CRank: 5Score: 8170

end of story

5955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am now going to apologize to all the cactus's i insulted,he who must not b named isnt as smart as them, in fact, i doubt hes as smart as...A DOORKNOB!!!!

5957d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Windows mobile phones are freakin awesome! The things are so customizable, fun to play with, and extremely productive (well, ones liek the HTC Mogul/Wing with the nice qwerty keyboard anyway). Next year, windows mobile 7 will be released as a diret atttack on the iphone, and it is shaping up to be a real hit, (just as long as they don eff it up -- microsoft, do this right, uv always done well with mobile, keep it up!!) there is a msft dev blog on windows mobile 7, and its lookin pretty sweet,...

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"the ps3 could totally pwn this thing!!!"

5957d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but personally, one side of me kinda thinks he deserved t get that stuff from a would-be killer that he turned in...

5957d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lotta games are upscaled from 1080i to 1080p, which is actually not difficult, the results are just bout as good, since the frames in interlaced format are made up of 2 different pics(one consisting of all even lines, the other of all odd lines, of two different pics, one from 1/60th of a second, the other of the next 60th of a second, like shutter speeds to camcorders), progressive frames are just from one pic, both even and odd lines are generated at once. So basically, when 1080i is upscal...

5964d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

but who cares, halo sucks anyway.

5964d ago 26 agree5 disagreeView comment

Are you really stupid enough to think that a bluray drive wouldnt generate loads of interest?! The reason so many of us 360 owners didn't get the hddvd addon was cus we all knew it was dead b4 it hit the market, cus of the lack of studio support that toshiba was too lazy and arrogant to get (just sitting around on their butts eating donuts and drinking coffee or watever, waitning around for ppl to come in saying they wanna support hddvd, while sony was off making irresistable offers to get su...

5964d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No more unrealistic crap with one chainsaw user being able to take down the other when both had em revving, and hoping the game rolls the dice in their favor, that was so unrealistic. In the real world, they would clash and probably jam or something. The other thing they need to do is make the chainsaw clash with or cut through whatever other gun the opponents try to melee with, rather than them always lowering and screwing over the chainsaw, which is also pathetically unrealistic.

5965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wondered if they were gonna pump up the gfx a what about PD??

5966d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Finally, the end of the most stupid product war of all time!! Congrats Sony! Toshiba, maybe this'll be a lesson to you to actually take initiative in rallying support for your products rather than sitting on your lazy butts waiting for someone to walk in and express interest!!

5969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 is worth buying just as much as the ps3, quit buying into the bs rumors blowing the 360's issues way out of proportion, its just the same metyhod used to kill the Dreamcast: lie, blackmail stores, etc. as revealed in the article "What Really Happened to the Dreamcast?" - it's on the very last page of the Gaming section here on n4g, take a look, but 360 fanboys should keep in mind microsoft uses such dirty tactics even more.

5995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He'll just say "Well ps3 can render maps 538409345884979485894750948540 98x the size of earth, ps3 pwns pc all the way!" lol, that'll be hilarious.

But really, that is freakin awesome stuff!

6003d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dell...psh...DELL?! They are by far the worst computers ever, freakin garbage, lol!

"look at hps, dells and imac desktops in that $900 price range, they suck balls for gaming and are considered average computers, now if u want an average good performing dual core vista home machine, u would be spending the same or even way more"

Actually, believe it or not, you can get an hp quad-core desktop for 800$ (maybe less now) and nVidia 8600GT (ya, I k...

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe my field of thought is based on the fact there are plenty of computers in my house already, 2 of which are capable of hardcore gaming, we dont need more computers in the house. I also have 3 decent sized tvs for 4plyer splitscreen. Keep in mind this I'd really only do if I were some rich wacko (which I'm not, lol) "$60 per game versus $20-$50 on pc, $50 per controller, cooler for the 360, paying $$ for online on each xbox, now who's the one wasting?" Slow down there, pal, game...

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...but at anywhere from 3-8x the cost of either consoles, is it really worth it? I don't think so. Put that kinda money in my hands, I'd get 3 ps3's and 3 x360s and load up on controllers and games for them and have some hardcore gaming parties rather than build a huge, menacing insane gaming machine only I can enjoy!!

6004d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't recommend upgrading a computer from xp to vista, that is more like a downgrade. I think the problems people have had are mainly from leftover software from a formerly xp-running machine conflicting with Vista, which is entirely microsofts fault. If you are to go with vista, only get it on a computer that is either A. preloaded with it or B. a computer with no OS installed yet.

My computers have been running Vista great, no crashes or anything, but one sports 2GB Ram, th...

6005d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

no thanks, why pay 2-3x the price of a highly functional pc for a mac? All we used last semester was quad-core macs at 2.4GHz, 4gb RAM an nVidia 8600GTS in a Graphics design course. My HP with same specs only 3gb ram and nvidia 8600GT actually renders effects faster than the macs, and it runs Vista for goodness sakes, macs are so overrated. I expected like 3x the performance of my pc from these macs cus wat so many mac fanatics try to lead you to believe (and were pretty successful at that ti...

6005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i rlly meant the graphics and physics of pdz sucked, but the weapons and mp were great, but coulda been so much better had the graphics and physics not been so miserable

6008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really, come on, screw Goldeneye, why settle for just Goldeneye when Perfect Dark is everything Goldeneye was and more? Besides, Rare completely owns the PD franchise (too bad PDZ sucked, but to just release th original on LIVE with online MP will easily make up for that for now).

6008d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment