CRank: 5Score: 8170

I will be so happy!!

5889d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they're the same imbeciles that claimed the ps3 cell to be "slow and broken", "ps3 downgraded", etc. They are never right about anything.

5893d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


5894d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

thats understandable, bad

5898d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

+bubble 4 u both!!

"or something really crazy like a penguin flying around the world using a jet-pack and some duck-tape"

only thing is, u 4got, "anything that reinforces their hatred of rivaling consoles like, false hd resolution downgrade rumors and old repeated fake failures."

(some imbeciles took away bubbles cus i said i didnt like halo, isn't that pathetic?)

5898d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are these guys on drugs? since when does something that IMPROVES performance kill the computer? psh, imbeciles.

Well, guess I'll be gettin 2 o these beasts when they hit the 200$ range, in like, 3 yrs (hopefully)...

Anyone got the evga 790i ultra motherboard, running xp? I'm lookin into it for my gaming and hardcore video editing rig (do a lot of after effects and stuff, and also need the system ready to take on HD editing). this motherboard is the first one availabl...

5902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was just stating my opinion, wasn't attacking you or anyone else. If you think people should suffer for eternity or whatever cuz they gotta different opinion than you, don't even talk to me.

5902d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

never liked it in the first place, nothing special bout it at all.

5902d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

They need to fix it so all the people out there that are stuck with the cursed operating system aren't screwed over forever until they get new computers. I recently upgraded my quadcore 2.4ghs 4gb ram computer from Vista to XP, but not everyone has that option. Vista was making this computer act like it was on a single 800mhz core and 64mb of ram.

No company is perfect, they all have their good dev teams and bad teams. Microsoft has its good development teams and bad ones:

5906d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vista sucks, I've had it, microsoft had it working pretty decently months ago and then recently it starts lagging my quadcore 4gb ram machine like its on 32mb ram. I UPGRADED it to XP!!!!!!!

The only thing Vista has to offer over any operating system is unmatched security, but if that means an extreme drop in perfromance, it's not worth it, least not to me.

Performancewise, Vista is pathetic, end of story, that's it, goodbye, THE END!!!

5919d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

for now...until Vista is perfected--if it ever is...but since its still retained huge issues far longer than XP di, I have my doubts...

5930d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, come on, they're not like, some inferior forms of life, it's really no different than them trying to tell certain races not to use google. Yes, there is risk involved that perhaps the kids might stumble upon porn, but really, google is by far the best search engine for class projects and such, most other search engines just plain suck.

Oh, and why shouldn't they be able to google their own name? There may be sites that unbeknownst to them have pictures or something of t...

5931d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


5932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But Id feel better bout it if we could use a massive flash card, since flash is much more reliable...

5938d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for as long as hdd's can just die off, theres no way most of us are going to digital downloads, takes too freakin long anyway, will people just shut up as stop bringing in all these stupid articles of the same old "digital downloads is gonn kill bluray" crap, anyone who believes that is completely out of their mind!

5942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

but lately FF has gotten laggy, (update mess up perhaps?) idk, anyway, been getting really agry, every few times i go to a new page or watever, it locks up for like, 10-30seconds, i click the window, it reads "not responding" for about 10 seconds, then it starts working again. so I tried out opera today, and to put it plain and simple, I love it! besides being just as fas as FF normally was, if not faster, it also sports some awesome features, check it out!

5942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude, just wait till june when the 16GB microSD cards hit the shelves, see who's laughing then, dude! lol!

BTW people, it's very easy to turn a windows mobile 6 pocket pc into an iphone, but with more features ;-)

Windows mobile 7 could blow the iphone away in interface, but I'm just concerned that since it'll be a totally new design and all, ms could royally screw up, but then again, it may all work out, they've never had a bad s crew up in windows mobile so far...

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, first off, all 3 consoles are selling really well, too well for any of them to be in danger of dying as the dreamcast did. Second of all, even if this be the golden year for the ps3, which I hope it is, that won't kill the 360 nor the wii, it just simply means the ps3 has more for it this year, (not that this is definite, but it's likely). The 360 still has great stuff coming this year too, so let's all just sit ack, relax and enjoy our freakin consoles, none of which are going to die u...

5942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

probly just a buncha punk fanboyz, any idiot can respond to a poll claiming whatver they want. Hell, anyone can become president for heavens sakes--Bush is living proof of that.

Just read "What ever happened to the dreamcast" on the very oldest page of the Gaming section of n4g, it explains in full detail the tactics used to kill the dreamcast, which are clearly only being repeated against the 360. All companies pull this crap on eachother, its the way of the world. I ...

5950d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I been with their phones for over 3 yrs...ppc6600, 6700, and now the mogul. WM6 has been great, so many mods out there for it to make it all the more finger-friendly like the iphone, but different in style n all. the slide out keyboard is brilliant as ever! Have you tried out pocketcm? its a fingerfriendly contact manager, the best, and its free! theres tons of stuff out there! Have you gotten any sweet mods?

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment