CRank: 5Score: 8170

they're just liars that like to make ppl look bad

5896d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This site is a joke, I can't believe people on n4g are still stupid enough to post this crap, it always turns out completely opposite of reality.

5896d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

is consistency during transfer, once it begins transferring information, it's speed doesn't increase, nor decrease, it just remains the same, which is exactly what is needed for video capture. USB tends to speed up and slows down, which would mean sudden jumps and drops in the quality of captured video. USB is fine for everything else.

5898d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did this before from another program for my 360 back in 05, and it worked. I had to fill out 10 offers, 2 on page 1, 2on page 2, 6 on page 3, and that was it. I'm filling one out from another branch of the same one as before, but this time for a 360 elite + a $150 gift card to Bestbuy, for the same number of offers and all.

5899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You said it!

5907d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, if you were around on forums last gen, you'd find that the really bad bashing started 1 came out and ps2 fanboys would immediately attack xbox fans whoe werent even faanboys yet, telling them they were worthless trash just for simply giving the xbox a try.

I remember, senior year, my younger brother's friend being cruelly tormented for choosing an xbox. My bro and I were in the ps2 camp, but we thought the xbox was pretty cool too, so when my brother gave i...

5907d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've seen things like this happen on both sides of this, on this very site, so don't go trying to deny that sony fanboys ever defend what sony screws up on either, cus time and again, they have, just as xbox fanboys do. Now before you try to call me a hypocrite, lemme just make one thing clear, I give all consoles a fair shot, and none of them fail to make me happy. I have had great experiences on each console-primarily on 360 and ps3, wii is cool, but has a terrible lack of hardcore games as...

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just what is all the fuss about?!

5907d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Which I don't expect ever to come to an end!

"You just dont get lag on the dedicated servers on ps3 so why should you have to pay for a lagy online service on 360"

Mhmm, right, did the thought that some people have bad connections ever occur to you? Didn't thikso, that's where your lag is coming from, but then again, I doubt you've ever even touched LIVE. some lag in completely unavoidable, no matter where you go, cus all connections get interference, and ...

5908d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

but I know that on LIVE, I've certainly had experience worth paying $50 a yr for...

5908d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

LIVE is completely worth the money as it guaruntees security and fund the providers with the means to keep it up and running and bring us more features to further reward us. LIVE is the only place where I've had no issues with hackers and will gladly pay to keep it that way. However, I have heard of there being some hackers OCCASIONALLY, but a bit more on psn and a LOT more on PC.

To put it simple, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Each console has its different combination of strengths...

5908d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

but still, if ppl have the options to put in elements from their favorite games, thats cool, maybe I'll be putting in elements from Gears of War, I'm a hardcore fan of that game, maybe I will like the system after all, we'll see. I'm just basing my opinion off of what they've shown us, which is CURRENTLY too much like the stupid ones from the wii.

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The addition of netflix, ability to install the full games to the hdd, etc, just totally made my day! My only beef with the update to LIVE is the stupid avatar system, looks so dumb, childish really, we were perfectly fine without it. Still, LIVE was already well worth the the price, now they're just giving us more bang for the buck, LIVE is still the best online service out there.

5908d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

and make 360, pc, and ps3 games crossplatform playable online...thatd be freakin awesome!

5909d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's called MARKETING strategy, this is about money, and how you get it is by offering customers what they want. It's not about being honorable warriors of the medieval days, this is offering the same thing your competitor offers, but a better or more affordable version, or one with extras to make it an even more appealing deal. Get over the n00bish fanboyish "COPYCAT COPYCAT GEE-GEE-GOO-GOO-GAH-GAH" babytalk and just try and appreciate that at least if the competiors to your favori...

5914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the video footageon bluray is mpeg2hd, which is far larger in file size than microsofts wmvhd, which is impossible to tell apart from it with the naked eye. Microsofts compression techniques are surprisingly great at preserving identical quality. Though I hear the newest divx codecs are even better, still have yet to attempt some divx compression. It's just ironic that companies dont just make dvd players take divx or wmv as the standard file format for dvd instead of mpeg2 when ther...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many of us want it, and because of your incompetence, many of us will have to get freakin standalone players that take up a lotta room we may not have under our hdtv's...thought you were all about "choice"!! Well come on and prove it then!

Course, MS probly knows that even if they did make a player, theyd have to sell it at a major loss, and bluray disc sales would be benefitting sony = sony loses NOTHING on each 360 bluray player sold, but MS loses probly 100-200$, w...

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Things are really gettin ugly between the 2 titans now! If MS can manage to take Resistance or MGS4, I may not get a ps3 after all, and just get a bluray plaer since Sony did say a while back that this holiday season, there'll be some in the $100-$150 range...

People, even if this is by some chance a huge blow to the ps3, Sony isn't going anywhere, the company is so huge, innovative, and intelligent, they're here to stay! The war will be long between these 2 fierce competitors,...

5916d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

These upcoming HTC phones are completely unparalleled, sorry but the phones in this article are not impressive.

5972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Recently upgraded from the curse known as Vista to the trusty ol XP.
If MS screws up windows 7, I'm movin to a Mac.

Linux? nah, no programs I use are written for it, so it's pretty much useless to me. Don't even see anything special bout that OS anyway.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment