CRank: 5Score: 12250

Wow you must be a fanboy because ULTIMATE_REVENGE does in fact have a PS3 and according to him it's the only console he has.

He's comment is genuine and it doesn't sound like he's bashing GT5 in anyway so please shut up.

4947d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've noticed that, there site has been designed very well and it's the only website that ever lags on my PC.

4967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason why the trees are a problem is because they're a straight port from GT4. Everything in terms of graphics looked consistent in GT4, whereas in GT5 only the Premium cars look good and everything else looks sub-par.

Dirt 3's trees look good so why couldn't PD do it? especially with the power of the PS3. Making only the Premium cars look real pulled me out of the experience.

Everything goes hand in hand and that includes the environment.

4968d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

The music in this video reminds me of FFVII... I think its the music played before the amusement park near the caves... :)!!

4987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


So much for what SE were saying :/ Mistwalker should give em some tips :/s

4987d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

There are not spin off's but actual games worth playing if you are a casual gamer or a gamer who enjoys playing the Kingdom Heart series.

Just enjoy them and don't be such an impatient ungrateful whiny bast*rd that you are. :)

4989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To all those who replied.

I feel your frustration I really do. Especially towards those who think they have proven a point when they really haven't at all.

I assure you, the next time you post a clip showcasing the cockpit view just read my points again, but this time a little slower. Just try not to blush :)

And yes Dmarc, cars do have Body shells. I prefer to be more specific in the usage of my terms when discussing these sensitive matt...

5052d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

After what seems like a decade of production, this game manages to consistently look inconsistent which is precisely the reason why you had to cancel your pre-order and then "uncancel" that cancellation (in your words).

Damn dude, yea... all that IS Missing :D

Who would have thought huh?!

"I've got bad news for you - those cars look about as good as any other console racer. Best you stick to tetris or something."

5052d ago 5 agree39 disagreeView comment

Okay sure the cars do really look good, HOWEVER:

1)The surface of Track does not seem to have any rain on it whatsoever. Its very bland
2)The spraying effect almost becomes like a constant smoke trailing the car as opposed to looking dynamic.
3)The exteriors of the cars are not dripping with water -
4)There is no visible rain droplets on the windscreens or the body shell on the exterior, and is only visible from the cockpit view
5)Trees lo...

5052d ago 8 agree59 disagreeView comment

Okay sure the cars do really look good, HOWEVER:

1)The surface of Track does not seem to have any rain on it whatsoever. Its very bland
2)The spraying effect almost becomes like a constant smoke trailing the car as opposed to looking dynamic.
3)The exteriors of the cars are not dripping with water -
4)There is no visible rain droplets on the windscreens or the body shell on the exterior, and is only visible from the cockpit view
5)Trees lo...

5052d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Okay sure the cars do really look good, HOWEVER:

1)The surface of Track does not seem to have any rain on it whatsoever. Its very bland
2)The spraying effect almost becomes like a constant smoke trailing the car as opposed to looking dynamic.
3)The exteriors of the cars are not dripping with water -
4)There is no visible rain droplets on the windscreens or the body shell on the exterior, and is only visible from the cockpit view
5)Trees look li...

5052d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Is Sony bring out a slim 6 to 7" tablet sized device witch plays PSP2 & PSP games with controls sliding out from both sides....

Then they've won for sure.

5104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You must be 12...or something.

How can you even think of comparing a game of this depth and scale to mediocre games like Darksiders and Dante's Inferno?

Cant you appreciate the stellar voice acting or at least the amazing music that is synonymous with this franchise? This game is more than a copy, it has its own original features and exceptional art-style that completely supersedes anything the other games have to offer.

5104d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I seem to remember enjoying the fact that bosses were difficult since that's what made me appreciate the game even more! The feeling of finally having accomplished an objective made anticipating the next stage that much more enjoyable.

Everything becomes that much more worthwhile and memorable if you exert effort.

Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy both had very strong bosses.

5105d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they can do this then why can't they do the same with PS2 games? or is Sony already working on that?

If they are then that's good.

5202d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets not play that game any more Pope.

There have been several Multi platform games that have been announced for 2011 release that look very promising. Crysis 2, Rage (with mega texture tech), Metal Gear Rising (looking better then MGS4), Brink, Star Wars: Force unleashed 2

I for one hope that Versus XIII will not be compromised this time around

5203d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's not about the budget it's about their technology which was made with intelligence.

Their engine will probably blow everything else out of the water.

5203d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is it pulling a Duke Nukem Forever if the DEVELOPERS are talking about the game and saying it's in development right in front of your face?

Logic fail.

5203d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cockpit view for standard cars hasn't been confirmed nor denied so we just need to wait for more info to be released. By the way, you should be calling them GTHD-HD models because that's basically what they are.

just to show you that they are GT4 models: GT5 model GT4 model

This was actually their original plan, they were going to release GTHD as a full game and then later on release GT5 but GTHD was eventually scrapped.

They've stayed true to their original plan but instead of making two separate games they just made them into one game if you want to put it like that.

5204d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment