CRank: 5Score: 16860

theres a lot of possibility with natal but what did they show? the paint demo? ricochet? cause all that edited advertisement stuff is just that,the fact that they only got the original burnout running on natal has me thinking, what about paradise?

5555d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

it could be added later

day/night stages - shouldnt be too hard, but

weather effects - if done right, should require a new type of physics engine that has yet to be seen in any forza

rally racing - can't be WRC but can still be rally, would require both new stages, new physics engine, and new cars

5556d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its ok that you have to dig for this, has it been confirmed that this is how GT5 will play?

cause GT5 has already confirmed weather, day/night, and rally racing

5556d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

its good to know that you "lol" at us ps3/gt people cause we lol right back

btw, "dont need" or "cant have?" which is it?

5556d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

theyre not going to cut anything out, theyre just going to keep adding cars with downloadable content

5556d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its ok people, im sure turn 10 wont let their highly touted research based weather/tire physics go to waste, im certain theyll have weather in their next game

5556d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

so lemme get this straight cause im no tech guy, but they had extra graphics memory left over? and they didnt continue to make the graphics better?

instead they "put in some audio bits" or something like that???

5557d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

stop with these

5558d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow, isnt that interesting, nevermind that windows media center only has 5 selections that lead to different windows explorer type menus, you sure youre not reaching for stars on that one?

NXE is definitely a ripoff of the xmb, its the xmb rotated sideways, they should have just stuck with their panels

5558d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

its funny, ive always thought of the nxe as a sideways xmb, but M$ fanboys will deny that to the death

its good to hear him talk about cross game chat and to know that theyre actually working on it, it sucks that they wasted a question on memory cards when they could have asked about some kind of operating based party system

5558d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

theres a lot of people on this board who are whining for GT5 and cricizing PD for taking five years (M$ fanboys) but if u have listened to their interviews, theyve spent a lot of time working on GT psp in order to provide the full GT experience - which is very crucial to the RElaunch of the psp

he's talked before about there were a lot days they didnt even work on GT5

im ok waiting on gt5 though, that extra polish is what i pay for

5559d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

why dont we just give this guy praise for not rehashing and whoring off the same franchises over and over again and keeping the same gameplay over and over again

here's a guy willing to take chances on new IPs and gameplay, im sure he could easily made ico2 and 3 and SOTC 2 and 3 and maybe later last guardian 2 and 3

5559d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

the cross platform play is already in place, they demoed it at E3 09

the reason its still up in the air is because of the disadvantages that players with controls on ps3 will have against players using kb/m on pc who will no doubt have the advantage when it comes to accuracy

5559d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

seriously jib?

u need to head on over to beyond3d so they can explain to u how bullshots work, what youre going to play on your 360 is not going have anywhere near the amount of detail of the his res forza bullshot i posted, that bullshot has TWICE as many pixes as 1280x720

unless your xbox outputs 2560x1440, youre gonna be in for a surprise

5562d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment


if youre talking about the 2nd picture, im sure the grass and the road have plenty of detail - but its the way that its actually lit that makes it look unrealistic, its like the car and the environments are lit two different ways, the lighting looks off to me - the car has tons lighting and reflections but the road and grass do not have as much lighting

maybe its just me but in this "shot" of gt prologue, u can see that the cars have a similar amount ...

5562d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

BOTH SIDES, polyphony and turn 10 use bulletshots

the description on the main forza site says click for 1280x720


notice something wrong with that description?

and dont bother talking about "resizing the image" - the actual game isnt going to look like that...

5562d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

ill give them plenty of credit on the cars cause those look realistic

but thats not what im talking about, im talking about the environment, something looks off on it which makes it look unrealistic and when u combine the unrealistic look of the environment with the realistic looking cars - something looks off


yeah, the more i think about it, the ps-eye wont be able to detect objects on the z-axis without the ball + the possible magnets that are inside

but what richard marks talks about in multiple videos is that one of the reasons the psEye is so accurate is because it knows the exact physical dimensions of that ball (diameter) so maybe the eye can measure the dimensions of ordinary-objects + recognize the ordinary-objects color so that dimension+color = 3d orientation, maybe im just ...

5562d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are getting the whole idea of this patent wrong, what sony's patent does is it recognizes objects in people's hands and allows them to scan those objects (possibly graphically) into their games for use - the important thing is that the scanning of the object allows for the player to hold the object and maneuver it in ways that the eyetoy can detect IN 3D, 3D ORIENTATION


5562d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment