CRank: 5Score: 16860

maybe not a mistranslation but just an error on the years and a misinterpretation of that

GT5 was originally scheduled to release in Mar 2010 in japan, isnt that Q4 of sony's fiscal year? isnt that what theyre talking about, Q4? sounds to me like they meant 2009 fiscal year which we all believed GT5 would release until the unexpected delay on the website

we all know that gt5 was delayed from Q4 which explains the undershot of 20 billion yen, i doubt they forecast ...

5345d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he also stated 31 million

peter dille was wrong


peter dille was interviewed feb 3, 2010 - where he claimed 31 million

xbox numbers from DEC indicated ~38.5, Ballmer announced 39 on Jan 7, 2010

5346d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

they had a hard enough time getting the ps3 version to do 60fps, good luck for them to try and get 1280x720 at 120fps

5350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not funny seeing as how the actual owner is dead

but i wouldnt expect much from someone who plays on xbox live

5350d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

not use the unreal 3 engine?

5351d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

how does that quote have anything to do with twisted metal? or even the word twisted

5354d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

they said the main reason they couldnt get Haze to shine was because they couldnt develop a good enough engine platform for the ps3, ie their fault, but theyre not designing an engine this time

theyre using cryengine 3, not only that but they have the full backing and support of crytek, especially seeing as how theyre name isnt free radical anymore, its crytek UK

5354d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought i read that dice is only doing the MP which uses frostbite

wouldnt that mean that EA-LA is doing SP and using UE3

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why cant they just use frostbite for both

id rather not see UE3 on console games, specifically PS3

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i remember the video with the 4 monitors where he was trying to edit a level in real time, when he confirmed the changes for both, the ps3 version updated instantly and im not sure if the 360 version ever made it... heh

as for their engine allowing the ps3 to perform at a top level, hopefully it does because im sure Crystal Tools is already doing it with FF13

5359d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i expect crysis 2 on 360 to look better than killzone 2

killzone 2 will be 2 years old by march 2011

are there people that dont expect crysis 2 on 360 to look better than killzone 2? if there arent than i dont get what the big deal is

5359d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

blatant disrespect by sony?

maybe indie developers like interversion should stick to xbox live and XNA

theyre pretty much saying to sony "let us put our unmarketable game on PSN so that buyers have options"

thats not how it is with sony, they want to be able to market your product if it goes on PSN and in order for that to happen - your product has to be marketable which obviously theirs arent

5359d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

dont believe anyone, its all PR nonsense

5359d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

he's probably mad because sony isnt giving him the fat princess treatment

5359d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

of course it will look better than killzone 2

by march 2011 killzone 2 will already be 2 years old, and thats if they make it out by march 2011

i love how you guys are making it sound like the graphical barrier for consoles should have ended with killzone 2 for the rest of this console generation back in february 2009 and that any games from here on out that look better on 360 automatically defuses the notion that ps3 has more graphical power

5359d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

of course it will compete with killzone 2

if we assume that crysis 2 comes out on consoles mar 2011 (which is still up in the air) then killzone 2 will already be 2 years old by then

5359d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

what do you expect from 3rd party multi-platform games

5359d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont know if i get the point of this

sling box isnt a dvr is it? because if its not, why would i want to stream my home cable-tv to something thats also in my home (my ps3)

5360d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

do they have 900 players up and running on xbox 360 or do they have "the technology" and specifically 900 players running on PC while telling you that its "available" for xbox 360 because theres a difference, because right now i see nothing that indicates that its actually up and running on xbox 360

what zipper has developed is real, it exists on consoles, and is on sale for ps3

5360d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so wheres your notion of no heavy duty processing coming from? because i havent seen it, sounds to me like theres tons of work being done on CPU

edit - yeah on graphics cards, how many CPUs are doing it?

edit 2 - the reason most of the game is running on CPU is because the game is designed all around the interaction between the servers and the Cell, they talked about it in the link i posted, with such large environments and a large number of players online, everythi...

5360d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment