Pwnin' fools since 1981
CRank: 5Score: 51890

I thought this was already confirmed. Guess not.
I loved this game. In some ways it was a better experience than many AAA games.

Shocking that a game with minimal story actually had a better story than 90% of games.

3894d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It feels a little like their reeling from all the negative press and looking to former glory.

If your on top and everything is looking up roses and you announce sequels to great franchises you own. That's one thing.
If your hurting on a number of fronts, with sales less than direct competitor, have no titles that justify forced kinect, have a disproportionate leaning on third party money hatting.....

So yes this is both great news, a...

3895d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Here's what I think would be awesome.

Ninny stealth funds/buys Sega.
Sega comes out and targets Xbone with a new console!

Whether Sega becomes successful is irrelevant.
Ninny & Sony with Sega collapse MS xbone and force MS out of the market.

Now you'd think that's not good for gamers. Because competition is.

But, look at what MS has brought us:
-pay to play online
-money hatting...

3895d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

When you tout a unique feature that works in one country. And is fundamentally superficial. It's a lame duck.

Where's the kinect launch title that shows how amazing it is?

Where's the tv functionality in Europe? Canada?

If I sold you my new hugely advertised iPhone killer....and promised its touch screen functionality would only work on the US, initially. How sad would that be?

3895d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It had best 1st party. Not just "all the games"
That hasn't changed. Sony still destroys in 1st party & will have equal to xbone third party.

Launch exclusives are gambles. But make sense because MS/Sony need that initial boost.
Except Sony doesnt. It has its 1st party.

So as the plyr base accelerates a difference with Sony leading. Pubs cannot ignore.

MS is already done. Mostly because shareholders are s...

3895d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lest we forget - this company is so devoid of honesty it beggars disbelief.

If they told me the xbone was black I'd; at this point, question it!

I expect developers this gen to get creative in how they hide xbone failings. And MS will bleed money like crazy to incentive parity, create doubt through advertising, outright buy ips or publish them to legally lock them up.

Sony will keep doing what it's always done. Only this time they a...

3895d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo needs to do several things.
-restructure management. (Fire people!!! You know who.)
-decide on whether they really want to be in the home console business. If yes, up the R&D. If not ready Ninny on home consoles as a 3rd party.
-focus on handhelds. Possibly create their own cellphone? Yeah. That's how serious they need to be.

3895d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Without online infrastructure approaching MS/Soiny.... I fear games won't be enough.

Gaming has gone social for like 8yrs now!

3895d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ps4 gears. Lol

Meh. Unless its ps4/ps3 majority gamers won't care.
(Here's the math - since there are technically more Sony gamers. My statement is fact. So arguing is pointless)

3895d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

Don't care about early poo heads. Game plays pretty well for me. Little lag here and there. But I'm glad I waited to jan to pick it up.

3897d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree with your thoughts here - but your numbers are out of whack. I'd say xbone sold probably closer to 2.8 being replacements, retail demo units, press give always, celebrity giveaways and such non-sense.

3898d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can spin your altruistic philosophy all you want. But accountability should be held to the throats of those who feel like moral standards need not apply to them!

If we look past MS dirty practices in regards to xbone - we are worse than they are. Why? Because a snake is a snake....but not warning a fellow he's about to get bitten is morally criminal.

3898d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I always forget to use the battle pack boosts!
I got the game 2 weeks ago on ps4. After waiting it out. It's working great for me. Yes rubber banding is there. Not so bad as to be game breaking. KZ & ghosts has this issue too.

Loving bf4.

3898d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Only read the tag....but I instantly thought of titanfall.
Then I realized - I haven't seen the division marketed as a competitve shooter padded with AI.

So I'll back the vision here. Look forward to playing the division.

3898d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I thought it'd be awesome to play as one of the dogs in the street that were fighting. Imagine the game from a dogs perspective. Simply trying to survive and dodging enemies. Make it so you can't understand most human words. Steer the dog you play through witty narrative and end it with either a tear jerker ending or a reunion with your owner....but not a child. That'd be too obvious. Maybe an eldarly women....long since dead.

Or surprise ending.....your master is...

3898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this isn't sure as heck should be.

3898d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd settle for common sense.
If you the consumer realize now that MS stoop to this level of douchery - STOP giving them your money! Or at least the Xbox division!

It's not fanboi talk. It's just a level of trust you simply, factually can't possess when dealing with MS Xbox division. Full stop

3899d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's a real question. Not a fanboi question.
If your EA and you see that you've backed the wrong there precedent to break your contract with an exclusivity deal?

I'm fairly certain titanfall 2 will be on ps4 aka mass effect 2/3. But I'm curious. EA is looking dumpy for sure. It has horrible cred with gamers.

I could see a contract anullment going a long way with the Sony crowd. And frankly, MS needs EA's titanfall....

3900d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I just think its telling. MS does a 180 on DRM. States they are emphatic to gamers. And are using these shady stealth marketing bs.

How anyone trusts MS is beyond not just me - but universal comprehension.

3900d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bots+competitve play = crap.


3900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment