CRank: 5Score: 5865

I'd die if GS gave this game a 6.0. But I doubt it, I think they'll give it an 8.5 or 9.0 (I'd be shocked if it gets lower than a 8.0 from GS).

6160d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can you be such a strong supporter of a game you haven't even played? I can understand Halo 3 fans or MGS4 fans b/c they're sequels in long-running franchises but AC is the first in the series. A person can't tell much about gameplay, pacing or other elements by just watching movies.

EDIT: @lonestar (above): good one

6160d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Holy sh!t, you people are being such b!tches. IGN's main complaint with the game wasn't the framerates. IGN scored the game 'low' (aka below 8) because IGN thought AC's 12-15 hours of gameplay had too much minutia and tedious stuff in it.

6160d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why are you being such fanboy to a particular game? That makes no sense, you have a obsession with Jade Raymond or something?

So you only listen to reviews that score AC high and you discredit ones that score AC below 8 (which is a lot of reviews)? I'm sorry but that's just plain retarded.

6160d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to read the actual review (too lazy for that) but the video review was good and he brought up good points (for and against the game).

Gametrailers review was also good but they gave the game a 9.1.

So it looks like this is the type of game you definately want to rent to see if its a purchase or not. $60 is a lot of money to waste if you end up not liking the game.

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, you make it sound like its easy to sell 50 million games a year. Only a handful of companies can do that (EA, Nintendo, etc). Most developers and publishers don't come close to selling 50 million games per year IMO.

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys are going to hate me for saying this but game developers need to outsource more of their work.

THERE'S NOT ENOUGH ***GOOD*** PROGRAMMERS AND ARTISTS IN ***DEVELOPED*** NATIONS to affordably develop games. Art design and programming takes up 45% of the budget (according to this article)- a lot of that work can be outsourced.

I know games development is a creative process and bridging the cultural barrier is tough when working with Indian/Chinese/Filipin...

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, they better not charge $60 for this game. I mean it looks descent (sp?) but definately not a $60 game IMO. I would not pay more than $50 for it, $40 would be great but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

EDIT: just watched the review.

Thumbs up: I like the damage model they implemented.
Thumbs down: No replays? No open city racing?

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a pretty good deal. I never knew blu-ray discs were only $20 (don't currently have a ps3 or blu-ray player).

@Xhi4: use this link

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course MGS4 will come out for the Xbox 360 eventually. But I don't expect Konami to even announce it until at least after 6 months the ps3 version is released.

IMO, it will probably come out on the the Xbox 360 8-12 months after the ps3 release. But Konami will keep its mouth shut about it until (like I said) about 6 months after the ps3 release. That's my prediction anyways.

6160d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Japan is pretty much a two-horse race, Sony and Nintendo. The Xbox 360 is selling like the Atari Jaguar did in the US (quite sh!tty).

(Sure, the Xbox 360 outsold the ps3 for one week but that's an abberation IMO.)

6161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hate to break it to you guys but the market for 1st person games isn't that big. That's why you're seeing this cannabalism take place, all these 1st person games competing in a limited market.

Out of the top 30 selling video games of all-time (this 'top 25' list actually lists like 30 games), only 2 games are first person games (Halo 2 and Golden-eye). And BTW, both those games are at the absolute bottom of the list (a prestigious list to be on but they're still at the bottom...

6161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

KOTOR. Meh. I heard it was a good game but I'm not really into first-person games (especially on consoles). But KOTOR is still a 2nd tier franchise, doesn't compare (in terms of popularity) to the 'big boy' franchises like Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Zelda, Gran Turismo, etc.

So Mass Effect is going to move a lot of consoles because it was created by the same company that made a 2nd tier franchise? That's stretching it a bit.

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh come on, lets be honest.

Mass Effect isn't going to have nearly as big an effect (no pun intended) as Halo 3 did on Xbox 360 sales. Halo is an established franchise that everyone knows, Mass Effect is a brand new IP. Oh and don't forget the massive discrepancy in marketing for the two games (you're not going to see 'Mass Effect' on any soda cans, that's for sure).

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey twizzled!ck, you don't think I've seen gameplay footage? In all the gameplay footage I've seen it looks like a first-person game ( But the internet network I'm currently on is sh!t slow so I will have to wait until I get home to see if I'm right or wrong (I'm pretty sure I'm right).

BTW, dumbsh!t, when did I give a definition of a 'greatest game ever'? Point that out to me genius. Ummm....I mean dumbfvck.

6163d ago 2 agree29 disagreeView comment

The guy even admits he's a hardcore sci-fi nerd, what more do you want? I'm sick of this 'greatest game ever' sh!t. People said the same thing about Bioshock but you know, there are a lot of people who could care less about first person games. In other words, I'm saying only hardcore gamers really care about first-person games.

List of first-person games people have said where 'the greatest game ever' yet only hardcore gamers really cared about them.


6163d ago 8 agree42 disagreeView comment

Rare is like the girl who used to be ultra hot but now is just a scrub. You see her 10 years later and she's all wrinkly from being out in the sun too much and out of shape from eating to much and being lazy.

6163d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like you have some money. lol.

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 has been cancelled. That's going to hurt MS big time.

j/k, yeah i agree its probably Alan Wake, although I never really understood why people were excited about it to begin with.

6163d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This list is total bullsh!t, why are the all the games Xbox 360 exclusives (sans PC version; Orange Box isn't coming out for the ps3 until next year)? So the Xbox 360 is the only console with excellent games? LMAO, no way.

Obviously this panel is full of xbots. Pathetic and Sad.

SMG, COD4, Rachet and Clank and some others need to be on this list. Stop with the American-ethocentric bullsh!t already, geez.

6163d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment