Pwnin' fools since 1981
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I suspect Ubi got caught with their pants down. They probably cancelled it but don't want the bad press due to the leak.

They'll quietly wait until its released on other consoles and the hype fads to the next big thing. Then theyll announce a cancellation on wiiu.

Just my thinking.

3788d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wonder if Japanese are informed enough concerning the NSA listening device that is xbone?

Certainly they are aware of most all cell phones and such have privacy issues too - but it's a different prospect with a device like kinect.

Not too mention that the data mined goes to US NSA/MS/Google etc.

It's important distinction...that I imagine most Japanese would rather their privacy issues be confined to their own country.

3788d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm not hating on watch dogs. But what is it bringing that has anyone truly excited?

Gta5 open world? "Hacking" mini games are new? Not annoying as fuk?

I was interested in the idea of unique individuals with their own lives and AI that you can interact with. But I suspect it's not going to be the ground breaking feature I'd wish for. It'll be hopefully better than other open world games though.

Driving going to be...

3788d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I won't be playing; until that $15 a month is scrapped! Or the $60 purchase is free.

This MMO is already dead due to the above.

3789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

let me tell you all a story - perhaps the greatest trading game story ever told!

2yrs ago a game I preordered (because I love fps) was MOH warfighter. (sequel)
I paid full price! However, EBgames/GameStop had a promotion - return it for a $1 less per day. They were also running an absurd trade 2 get it free. Back then the trade deal was min $8 game to qualify for trade 2.

I scoured the city looking for turds. I ended up trading in enough games for 6 M...

3793d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I won't touch this with sub+$60+Xbox live!
(Well I have ps4.....but still it's too much)

This game will be f2p in less than a year!

3793d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Figures that cod ghosts would finally do something cool when I've sold it and never buying season pass.

3793d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The real interesting thing here - how influential & console moving does one ip need to be for its sequel to outreach the greed of MS moneyhatting?

I'm not saying MS can't afford it. But MS can't afford it. Lol

The larger install base a year+ from now on PS4 is going to force EA to make some tough decisions.

3794d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ps+ - it makes the old gamer fear of nothing to play moot! Now I just gotta fit all these games in on a monthly 60gb limit!

Gotta love Canada's monopoling providers!

3795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will agree - xbone footage (or PC pretending) shows no destructibility. That's staggeringly odd in a game with walking tanks. You can get away with it in cod....just a little effects, smoke/dust is needed.

But mechs would leave crators, collapsed buildings and shatter ear drums! Imagine standing a foot away from a tank cannon firing! Yet audio seems very cod - loose and functional. But not bf4 quality.

The idea of titanfall is sexy! The current implem...

3797d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The ps3 price cut was a form of panic! It was priced ludicrously high at launch.

Anyways, MS recent year or so issues and reactions combined with a fairly radical redesign - a redesign that essentially resyncs MS new desire for DRM and abolishment of trading used games.

We better hope that this is a rumor. Or perhaps hope it is legit. One will kill xbone the other wont....go ahead a guess which?!

3797d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure many know this since I see some making assumptions that ds4 functions similar too ds3.

-the ds4 is standards andriod USB charge. I just plug it into my cellphone charger near outlet and keep playing - helps when I'm on a 14hr marathon session lol
-it's pretty easy to cover the blue light.
-there is a common issue with r1 or l1.....but oddly seems mostly r1 sticks after hours of use. It's easy to pop the button off and clean the mysteriou...

3797d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can get behind this philosophy.

3798d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just remember that many of you have been asking for yrs to strip sp from largely mp games. The theory is the game will be that much better for its focus on mp.

- what happens if this game gets 8/10 average from critics? Or even 9/10? Anything less than 10/10 means what?

Honestly it's 2014...if this is 1080p/60 on xbone (I'm not expecting 360 to meet those standards), that's just a little sad considering the limited amount of actual human players...

3798d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Been putting off remember me since its launch. Sweet!
Metro too!

Those who think PS+ trains gamersx to wait....don't understand gamers. Gamers want new releases dazy 1. The mp games community starts day 1. Games these days bank one 1-3 months sales, then reduce game for another 2 weeks sales. Then dlc pads the final sales.

6 months after launch the game is basicly retail paper weight.
PS+ gives fee to pubs to offer game free. Dlc spike. ...

3798d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

U fail harder than previous poster.
I personally know my locale ebgames district manager who gets metrics that were corporate eyes only.

MS isn't hurting..….but isn't selling through either. Believe it or not there keep track of every buyer of ps4 that buys xbone instead due to ps4 OOS.
So are going to do well in US....but that's it. And even that's not doing what MS wants.

3798d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Umm...u fail.
I have friends on all three consoles. Even my WiiU buds still defend it. But 3 bones and they all wish that had went ps4.

Some are tech heads. 1 is all about PS+ ...
None are rich enough to own both consoles.

3798d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theres a lot of bone buyers with buyers remorse...if Sony was morally void as MS I'd say offer $150 for xbone. I bet they'd have takers!

MS...your exactly as desperate as I knew you already were.

3798d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm little confused. I understand ninny has bank enough for ventures. But how is spending even the smallest portion of ninny on none gaming pursuits good? Good for gamers I mean? Do we honestly believe they will actually generate more money to invest back into gaming? Guess what...they have money! They don't invest in server farms or cloud or new updated to current standard hardware.

I fail to be impressed by this announcement.

3798d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Step back and read this info again. There's some info that may not be immediately apparent.

-devs asking for more power. I've never read this concerning 360. This tells me devs are indeed annoyed with struggling to match the other console. And it also illustrates that MS didn't bother to talk to least devs outside their bubble of yes men.

-much of this issue is likely dues to forced kinect & maintaining 3 OS's.

3801d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment