CRank: 5Score: 8210

you just sit in your house all day and download movies, instead of walking to your local video rental store or if your close to a Wal-Mart you can walk and get exercise.

So what happens to the stores that sell movies? Futureshop, Bestbuy, Blockbuster HMV Music World, etc etc.

DLC equals to more slobish Americans and then there will be news on CNN talking about DLC is making slobs into ultra slobs!

Physical Media is not going anywhere, Music stores ...

6105d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That would make no sense at all.

WB saw their movies selling way better on BR and so they've made the switch.

Paramount would stay neutral and then go BR within months.

Its showing that HD-DVD is screwed and Paramount is screwed no titles announce at CES 2008 and news about jumping ship.

They don't know who they are and what their doing, kind of like an identity crises (Gamespots biased R&C review)

HD-DVD is messed...

6105d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

When they lose a lot of consumers and money they will switch over.

Parents will have BR players playing Disney movies non stop.

There are changing minds behind closed doors, I can picture a scene in my head where Paramount workers are looking at each other in confusion.

"What are we going to do now"? "Stay on the sinking ship or get real money and live by joining Blu-ray"?

6105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Paramount joins BR then Sony could concentrate 110% more on PS3 and give the gaming world, "once again", their vicious gaming marketing skills/games back.

6106d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"IF" Paramount does go Blu its shut up shop for HD-DVD.

Expect BR to own 95% or so in the HD market once Paramount has joined.

The fight keeps getting better and better!

BR all the way!

Paramount join now!

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Paramount has finally opened their eyes and took the sound canceling headphones off.

Just Do it!

You see though, Warner Bros has just made a huge impact on the Hi-def market, Newline followed and now Paramount talks BR!

Like I've said in other comments, Sony and BR own 2008!

Go Blu Paramount, go Blu!

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Paramount must be itching to go over to Blu-ray.

Their saying:

"Let this 18 month deal end fast, lets make some real money by going over to Blu-ray"

But Sony knows they've won, they are just doing what everyone on this planet does, their over doing the "victory" talk, which is ok.

Price cuts from BR will destroy HD-DVD for sure. WOW, thats all thats left for Blu-ray to do. Cut prices!

BR and Sony o...

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meaning they will have a short life span.

Oh well lets just sit back and see what happens this year!

6106d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't know why it was canned. It could be because of Warner and Newline going Blu.

It is obvious though, HD-DVD(360) was canned because only two remaining studios support it.

Toshiba screwed up and Paramount got smacked around like a dummy lol.

Its funny how news about "WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED" in the HD market if.....You know what I mean?!?

BR won, Paramount got played and after the 18 month deal they WILL go Blu!

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2008 so far from what I heard and read: Warner Bros followed by Newline Cinema (little brother following big brother)lol

BR has 80 something percent of the Hi-Def market, a great lineup of Promising games, the option of swapping in any size of Hard drive, a not rushed gaming library, aka 360.

BR smashed out Toshiba at CES and the Toshiba person had no words to say, basically speechless.

Apple and BR are now friends leaving Toshiba in mass panic. ...

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats funny is that a lot of HD-DVD fanboys think that BR paid off Warner to go exclusive.

Yet, Warner has stated many times that if HD-DVD does not make a big impact on the Hi-def market then they(Warner) will consider going Blu-ray.

BD is the future end of story!

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was watching the New Hampshire debates on CNN and on the bottom of the screen I saw news that warner went BR and PS3 made 1.2mill.

Two studios left for Toshiba and then its bye bye!

go ahead and drop prices to $50 for Toshiba players, what good is it if there are no movies for kids and no movies all together!

BR all day!

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Warner with BR and PSP updates and the PS3 and the OLED TV, DAMN!

6106d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only two MAJOR studios remains for HD-DVD. and they say HD-DVD is not dead?!?! WTF! thats P1ssy BS talk!

read this: But Ozaka was AT A LOSS to say what Toshiba planned to do next after the decision by Time Warner Inc's

read this: Toshiba, the main backer of the HD DVD format, defended the technology on Sunday after the HD DVD consortium, a group of companies of which it is a part, CANCELED plans to hold its own press conference at the Las Vegas trade show, the in...

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Price cuts failed, Transformers was supposed to be the turning point for HD-DVD, but failed.

What is HD-DVD? never heard of them!?!

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is amazing! WB and then Newline cinema following!

BR has won this war!

Hell, Toshiba can reduce their HD-DVD prices to $20 and the the HD industry won't budge because there are no and will be no good movies out.

I like when it it said "Newline Cinema follow Warner to go Blu", under the related post section.

You see, thanks to Warner, BR gets Newline cinema as a bonus!

Paramount should say good buy now fo...

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BR has won!

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

More than the PS3, probably around $200-$280 more.

Early adopters will get screwed over.

MS is trying so hard to win!

its showing! why release another console when the current 360's are doing well?

they know they could lose the console war again, thats why!

Also, the HD-DVD can't be used for games, they know their console isn't future-proof, it hasn't been a week yet and all these rumors keep piling up from the 360 ban...

6110d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

BR will gain more popularity. There are a lot of shows that have the Apple iBook/ laptop computer and I can see some shows talking about BR on their Apple computers.

BR is closing in for the K1ll!

6110d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If UT3 or Uncharted isn't up for a nominee for any awards for this year (2007) then how will they be mentioned next year?

Will GS just forget them?

I don't understand how this awards thing is addressed, how can you put UT3 or any other game from this year in the nominees section, that can be brought up in the 2008 awards?

Can those games be up for nominee for 2008?

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment