
CRank: 5Score: 44850

Sorry if your ps3 team doesn't want to do it. To bad so sad.

5324d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

If someone would have said back when the 360 came out that 4 years later it would still have a multi million unit lead on the PS3, you and so many others would have flamed them out of here, but here we are 4 years later, still ahead, and still moving more software even though many say they don't have a lead in consoles because of rrod. Haters like you give sony fans a bad name. So grow up, or I will tell your mom to wash your 12 year old mouth out with soap.

5324d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

He has a pretty good site with plenty of advertising dollars going his way, and didn't a gaming company just quote them in one of their press releases. hmmmmm

5325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So glad I am out of that flippin state. Current budget at 21 billion dollar defecit. My buddy works for a county in Cali and they are laying off 2 to 3 people a week. Anything now that could possibley hurt retail sales will only hurt the economy there even worse. I am all for power conservation. I just don't see how this is a good thing, when people will be able to buy the cheaper non energy star rated tv's online or out of state and have them shipped there. Only hurts the tax base. Bu...

5325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the heck are people wating for.

5325d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am looking for tons of great games and a solid online experience. Don't care for motion controls, but I am sure some will love them. Sony hit a homerun in 09 and 2010 is going to be even better with GOW3 and GT5. Even if that was all that was coming it would be a spectacular year, but there are so many more games like heavy rain, and too many others to name. It is great to be a gamer right now.

5325d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

100 bucks would be a dumb move. 60 bucks would get the casuals they are after and some of the hardcore guys to give it a try.

5325d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Usa, tnt, tbs and many other channels, and guess what, you have ads on those stations. What a novel idea. Maybe you should cry about the ads on nfl network, or the ads on those other stations. I highly doubt any of the guys crying on here get all of their tv from an antenna. How about the internet you pay for but get ads on the websites. I pay for insider on espn, and guess what, still has ads. So your point is bad.

5325d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

4 bucks and some change a month are getting to you? Wow, then don't pay for it, you don't have to have it to play games, just games online, so the ones you want to play online, buy for the ps3. I enjoyed 1 vs 100 and I don't mind paying for a service I have had since my orig. xbox. IF you mind, then don't pay it. Simple, I just don't get all the crying going on in this thread. None of my 360 freinds even care, neither do I. When four bucks a month makes a difference, then I probably can...

5325d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Most people pay for cable, or pay for satelite, so I guess I shouldn't have any commercials when I watch tv then. You know whay I;m with you, I pay for the newspaper, so there shouldn't be any advertisements on that either. You got me. Not

5325d ago 20 agree12 disagreeView comment

Avatar is coming out for both consoles in 3d right?

5325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game Avatar is 3d for both consoles, so this is meh.

5325d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oxm just did a hands on avatar that is coming in 2010 that is available 3d on both machines if you have the right tv. Geez.

Sheep I tell ya, do yo think only the ps3 will do 3d gaming, its the devolopers man. AVatar is going to be a 3d game for both, how thick do ya gotta be.

5325d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

For months now, all the fanboys have been saying "get the deffinitive version on PC" for like every game that available on pc. This is exactly why I don't game on my pc. I will stick with my consoles, ps3/360/wii for all of my gaming. Too bad so sad.

5326d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

but mark my words, the first articles that feature the content will be flooded with "people" that will trash it and find every flaw. I am actually not looking forward to reading any of these articles when they hit. It is sad that fanboys can take the fun out of this.

5326d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They were banned for having modded xbox 360's to play pirated games, so why then would they go to a system that they couldn't do that on. Makes no sense to me.

5327d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

How dare you want me to actually buy games and give money to the developers so they can make more games. FU for wanting me to act like a responsible person and pay for things instead of just stealing, I will enver buy another Msoft product because of this, I will buy a ps3 and not be able to pirate anything and give them all the money I saved by stealing games on the 360. Jerks

5327d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

How would that bring back any of the money these modders stole by pirating games. So they want to get money out of these modders, wow that is just evil. How stupid do you have to be. Good for them, I hope they keep banning all those modders. Spend less time doing illegal things, and more time using your talent to do something good. Thats what the modders should be doing, but no wouldn't want to help the economy, lets just sh@t on it instead.

Cimmeriandrake: If they contin...

5327d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

So they know what I listen too, or who my facebook friends are, they can find that out by hacking into my pc as well. Don't see the problem. I don't nor will I ever live in fear of hackers.

5327d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its like pandora, it plays that artist and other artists like him or her. It sucks I know, its how my pandora works on my iphone. Now that would have been better I think.

5327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment