
CRank: 5Score: 12910

warhawk is probably going to be the best selling ps3 title for the next few weeks. the best buy deal in canada sold out in a few days and everybody i know is planning to buy it.

6238d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

...you do realize sony is a lot more innovative than nintendo AND microsoft?

Dual analog controller?
CD, DVD, and Bluray drives in PS1, PS2 and PS3?
Double Trigger buttons?
Four button configuration?
Heck, Memory cards?

everybody copied everybody. suck it up. if nobody copied anybody, technology would cease to continue

6238d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

echochrome and littlebigplanet just made your entire comment worthless.

at least sony has some new minds when it comes to games. all Microsoft can make is ANOTHER halo and a crappy PGR4 game to make $$$. First party microsoft developers cant do crap, which is why they throw money around to other developers for exclusivity.

if you can't beat em, pay em.

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


....look at MS. they pushed two PGR games in less time than GT5 is created, which means the hard work and concentration is put into GT games and not to make effing $$$ even thoguh they do.

warhawk did not get bad reviews, heck, nobody can review it properly yet because its not even released to the public yet.

and you do realize half the games on the 360 aren't even next gen. seriously, PDZ, kameo? viva pinata? burnout revenge? FF11 come on se...

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

resistance players buy warhawk
ps3 fanbase buys warhawk

warhawk is going to be the best selling ps3 game this year, everybody is getting it

6238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know everybody with resistance is getting this game.

im sure it'll sell millions of copies, its probably the most anticipated game this month for the ps3, plus it comes with a headset which a lot of ppl need

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this demo alone could sell thousands this holiday in europe and australia.

mind you gran turismo is the best selling gaming franchise in europe next to PES and singstar.

6239d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok sure lair got bad reviews and heavenly sword got OK reviews.

but seriously, how the frickin hell do you guys come up that warhawk got bad reviews? HOW THE HELL DO YOU REVIEW AN ONLINE ONLY GAME WHEN THE GAME HASNT BEEN RELEASED YET.

idiots. im going to assume PGR4, Lost odyssey, mass effect will all flop. oh yea, blue dragon did already.

6239d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MGO looks interesting. it could add a lot of new elements and team cooperation to win battles online. this doesnt look like your typical fragmatch, it looks very team based, communication and coordinated game

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

whatever it looks pretty and it'll sell consoles.
just play one cutscene in ebgames or something and tons of ppl will buy ps3s. they dont care how it plays or crap, it looks nice, they wont one, they get one for christmas.

case closed

6239d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually, about the whole europe sales deal.

isn't GT5 prologue coming on PS3 for free? if they release it in europe before christmas, that single free PSN download could shift the minds of thousands of people in europe.

i mean, its the best graphics ever made in any console game. and its in the most popular franchise in the world too

6239d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol GT5 has double that.

oh damn everybody said it already

6240d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

even if the 360 gets a lot of base this christmas ps3 will catch up by next year.

but sony seriously needs to play their cards right with the pricing and games. the price is way too high and they should focus on dropping it down to at least 399 by next year. If the Ps3 and 360 were at the same price, there would be no next gen war. it was sony's fault they came in so late this time around.

6240d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

AI needs work, other than that it looks really satisfying to shoot the helghast.

and satisfaction is key to success :D

6240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imagine playing a WII on that!!!

oh wait.


6240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh well the only games i really were gonna buy were

ratchet and clank

from trusted companies. these new exclusives have a chance of wooing fans into buying a ps3 but when 08 comes in, ps3s will be flying off shelves for MGS4 and GT5. trust me on that

6240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT haters? come on out and say no damage now.

6240d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

6 for heavenly sword makes no sense, seems more like a 7 or 8

bioshock and warhawk are unexpected. 8 is a decent score for both because they're both amazing games in their own rights

6241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

exclusives are coming for sony as much as they are for microsoft. warhawk, heavenly sword, ratchet, uncharted are all great games due this holiday.

however, the biggest exclusives for ps3 and any console will come next year in 08 and its a fact. mgs4, kz2, gt5, tekken 6, gow 3, sequel to resistance and motorstorm? white knight story, possibly ff13 and more are ALL coming to ps3 in 08.

what the exclusives this year to ps3 are to 360
is what exclusives to 3...

6241d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

beginning of 08 will see ps3 dominance. til then, 360 and wii wil be selling a lot more than the ps3, but hey, this was how the ps2 started out.

6241d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment