CRank: 5Score: 12250

Although I'm a PS3 fanboy I'me actually hyped up to see what GeOW3 looks like. I can remember all those fanboy flame-wars about Uncharted 1, Resistance 2, KZ2 and GeOW2, they were so freaking funny.

I seriously Can't wait till the fandboy wars between GeOW3, R3 & KZ3 start because it's going to EPIC!.


5184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Reveal some big name PS3 exclusives and not some shoddy repetitive bs game like Fear.

The only good thing this issue has is the exclusive interview with GT5's developers (flippin hope he reveals something new)

5185d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Glitches of War: Return of The Obese 2.5

5186d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake is clearly using pre-rendered real-time cut-scenes, if it was doing any of those scenes in real-time the 360 would blow up (as if they already don't lol). Just because Remedy's using clever ways of hiding bad ugly textures doesn't mean it looks better than any console game, I mean the lip sync is uncanny as hell and the character models look fake as freakin heck.

It's probably the ONLY best looking 360 game I've ever seen since that piece of sh1t hit the stores.

5186d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

The SH1Tbox3sh1ty will die on this day, their only hope is Gaylo: Reach(and scratch my ass) but even that will fail under the beast known as KILLZONE 3!

5187d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't get what did they do?

Have they hacked now to pirate games or something?

5188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who gives a $hit what you already have?

Stop being such a proud moron, and be HAPPY for once in your life

5195d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to see the look on this guys face when the update hits lol.

5195d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

A lot of you may not know this but Heavenly Sword to many people was a really crappy and broken game.

And obviously a game like that wouldn't sell well at all.

5195d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I just noticed that lol.

5195d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude I never said the Wii's more stronger than the 360, I said 3DV's camera technology is weak not the 360.

Think about it why would MS buy technology knowing how weak it is and then sacrifice their own consoles processing power to get the camera to work?

That just seems like a stupid move, because it also gives MS's first party developers a pain in the ass due to the processing power they have now lost because of Natal.

EDIT: For those that don't know Rich...

5195d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

So let me get this straight, MicroSh!t bought out a company in desperation knowing that the hardware they just acquired from this company is a piece of sh!t sacrificing the 360's processing power in the process to get the dam thing to work just so they could beat Sony's PS-Move?


5195d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you even pay attention? it's not only the cost but the limitations of the hardware itself. What's funny is that both Nintendo and Sony turned down 3DV due to their hardwares limitations.

MS knowing that the hardware is weak bought the entire company out and sacrificed quite a chunk of the 360's processing power in order to make it work, this only means one thing...

MS were desperate.

5195d ago 26 agree6 disagreeView comment

This is the flippin problem today, on N4G you're REQUIRED to hype up a PS3 game even if it looks bad. I'm know as a PS3 fanboy on this site but I'm definitely not blind, even I can see how much netter SC:C looks than MGS4 but the PS3 sensitive fanboys on this site will cry if you say that.

I even explained why SC:C looks better yet you wouldn't except it even though what I said is very logical. My comment is based on my experience playing through the game on a 1080p 40" Sams...

5196d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Umm I don't know what you're talking about because a few hours ago I just got my first look at Enslaved and a it has a colorful look to the game.

Others have said Enslaved gives them vibes of many other games because of the weird character design.

I myself don't find the game weird but some do.

5196d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a 360 fanboy or anything but I've always thought that MGS4 looked really bad, I mean even Kojima himself wasn't pleased with the final look of the game but he said that's the best he could do.

I believe he could achieve graphics miles ahead of KZ2 if he tweaks MGS4's engine and makes MGS6 (PW is part 5) but unfortunately Kojima doesn't give a crap about next-gen consoles anymore and he just threw away MGS4's engine (I think he did?).

SC:C is obviously going t...

5196d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

@ Ivant. According to many hands on impressions the Sixence has noticeable lag when while you the holding the controller is playing.

According to recent impressions of the PS-Move there is no noticeable lag when the player has the the Move in their hands and not to mention that Anton has recently reduced the latency on the move in just one night.

The PS-Move is currently being demoed with pre-alpha products so when it hits store with fine tuned games it will blow peo...

5198d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It seems that everyone's really interested in the Moves LED Orb that changes colour. What's funny is that people were bashing the PS-Move before all these public demo's for the giant orb and now they all love it.

From what I've seen I say keep the orb but make it slightly smaller that's all but keep it.

5198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This reminds me so much of Kojima's teaser site before MGS: Rising was revealed.

It almost has the same feel to it.

5198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOAH! Sony actually listened, for those of you that don't know someone posted an idea on the PlayStation ideas blog and his/her idea was to have the PSN weekly updates on Tuesday, but it looks like Sony did look in to his idea and arranged something more suitable which turned out to be Wednesday.

So this means Sony are listening to our ideas.

5198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment