CRank: 5Score: 8210

Look at the "Special Achievements" video. There are almost no PS3 games Nominated! WTF?!?

They had nominees for "Best Graphics Artistic" Where is Heavenly Sword, R&C and Uncharted, they should be right up there with Mario Galaxy, Assassins Creed and Bioshock! WTF!

GS could have just put them in the nominees and if they don't like Sony they don't have to select one of their games for the winner of that type of award.

At leas...

6120d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats crazy talk dude!

GC didn't even last and didn't compete with PS2.
End of story.

Now, the Wii is totally lame, I'm tired of the old looking graphics that it has and want something new. The PS3 and 360 are the real consoles to own.

But really! My PSP graphics look way better than most of the Wii's top games. (SyphonFilter Logans Shadow, anyone)?

Basically the Wii should die down in 2008. Why would any gamer want that sam...

6121d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was the HD-DVD people that hacked in there, they are losing.

No more movies to stack up against BR titles and the $99.99 Toshiba players are not making a difference in the ratio margin.

WB has to see this as a last attempt by HD-DVD. Therefore they should join BR.

WB wake the h3ll up! HD-DVD group or loyalists just hacked the BR site, meaning they are losing, so they do everything "SLIMY" as possible!

This shouldn't be a...

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But lets see, RIGHT NOW BR can't be stopped!

The things I am mentioning are the truth about HD-DVD. "They" are the ones who bring in those fake numbers and shine it all over the WEB.

Right now the BRD group can't be putting out lies, they are winning so they have no reason to lie.

HD-DVD did this move to attract consumers to go HD-DVD!

anyways I'm done with this topic.

6122d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've also seen a "trend" LOL!

Whenever HD-DVD comes out with news and numbers that their doing better than BR or whatever, a day or two later BR comes out with the "REAL" numbers and facts.

BR always shuts down HD-DVD's "fake claims"! and they prove to the industry that their facts are alway right!

It's kind of what I said earlier about Transformers, BR saw the
"fake huge number" that HD-DVD claimed t...

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since when does HD-DVD outpace any BR titles? LMAO!

HD-DVD titles never sell better than BR versions.

BR is the leader in Hi-Def. 70%+ of the HD market!

But What hits do HD-DVD have besides Bourne, which is an exclusive title.

HD-DVD group are a bunch of C0cky folks.

6122d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

WB will attend conferences. WB shouldn't have to think about which format to go for, 300 sold better on BR and all WB movies sell better than HD-DVD versions.

WB can make this war end!

Just do it! go Blu!

6122d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

WB needs to join right now! They will sell more dvds on BR and get more money!

BR/Sony wins and WB wins. We all win!

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really! how do those Chinese folks feel about making knock-off products.?

It makes me sick to think that they are having so much fun with cheap rip-offs.

The world knows China is a big JOKE!
When will they be serious? Do they want to be serious?

Another "Self-mocking" from China.
It's pretty sad.

6123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Senseless comments like your makes me LMAO.

Hows this..

"too bad you can't put in a bigger hard drive in your 360 other than the ones provided by MS, you will need the extra space for content"

Also, Sony is might come out with a movie downloading service to, So keep talking smack!

Also, don't make a dumb comment like Sony is copying MS with the movie service.

Sony is a media giant, everything from A-Z, so it'...

6123d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

NOW this is the time WB needs to go Blu-Ray, Right now! or Jan 7th 2008.

I don't understand WB at all though. They said that if HD-DVD fails to make a difference from their losing point, then WB will talk BR/form a meeting!

Make that switch and end this Pissy war!

HD-DVD paid 150 mill and nothing happened, Toshiba introduced those cheap HD-DVD players for $99.99 and nothing happened.

Their three biggest movies aren't doing anything a...

6123d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't say anything about this article!

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

end of story.

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamespot says:--"Some occasional performance and lag issues"--OK.

"User-created content options not yet implemented"---What the F**k is this one? How can they put that in "The Bad"?

They can't use that excuse to lower the score. Epic Games said it will arrive, also why is GS so late to review this game?

They review it after Epic Games said that the User content will arrive.
So Gamespot should erase that.

6124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

GS what are they doing?

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its been 1.52 million since the beginning of November, it should be around 1.80-2 mill. Change that $hit!

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That game was the 360's last hope to sell big units in Japan, but failed to do so.

Never again will 360 be mentioned in Japan. The doors are now slammed shut on MoneySoft.

The only two that exist is Nintendo and Sony.

6125d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

So it was "ok" for all those articles from this year to be BIASED against PS3?


6127d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and with all those PS3 commercials taking over all the channels and the Soccer games, Sony is doing almost "beyond" great.

I've been watching those Soccer games on sports net and this morning it was Arsenal vs Chelsea and I've noticed those cool digital billboards
showing the PLAYSTATION 3 on it.

Sony is here to stay, Europe is where its at.

08 "IS" Sony's year!

6127d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The funny thing is that BR players are still more expensive than HD-DVD players. I thought I heard people saying that who buys BR players and BR discs.

BR will be unstoppable, starting from tomorrow (Monday) and all the way to Christmas day (Tuesday) and new years and forever. LOL

Also, with PS3 already at 7 point something million, expect around a total of 11-12 million to finish off its first year which is pretty insane considering "It had no games" a...

6127d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment