CRank: 5Score: 12250

Too bad it gonna be another 4-5 months till this game is launched.

Delay delay delay delay and yet no one gives a crap, no complaints no hate....


5291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm no Mr Miyamto you didn't invent the technology in the PS-Move or Natal because both of them are on a whole different level and use completely different technology.

Being proud of an invention a college student made in 1995 isn't something to boast about.

Sony started research on motion controllers and 3D camera UI's in 2000 and Natal's camera technology including the PS-Eye have generally been in research by engineers all over the world.

Nintendo use...

5292d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

I've waiting for the next TRUE PoP title and it's finally coming after a long wait. PoP feels so different from GOW so I don't see why anyone who purchased GOW3 wouldn't want to play PoP:TFS.

I personally never bought GOW3 because it's not really my type of game , but PoP is and I'm definitely going to get it Day 1.

5293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree video games DOOO reward violence

5293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This ending dont make no sense, if Cronus was killed a thousands years later then how cum Kratos kill him in GOW3?

5293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shouldn't Kratos be thousands of years old in GOW3 when kills Cronos? looks like the story got messed up there.

5294d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Halo's not milked? have you been sleeping for the past 9 years because Bungie have already planned many Halo titles ahead of Halo Reach.

Developers who constantly release sequels to games with no quality or advances over the previous titles is called 'being milked'

Every Halo game has been the same.

5294d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How about Halo

5294d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

I bet a lot of these Wii fanboys don't actually play on their Wii's, they only own one so they feel the need to act defensive to a Sony Rep that said absolutely nothing bad against the DS or the Wii in this article.

@Xi: Nintendo made outdated motion control technology popular but I can assure you Sony's PS-Move is very very different, It gives you freedom not limited freedom lie the Wii-Mote.

@air1: You're a 360 fanboy so why are you getting so offended? As I said S...

5294d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

And Sony improved on all of those so your point is?

I think it's about time Nintendo start copying Sony on how to make good games that'll last longer than 5 minuets before getting bored.

@Wii ftw: Thanks for proving to me that you have done absolutely no research in to Sony's PS-Move otherwise you would know the difference by now, and I've just realised something, Wii fanboys are even dumber than 360 fanboys but that's not shocking really because you did buy a Wii after...

5294d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony through their research found out that the best motion/gesture interface is through a 3D camera and a physical controller.

The EYE-Toy was a test run of a camera 'ONLY' interface launched to see how the public react to a 'Non-physical' gaming experience. While that was going on Sony's R&D group were heavily working on a motion/gesture based system that would 'WORK' well with gaming. The motion controller was never released for the PS2 due to the sheer amount of processing...

5294d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Can someone please tell me how the heck to sign up to NeoGaf because I can't flippin use my E-Mail address, SO WHAT THE HECK SHALL I USE THEN!?!?!

If you can't use your E-Mail address then I fail to see how 100's of people have signed up to the dam site.

5294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm no it's not fake because another member on NeoGaf has the same demo as this guy.

They should just post videos of the demo because I don't see why anyone would need to keep the Nuremberg a secret lol.

5295d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

One week after Natal becomes obsolete Natal-2 will be in stores for $300.

I guess Natal flopped before it even released.

5295d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Patcher was referring to the exclusive PS3 games because nearly all multi-platform games look like crap and they even look like crap on the PC in their highest settings.

I say most of today's multi-platform games look so sh1t that the PS1 could pull them off.

and I think the PS3 is more powerful than 90% of gaming PC's because only the remaining 10% of those gaming PC's can completely destroy the PS3, the rest of them would struggle running Uncharted 2 at a d...

5296d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You gotta be kiddin me!!!

Family guy is not funny, its so dry and lame, the voices are dead.

5296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey guess what commodore64 you're gay


5297d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW! He wrote that code in one night? If the PS Move is that easy to work with then Sony must have way more confidence in the Move then any of us could even imagine.

This is just insane seriously.

5297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"GeForce 8800 or higher"

Iv only got a 8600 :(

How much would a 8800 cost?

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are these people stupid or what? stop saying 'NATAL' will revolutionise gaming, what you should be saying is 'a camera based user interface will revolutionise everything else 'OUTSIDE' of gaming.

The technology for a purely camera based game just isn't here yet and it'll take another 10 years before we see a camera that can keep up with really fast movements.

Camera based UI's are good for everything else but NOT for gaming (for now)

and Microsoft didn't...

5298d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment