
CRank: 5Score: 38960

Those games on consoles do process some of the best graphics seen on consoles. Stop trolling

4817d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

These "new" GPU's will be running on 28nm die size. It will be almost the same architecture as the 6xxx series just on a smaller die size which AMD can increase clock speeds and reduce heat dissipation and add in a few new features.
You do not need this GPU to run new games. It's an option for hard core PC gamers that need new tech every 6 months.
It's an OPTION, unlike what you get with CONSOLE GAMING.
Stuck with 5+ year old technology and no way...

4817d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

too expensive and the 3DSXL just came out recently.

4818d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Here we go again...

"If you're really going to sustain technology for a decade, you have to be cutting edge when you launch a platform,"

Well to be honest:
NONE of these consoles were cutting edge at launch nor are they even remotely cutting edge now...the reason more and more developers are coming out of the woodwork stating they want to see new console hardware....and this will just get worse when games like BF3, Witcher 2 and so on co...

4818d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

The Unreal 3 engine is very versatile.

4818d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quality wise Bad Company was far better than Black Ops.
The problem is teens are addicted to COD Franchise like a $2 dollar crack whore.

4819d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


Well GOD of War 3 has a fixed camera protocol. Scripted Destruction. It does not process a almost fully destructible environment like what the Frostbite 2.0 engine deploys and BF3 uses.
No real Time lighting, HDR or otherwise.
No Real Time Global Illumination.
No use of Real-time Radiosity.
Does not have Real-time Approximated Subsurface Scattering...and there are many more graphic effects BF3 supports that the GOD3 engine does not...

4819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What game EVER lives up to the hype?
Saying that, all EA and DICE have to do is make the game slightly more improved than BF:BC2 and hype is met

4819d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Console owners pay a $300-$600 price tag when a new console system is released. The system becomes cheaper as time passes...Cheaper than building or buying a gaming PC.....
HOWEVER when you factor in EXTRA console COSTS:

1) PAYING for online.

2) PAYING $10-$15 more for the SAME MULTI-PLATFORM GAME(that is inferior 99% of the time to the PC version on top of that)

3) PAYING for accessories for your console that once again cost 50%+ mor...

4819d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amen brother. Could not have said it better. Bubbles

4819d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Therapist" works at Fox News...

4819d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very slick made trailer.

4819d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this handheld is price comparative to the 3Ds Nintendo is in for a tough ride this generation for handhelds.
Never say never. No one thought Atari would fall or Nintendo after the crash of 84' would take over console gaming for so long...Then to see an upstart company in gaming take over and dominant for two generations (Sony)....then to fall behind Nintendo And MS this generation.
So like I said. Never say never. Things change...
If Sony can actually bite the ...

4819d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

We already have these kind of consoles as yewles1 mentioned.It's called PC's.
The reason consoles ARE CONSOLES is for the fact that its closed architecture for better or for worse.
Upgradeable consoles would fail because there would be no point in buying this OVER a PC.

4820d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Irony is even a former Sony Executive said he would be surprised if the next consoles would be running optical media.

"Phil Harrison told Wired that he would be "amazed if the PS4 has a physical disk drive." In fairness, Harrison was talking about the emergence of electronic distribution (something Sony's mastermind Ken Kutaragi has championed previously), but that doesn't change the back-handed slap to the Blu-ray format."


4820d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


4820d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

I bought Crysis 2 for my PS3 to see how well Crytek made the game. For a console game I was impressed. Crytek managing to put all those effects in real time on these consoles was impressive.

I finally got the game for the PC last week. I am slightly disappointed from a PC gamer standpoint in comparison to Crysis Warhead and Crysis. Certain details are missing compared to the original.
However saying that, anyone on this site saying KZ3/God3/Uncharted 2/Gears2 looks be...

4820d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is this any surprise that these aging consoles will run BF3 in lower detail, lower effects and so on?
Come on people. 5 year old hardware with 512 megs of memory and bandwidth for an entire console system half the size of a 3 year old GPU.
BF3 won't eevn look close to the PC version in many areas

4820d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 for the PC was a let down because Crytek made comprises so it could run on consoles. Still a greta game, but it could have been better of not for consolitus LOL

4821d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

All of the lighting and shadow effects are done in real time in Crysis 2 in that environment.

The use of Eye adaptation and High Dynamic Range Lighting is done in real time.
Real time dynamic global illumination is also used in conjunction with this. How many console games do this? Very few if none right now.
Natural Lighting and Dynamic Soft Shadows in real time working together with other rel time lighting as mentioned before.
Subsurface scattering i...

4821d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment