CRank: 5Score: 8210

Good news for PS3 adopters.

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WB should just come over right now. Whats with the wait?, they said if BR is doing extremely good they will "talk" BR.

So stop waiting/stalling this format war WB.

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The boycott article said that 1up kept on talking about the PS3's issues in the game.

So, 1up should make a podcast talking about EA's crap dev team when
making ports to PS3.

Something like this..
"When it comes to the PS3 ports/actually working on PS3,why does EA have problems"? "Why do they constantly screw over Sony"?

But they will never do that because they(1up, Valve and EA) are trying to get other devs t...

6051d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

EA is pretty much garbage, its OFFICIAL!

So I will say **ck Valve and the "dead man walking" Gabe.

Half-Life isn't close to the hype for UT3, So this means Half-Life doesn't even exist.

UT3 for me.

6051d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't go browsing Google and start downloading Themes from an unknown site, because some of them could mess up your PS3.

Remote play is amazing. Just imagine going on vacation, you can access HOME from the PS3 and the content thats in your system.

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They ***k around too much and its disgusting that they try so hard to make bootleg products and are happy about it.

They're not even close to Japans level. They want to be so much like Japan.

What kind of mentality do they have? Its sickening.

6051d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gabe Newell is a Big **ck Head. If I catch him, Flat-line------

So EA did the port for PS3 and Valve worked on the PC and 360 versions?

How can anyone in the gaming industry get away with this CRAP?!? WTBFH!
and how can ANYONE let EA ***k up Sony again?

I'm not a big fan of Half-Life anyways.
(I've never played any Half-Life games ever)

But seriously, this has to stop right now!

6052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't even mention 360 in hear, it doesn't exists

The Wii is a fad but it will sell like crazy because of its cheap price.

The PS3 will sell like crazy because of its price cut and the AAA titles coming out.

PS3 and Nintendo are clashing head on with each other. Wait till the Japanese Monster game comes out, MGS4.

6052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You fools say desperate? LMFAO to all you.

Brilliantly mocking of the HD-DVD format, and its done beautifully well!

BRD owns a huge chunk of the HD market and they have Major Electronic and studio backings.

BR is the future.
Lets see who owns this Christmas.

Bring on the war!

6053d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


6053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony games will NEVER get a 9.0 or or higher from GS because GS is Biased.

Now lets wait and see what they give MGS4, GT5, UT3, HAZE, GOW3 and FF13.

So far, every single exclusive game Sony puts out, gets bashed by GS.

Those games have only been work on for hours and hours and devs sacrificing time spent with loved ones and friends, to put out top notch high production, movie like graphical games.....

But for what? having a Fake Game...

6053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here I go now.

GS said that the enemy is too hard, yet if it were too easy they would complain.

Platforming elements are too forgiving!?!
If it were hard to get around then they will complain and say...
"I wish it was easy to play".

So the cycle would go round and round repeating itself over and over.

I thought GS likes difficult AI/a challenge, but only on Xbox360.

I've said this before... <...

6053d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been saying this forever now...

PS3 had no games and it was so expensive, until now, yet its still on par with 360's first year.

It will get even better soon, with more highly anticipated titles coming this year and in 08.

Sony could reach 7.8mill, almost 8mill this Christmas.

6053d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

8.5 is not good enough.

What is now left for 360?

I'm starting to like GS now.

I take that back.

6053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Japanese citizens- "What is MS and what is 360"???

Its PS3's turn.

I thought people were saying that 360 will keep up with PS3 in Japan

The Wii is expected to fall because look at the games!?! (LMAO Quality)

6054d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

9.1 from IGN and thats all that matters.

6054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who gives a flying ***k about what HD-DVD has.

BRD is winning.

6055d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

WB can end this war fast.

HD-DVD camp had their chance with Transformers and the cheap Toshiba players for $99.00. But they blew it. They never surpassed BR yet.

WB could come to BR and stop trying to be neutral. If they're tired of this format war then why not end it by going BR.

Their crazy if they don't go BR and still play neutral.

6056d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 is like a Honda, you can do engine swaps so easily. 360 cant do that.

So, You lose! CyberCentipede gets owned by everyone hear. LOL.

6059d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

BRD version of 300 was the better seller. BRD sales CONTINUE to demolish HD-DVD disc sales as we speak, so WB will be looking at the better format.

Toshiba's price cuts/clearance and the Transformers movie STILL didn't make a dent on the BRD force.

If Paramount stayed neutral/both sides they would see that their movies were selling better on BR than HD-DVD. They know BRD right now is the winning format and the sales of both discs and Units are showing.

6059d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment