CRank: 5Score: 12250

Okay so was that video suppose to showcase Crysis 2?

How come the screen shot comparisons of the console versions are identical to the PC version? And why does it look so most FPS games?

KZ2 still looks better than this, I am not blown away one bit. The video quality was pathetic anyway so I will be waiting for better quality recordings

5306d ago 12 agree12 disagreeView comment

If they demo this with KZ3 at E3 this year then I'm buying one for sure.

5306d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

According to the developers at the show floor, everything that was shown was literally pre-alpha and 'none' of the games have been fine-tuned to give that true 1:1 experience.

The tech demo's coming from the R&D group showed true 1:1 control because everything was calibrated and fine-tuned before those demonstration were even shown to the public.

Come E3 these games and many other unannounced Move titles will be ready to expose the PSM's true capabilities.

5307d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


shut it you Wii fanboy. Sony's conference only demonstrated the crappy Wii side of the controller.

Just wait until you see it's real capabilities.

5307d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You do know that Sony's been working on gesture and motion user interfaces (UI) for well over 6 years right? why do you think the WiiMote is so laggy? it's because Nintendo quickly stole Sony's early prototypes thinking it's the finished product and claimed it as their own 'innovative' technology.

Oh by the way, how does EYE-tal sound to you? sounds about right to me.

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 'Arc' name would've confused people in to thinking the PS3 supports Arc welders lol.

'Sony Move' is simple, straight forward & best of all it makes sense.

I like it!

5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm? Sony have been working on the Arc for well over 5 years now and they've had this concept in R&D way before Nintendo's WiiMote, so to call it a "Mee Too" is just being ignorant. This will be as accurate and precise as the input on a DS3 controller with no lag/delay, so stop thinking of Lagtal whenever someone mentions the Arc controller.

The images in this article are only a mock-up so just chill.

5308d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

micro bots have micro brains

5308d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

Speaker/s: Yoshinori Tsuchida (Square Enix) and Tomohiro Yajima (Square Enix)
Day/Time/Location: Thursday 9:00-10:00 Room 135, North Hall

DESCRIPTION: This presentation will give an overview of FINAL FANTASY XIII's character motion-controlled automatic sound triggering system. New techniques will be introduced for creating sound effects that automatically trigger in response to the angles and velocities of characters as well as collision detection algorithms assigned to eve...

5309d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Stole the show"? Yeah that's why none of my friends, cousins play on their Wii's even my little sisters hate it.

Face it the Wii's dying and it never stole anything but your wallet.

5309d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Umm no, I think MS are the ones who have failed this gen because they've made absolutely no profit from the 360 division and it's really hurting MS to carry on supporting it.

They're not jumping out now because it'll be an embarrassment for them to admit defeat to the competition. Microsoft's official departure from the console market will be announced at E3 2011 where the PS4 will be announced.

Mark my words.

5309d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

In the PS2's 5th year the PS3 was announced at E3-2005, so I expect the PS4 to be announced at E3-2011 which will be the PS3's 5th year. The PSP was also officially announced during the PS2's 4th year, so I expect the PSP2 to be announced in late 2010 or early 2011.

This is Sony's business plan and it'll stay like this from now on. Remember Sony can still justify the 10 year life span by continually supporting the PS3 even after the PS4 launches, and the same could be said about ...

5309d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is it me or are those pics from real life? it doesn't look in-game or like CGI but it looks very very real.

Maybe it's just the scans, but if the game does look like that then this will be the first ever F1 Racing game I'll ever play.

5310d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All we really need to see now is:

An in-depth look at the WRC
An in-depth look at NASCAR
The 'UNSEEN' Damage system
The Dynamic Weather system (DWS)
The Dynamic Night & Day cycles (IN ACTION)
An in-depth look at the Le Mans class
An in-depth look at any new gameplay mechanics
An in-depth look at the Electric Vehicles
An in-depth look at the NEW online system (IN ACTION)
An in-depth look at car customization
An in-dep...

5310d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

3D for TV's are 'hardware' enabled not 'software' enabled, if software was the case then Sony, Samsung, LG and all the other company's rolling out 3D-HD TV's this summer just wasted billions of dollars on new hardware for nothing.

TV's don't work like PS3's if that's what your thinking in terms of a FW upgrades.

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Aside from those trivial qualms, why would you want more wires to trip over all over your floor?"

Maybe he loves doing lots of exercise? I mean think about it, every time he walks in to the room completely forgetting about the cable his reflexes kick in causing him to do a star jump over the cable while shouting "I'M THE BEST AROUND!"

There's nothing wrong with staying fit.

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't get it? if what all those techy guys above me say is true then why are PS3 exclusive games completely destroying 360 exclusive games technically and graphically?

That just doesn't make any sense, can someone explain it to me?

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YEEEEEESS!!! the true sequel to Ape Escape 3 is finally coming.

Can't wait to play it.

5310d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Don't know if any of you remember but about one week ago GTTV's presenter told us to just wait and see you see what Sony's doing next, I bet you it's going be KZ3.

He even said to wait and 'see' which probably means it'll be shown to the public and not behind closed doors.

5310d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I only bought a PS3 for exclusives so guess what t850 I'm not loosing out money on every game bought because 1) Games in the UK are never sold at their full price, and 2) I get to play games that a PC fanboy wouldn't be able to play even on their super-mega-extremely-ultra-hig h-end PC's.

and neither can you PC fanboys emulate PS3 games so you loose and I win HA-HA!


5311d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment