR are not dedicated or hard working enough as much as polyphony digital to make a superb product like GT.. which is why GT is a household name while P...

6138d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

you do remember sony's quite tight lipped about 08 as well. we still havent seen stuff like afrika, getaway, rockstar's exclusives, NCsoft's exclusives, David Jaffe's exclusives and sequels like resistance 2, motorstorm 2 etc.

when you add all those in WITH the big titles like LBP, Killzone 2, MGS4, GT5 etc... Microsoft and Nintendo have absolutely no chance against sony in 08.

6139d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

its because immature white kids on xbox live run around thinking they're king of the world.

thats what you get when you play online with an american infested console

6139d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Itigaki is quite arrogant but David Jaffe and CliffyB are quite fine.

Kojima and Miyamoto are legends in the gaming industry, none of them have acted arrogant in anyway. they make great games and hope for the best reception. They dont make games for $$$ *cough*Ubisoft devs*cough* they make games because to them, its a way to express themselves. they're both like artists

Itagaki....hes just a pervert. he likes big boobies and ....big boobies.


6139d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

well it just caught my eye because i've never seen a professional gaming website have such immature findings like this one. its not so much hating on 1up, but simple how unprofessional some of the editors there are :S

6139d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

analog stick is rubbish, tried it and it goes all over the place.
joystick is still the best however but dpad has most accuracy.

controls vs communication, hard hard hard

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its early in the generation and if we see games getting much bigger in size then we should see an increase of quality games taking advantage of bluray.

sure the games now might fit on a dvd9 with compression but look what happened between the dreamcast and ps2. it was impossible to fit later games onto a cd. also, it makes no sense for a last gen game like KOTOR to fit on the same disc Mass Effect can, with around 50x more stuff needed etc.

next gen games will ...

6139d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

well my friend played it and he said it wasnt as fun as he thought it would be. JRPGs are great i love them, i want to play lost odyssey but blue dragon really really looks stupid.

W.e maybe its cuz im still catching up on chrono trigger and chrono cross that im looking down on new crap.

classic jrpgs (ff7, chrono cross, etc) are the best. the new crap will never top what was left behind way back.
(btw play shin megami tensei persona 3 for ps2, good jrp...

6141d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

imagine having 16 player offline coop... and recreating a warzone with just two sides, two trenches, a few obstacles in the middle and battling it out trench warfare style.

how effing sick is that? or having a multiplayer mode where you land with dropships and the defending team has to kill you before you take over, and you respawn constantly on those ships and they keep coming like an infinite flood..

never gonna happen but still, recreating D-day online would b...

6141d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

...this is probably the first thing i've seen.


im just gonna say, EA, what the F*ck, get off your lazy ass and do some sh!t for us.

first saying 30 fps ps3 is IMPOSSIBLE while 2k can do it
then saying OMG ps3 dev kits SUCK
now this, screwing up the 360 version and making the ps3 version better.

my god.... EA ...

6141d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 will dominate the rest of 07.
but when sony pushes out its big titles, it'll be their turn to move tons of consoles.

because in the end, sony products sell around the globe while the 360 sells mainly in North America. (actually america only because canada's full of asians and asians hate the 360)

but yea its true, 360 gamers should be proud of what they have coming these few months but hey, sony's ps3 can outsell 360 worldwide by 100k and its priced o...

6141d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

:O finally if this is true it'll smoke the 360's naruto

japanese created anime games >>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>> dubbed gay american anime games

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'll bet anybody a million bucks even if they make it like 200 bucks nobody is going to buy it.

....i cant see millions of people flocking to walmart and buying a no name hd dvd player. heck i wouldnt do that for a dvd player OR a bluray player.

who the hell is venturer nways

6142d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

... i dont know anybody. ANYBODY that uses netflix
heck, this is the first time ive heard of them.

6142d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment



omg war over GTFO NOOBS

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the team that did the kingdom hearts franchise is doing FFvs13 atm so they wont be handling the next kingdom hearts game (if it goes to the wii).

but videos and secrets hint kh3 is coming to the ps3, not to mention the team is already working on the ps3 so more the reason to put it on ps3. but i wont be surprised if it goes to the wii, but its a split between the wii and ps3 or both. trust me, its not going to the 360

6142d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

if its true.
COME ON..... stupid spinoffs. chain of memories was bad enough. final mix didnt even change up the combat system... just get on with kingdom hearts 3....

but i guess the developers are workign too hard on FFvs13 to care about kingdom hearts now.. ah well, gotta sacrifice something :(

6142d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

sony has hardcore + casual

Hot Shots Golf 5

are examples of casual exclusive games

and i wont go into hardcore because there are tons

6142d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment