
CRank: 5Score: 45830

I am confused, I read a review from my xbox magazine and in a side box they said they played it in 3d with glasses and it was amazing in 3d. So WTF is it not 3d, is it diff 3d, I don't get it?

5381d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He would be saying "you should make love to your ps3" Since that is basically what comes out of his mouth anytime a sony/ps3 article is posted on this site. Sickening.

5382d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

So please stay out of anything Microsoft until you have an opend mind toward anything they do. If it is something sony, you have sex with it, if it is microsoft you bash it. Anyone, just read his comments, he creams himself over every sony announcemnet and just bashes Microsoft without any fact or point. Your an idiot.

Edit: Oh you forgot to put 4.They made billions in profit while my lover Sony lost billions. I am so sick of you. Ignored.

5385d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

Lets not forget the money that goes to the retailer, and all the other little companies involved in the development. I saw a pie chart that showed a developer on avg gets about 10-15 bucks per unit sold, and from what I hear that it is a lot lower than that for many developers, so I think your figures FAIL

5385d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I know some use mac and someuse linux, although not many or microsoft would have such a huge market share. There is no doubt Microsoft is not a fuzzy warm company. They are in business for their stockholders. And belived it or not, now that they pay a nice dividend, the fact that the stock price isn't all that high is not that big of a deal. Most of the large stockholders have owend microsoft for many years and had their stock split multiple times. Most people on this site actually think...

5385d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Billions of dollars in profit, that is what they are in business for after all.

5385d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only turned about a 14 billion dollar profit in one of the worst economic climates we have seen since the great depression. Yep an absolute train wreck. Could things have been better, yep, no doubt about it, but I will take 14 billion in profit on 58 billion in revenue any day while many companies have lost millions, if not billions of dollars during the same time frame. You should get all that hate out of your heart.

5385d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It has a place, and people who enjoy it have every right to say how great it is. I personally don't like it, maybe I will give it another try in a few months. I get sick of the dancing idiots running around you.

I just hate how people give it a pass by saying "well its free", so is internet explorer, but people bash it like crazy. Or when people say "its still in beta", will it ever come out of beta? Waste of hard drive space for me, but if you like it...

5388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

of course it makes no sense. You said "Its because the american dollar aint shi7 compared to yen and euros and thats where sony is dominating". Um losing billions of dollars compared to making billions of dollars. Big difference there. 200billion loss in yen, so what exactly are they dominating? Ps3 sales, yep they are, but since they lose money on every one, thats not really helping at the moment. Get your facts straight son.

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no things aren't fine. They will pull out of it, they are too good of a company not to, but don't let the stock price fool ya. That has nothing to do with how they are actually doing. There are a lot of reasons for stock prices to rise or fall. They are not in any trouble, but to day they are doing fine, well when people say Microsoft is doing bad, while making billions of dollars in profit, what does that say about a company that has posted huge losses the lasat few quarters. I know the...

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never should have sold it. sniff sniff, so sad.

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are still making billions of dollars in pure profit each year as a company. They started paying a dividend on their stock last year. Many companies that turn huge profits have low stock prices. A lot of it has to do with how many shares are out there. A look at the Market Cap is a better indicator of how much a company is worth. I wouldn't expect morons like Saaking to understand that. Microsoft has 8.9 billions shares out on the market, compare that to Sony who has 1 billion share...

5389d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Every time I have complained about a lack of backward compatiblity, I get hammerd by ps3 boys saying you don't buy a ps3 to play ps2 games. So what is it. do we want to play ps1 games on a ps3 and not be able to play ps2 games. That is lame if you ask me. Give me B/C then I will think about paying to play all the old ps1 games.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am more excited for the possibilities that this brings for navigation of home theatre things. I know most hope it will change the way we play games, but I am still waiting to see how they implament this to make a judgment about games. I am looking forward to walking into my media room saying power on or whatver, it scanning my face, realizing who I am, bringing up my netflix and scrolling around ala minority report type movements. I also have read Microsoft is planning on implamenting th...

5390d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I wonder, since so many people say they don't play it anymore, how many games get sold.

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmmm, am I missing something here or is the 3d that the 360 can do for avatar different than what sony has been talking about? Not a slap at sony, just a serious question.

5393d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

So I started a farm on farmville, then you want to figure it all out, so you play a bit, then you see your freinds, who aren't gamers ahead of you. So you end up wanting to show them that your the gamer and you can master this simple game. So you build and farm then all the sudden you find yourself checking it often. So I was addicted. After about 6 monhts, the thrill is gone and I occasionally do something with it. Thats my story.

5400d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its there perogative to do so. As you said 3 million bought an overated two live crew from other places. You act like that was a bad thing. lol Its not like they deleted the words, it was up to the company that made the cd's to make ones that were radio edits. So because of that you have disdain for a company that has helped keep prices down, employed milliions of people, paid millions in taxes to help fund social programs, made it easier to shop and find things you want. Quit being such...

5401d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did they move into your neighborhood and close down all the mom and pops or something. For someone like me its great, I drive about 5 minutes and have everything I need right there with decent prices. Don't see the problem. People complain because they don't pay employees well, its not like they force anyone to work there. It is perfect for College kids like when my wife worked for them. She got a great deal on stock, almost half price per share, they offered medical, sure they didn't pay...

5402d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

although I know that within 10 minutes of the trailer hitting the airwaves, no matter how good, even if it was the greatest looking game in the history of man, it will be bashed on N4G. I almost look forward to good news from Microsoft or a 360 game, because I will get to see the same 50 shmendricks in here bashing it. How its not as good as killzone2 graphics, how it doesn't look as fun as Uncaharted 2, how it will be incredibley short, how Microsoft screwed bungie up again, how the 360 is...

5402d ago 26 agree22 disagreeView comment