Pwnin' fools since 1981
CRank: 5Score: 51890

MS is the perfect storm of arrogance & denial.
Investors aren't happy. Consumers are joining their competitor at an expotentail rate.

They thought forced DRM and forced kinect was going to fly because they are mighty.

And now they'll claim vindication when titanfall drops. Forgetting that that's a third party game.

-it's worth a mentioning....companies these days have this thing called "planned obsolencence&q...

3780d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Its not hate....its disappointment.
Because in this truly great ideas. Its close to greatness.

But its missteps mean were not far from being stuck with generic military fps's for foreseeable future.

3781d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I respect this.
And I'm glad he understands I won't be buying this.
He gets that some want no pointless AI or at least AI that's good! He gets that destruction & penetration in an fps are required for immersion....for some.

Good for him.

3781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My take is its super fun.....right up to the point when you realize you had 40+ kills....and 3 of those were actual humans.

AI is horrid. That's probably patchable. ...but talking up the cloud then releasing a demo and the AI is that bad? And if the AI isn't cloud active yet - then why not? MS/Respawn/EA can't afford to show AI that bad.

Then there's the - no destruction/no penetration issue. It's respawns "design decision".......

3781d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Delusional much?

3781d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just remember these guys are in bed with MS & that Titanfall mess.

(No destruction, no bullet pen is a mess in my eyes)

But, it looks fun. Especially if your terribad at fps

Why am I on a tangent? Because of what I fear EA has in store for Respawns baby.

3782d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

AI is large part of why this game fails hardcore gamers.
But zero destruction/zero penetration completely breaks the suspension of disbelief.

fun gameplay should not be a crutch to totally ignore immersion.

hell...even precanned destruction (with variations) is preferable to this non-sense!

3783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but doesn't even scratch the paint of a near by car.

3783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

game could look like a victoria secret model.....if the ai is this bad in the final product - it's sad, like cancer sad.

3783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ive watched a few beta vids now...

that ai is a special level of stupid. it turns a great concept into garbage. theres no skill! I watched a vid by driftor...he's a geniune good cod player. yet in this game this guy in the video and driftor get same amount of kills and no deaths or almost.

it's horrible if you wanted a nice competitve shooter....

ironically, if youve ever played fear 2 or was it 3? The mechs you can use play identical...

3783d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Take away fanboy manners and look at what we know as facts.
MS loves to buy 1-2 ips a console lifetime.
MS will burn money at or above its current rate to advertise its xbone and mitigate its losing footing worldwide.
Only reason MS did as well as it did last gen was combination of 1yr lead & Sony price arrogance at launch of ps3.

Sony has pretty much locked up gamers opinion despite any vocal minority for xbone. Sony will continue to dominate ...

3783d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

One of those games no one gave a chance! I loved it. Finished it. Even played the mp - which was fresh and fun for consoles.

Ozzy as the mechanic of the underworld was hilarious!

Game screams for sequel...and it'll never happen. ;(

3785d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where's remember me?

3786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's really the truth. Kinect = more casual money but less core money.

MS looked at Wii and was seduced by Wii casual success. Failing to see that Ninny 1st party was a large reason for that success.

3786d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Me too!
Hey you got your ps4 yet?

3786d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless we can get a leak that says sledge is using a completely new engine - I'm done.

I can't stomach another slight bump on a 8yr old engine on my ps4.

3786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly? If it gets above 7 I'm calling moneyhatting reviewers and MS bullying.

Because the glaring omissions negate any other perfection the game may give.

3787d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Only disappointment was mp - how it was and is handled. The entire dunce cap bs destroyed the game online. If you want co-op rainbow happiness - design your game for it!

Micro-steering is also so obvious and game breaking it sucks all desire to play it.

3787d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm confused. This is a game that will also be on xbone a next gen system. This game also uses azure to offload AI behaviour....

With all this - in a sci-fi fps with huge mechs .....bullet penetration & destruction are opted out for "design decisions?"

Come on! Serious? Am I dreaming?

--why not just have no killing?! Only pts when shots connect! Fun right?! Because we want less realism in our shooters.

3787d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

he actually did it? what a moron.
never played the game. don'y care to.
but that smell of success is sweet! if he really was that pressured/upset from twitter and whatever....just change your account. or pay a fool to monitor it....i don't know, giving up seems pretty lame.

3787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment