
CRank: 5Score: 45830

At least here in the U.S. most people still have an extrememly slow internet connection. remember the govt considers any speed over 128kb per second as high speed. So until broadband speeds actually get faster and more reliable (I have an 8mb per second cable connection that routinelly runs about 2-4 mb per second during actual playing times) this won't do a thing.

5659d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that they make money on the console. I don't know anyone who has more than 2 or 3 games. I have 7 but I don't play any of them anymore. I rented a few titles but they all sucked. The problem with bringing in non gamers is once they buy it, they play it for a while buy a couple of games, then don't play it anymore. My brother in law has had his for a year and has wii sports, tiger woods, and thats it and doens't plan to buy any more. I am not sure if it will last.

5669d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

An article that talks about how much sony is struggling and not keeping there playstation brand separate, and all the fanboys say good move. hahah This place is nothing but ps3 fanboys.

5684d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am looking at a sony add in there as I am reading it right now. Smart Guy.

5686d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously if they lost a billion. Maybe if they charged they wouldn't as a company lost a billion dollars. hmmmmmmmm

5686d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

about Microsoft. In a crisis like we have and they turn a profit, yes actual profit of 1.88 per share, with 8.9 billions shares. You do the math, 10 billion in profit, thats after 1 billion for rrod, and paying everything else, let alone the fact they have enough liquid capital to buy a majority share in Sony if the felt the need. Moron

5686d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your an idiot. Thankfully according to Darwin you won't survive.

5686d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

originaly it was going to be the full 8 billion, but the actual broadband part is only 4 billion, and remember broadband means 300kb and up, far from what is needed to handle that type of data transfer smart guy.

5689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually most of that money was dropped out. And lets remember an 8mb per second connetction is only as fast as the server on the other side. I watch my 8mb per second download at about 1 mb per second at best when I download off of psn. And yes my speed was tested at, 7-8 mb per second every time. So your argument is flawed.

5689d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Until the majority of people get blazing fast download speeds, a 25 gig game will take way to long to download. I have an 8 mb per second connection that shows at about 7 mb to 8 mb on When I download actualy things off the internet if it is actualy 2 mb per second that is rare. So think about it. 2mb per second, and remember I have what in america is considered well above average broadband service, that would take forever to download a 20-25 gig game, so lets see how many s...

5689d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone that bought multiple consoles when there is a warranty, is an idiot. And if you smart enought to buy the exteneded waranty from best buy not only did I get a new machine, but 100 dollar gift card, because of the price drop, oh and Yes it was a launch system. So raly I paid 0 for the extended warranty. So if "these people" bought 3 systems, then they deserve what they get. According to Darwin they will be dead soon anyway. haha Survival of the fittest.

5690d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering the average broadband speed in america is only about 2mb per sec, and that equates to about 100kb per sec actual download speeds, I don't expect many to be able to download 20gb games. I have an 8mb per second cable internet that runs on at about 7mb per sec, but only actualy download about 2 mb per second. So I think this is a moot point unless you have blazing speed, or plan on downloading for 20 plus hours.

5692d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

then you must believe the worldwide numbers they show, which would mean yes the 360 outsells the ps3 worldwide. Just my 2 cents.

5692d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That we try and end computer piracy of any kind. Quit stealing. If you can't afford something then you don't get it.

5693d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

When you still make billions in profit during a recession, you are not in trouble. When you lose money you are still ok for the most part. God, people are morons.

5695d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats right, I bought a ps3 last week because I wanted a good br player. I don't think I will buy near as many games for it as I have for the 360. Kz2, lbp, mgs4, and any other exclusive.

5698d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Until someone shows me that the only consoles microsoft sells are arcade, then no its not half price. Is it cheaper, yes, but until ps3 drops price, all we will here is that nonsense. I just bought a ps3 and love it, and to tell you the truth it is better than my 360 in many ways, so I hope it does better.

5699d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its amazing that some kid on the internet found this out and not the "smart people" at mozilla. Come on, anyway people can think to find a way to hate microsoft they will. You people are so gullible. I am using firefox right now, with the latest updates from Microsoft on my computer. Just updated everything two days ago including firefox and it works fine for me. If this were true, Mozilla would be all over it. Come on, Microsoft has been hit hard over the years by the feds an...

5702d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sorry, but most of the games that you refer too are old school. I occasionally pull out an old genesis/snes/nes game, and think to myself, I really played this for hours. Not just graphics, but control issues abound on those old systems. I have been a gamer since my first console, the Odyssey, so I think I have some cred. Play all those nes games on Mozilla and you will see what I am saying. Quit hating on the new generation.

5703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment