CRank: 5Score: 5865

How many fvcking articles are we going to see about this situation? Enough already. My God....

6142d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

***sigh*** I hate arguing with idiots.

So what? So you see a ps3 ad on the Xbox 360 tab....that means Sony has bought up more ad space. It does NOT mean that Microsoft pulled their ad money.

How old are you? I'm guessing at maximum 16 (more likely 12-14), that means your brain and cognitive ability have not fully matured yet. And it shows....dumba$$ kids, I always have to smack them down.

EDIT: @beoule below: Well how old are you? Tell me. I...

6142d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Don't know too much about business do you? Sony sees an oppurtunity and they're taking advantage of it.

SOME advertisers (definately not all or even most) are bailing on Gamespot thus ad costs are going down (lower demand). Sony is just buying up more ad space at the cheaper price.

6142d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Link? I call bullsh*t.

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is absurd. Immature gamers will emotionally attach onto anything these days even if its an overweight video game reviewer.

By new years, this will be very old news. Hopefully it runs its course (most of it anyways) in the next week or two.

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just casually glancing over Gamespot's website, these geeks are actually trying to boycott these corporations?

-Best Buy
-Mountain Dew

OMG, they have almost no chance at suceeding (maybe with the exception of Mountain Dew). Dell and Best Buy are going to see the normal increase in holiday sales regardless of whether this 'boycott' is implemented or not. Good luck geeks.

6142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, geek power. Um...its not going to work. How long is this 'boycott' going to last? 2-3 weeks?

IMO, Gamers aren't disciplined enough to boycott advertisers for longer than 2-3 weeks. There has never been a documented case of it happening before (unless someone can give me proof that I'm wrong) and I don't think it will happen here.

Nice try but this is America. Capitalism rules (and don't give me that freedom of speech crap because it doesn't apply when a...

6143d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

This guy (that the article quotes) says Gamespot has traditionally catered to the 'hardcore' gamer. What the hell does that mean?

You know there's NOT just two types of gamers (hardcore and casual). There's a lot of people who fall in between. Me, for example. I'm neither 'hardcore' nor 'casual'. Although I follow the industry closely I don't game all that much (because I'm in school). In fact, because of finals and my hard-as-hell schedule, I haven't played a video game...

6143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, you're such a noob. Mediacritic is owned by CNET, the same company that owns Gamespot and the same company that axed Jeff.

6143d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Compared to IGN's and Gametrailer's video reviews, Jeff's video reviews are VERY unprofessional. He shows up with a t-shirt and a damn pot belly burbing out the f-bomb (watch the Kane and Lynch video review on youtube; he says the f-bomb, it had to be edited out later).

Jeff's Gamespot video reviews can't stand up against and are very unprofessional when put side-by-side vs. the 'competition's' (IGN and Gametrailers) video reviews.

6143d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

OMG, Gamespot just lost a whole $16,000 (vs hundreds of thousands from sponsers) /sarcasm

IMO, Gamespot users are the worst. They're generally immature and uninformed as hell. Once this situation fades away (in about 3-4 weeks), the subscribers will come back like dumb sheep. Gamespot users are dense like that.

But seriously, only an idiot would pay for a site where most of the stuff is free. I doubt CNET is stressing over this because most of their revenue...

6143d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Good, now maybe Gamespot will be a more professional place to visit rather than looking like its run by a bunch of overweight, animal house rejects.

6143d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Jeff Gerstmann needed to go.

Ever since Jeff G. took over as the EIC of Gamespot, Gamespot has gone to crap. Jeff Gerstmann was unprofessional and aweful. Good riddance. Hopefully Gamespot will improve now that the cancer (known as Jeff Gerstmann) is gone.

6143d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

On 2nd thought, I'm glad Jeff got fired. GS needed to change IMO.

Gamespot's video reviews are/were by far the most unprofessional out of the major gaming websites (compared to IGN and Gametrailers).

CNET fired Jeff because of the unprofessional tone of his reviews (he actually drops the f-bomb during his Kane and Lynch review). Hopefully this will make GS's reviews (video reviews specifically) better and more mature.

Seriously, no real professio...

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who the hell is Tim? Who cares if he leaves? Is he really that important?

This guy is an idiot for quitting, plain and simple. He just gave up a cushy job hundreds of people would love to have.

Oh well, have fun being unemployed.

6143d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

He's VERY negative in the video review. He begins the review by saying 'Kain and Lynch is an ugly, ugly game...'

and he ends the review by saying something to the effect of you should not buy Kain and Lynch.

6144d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The video review is still up, man Gershmann is ultra-harsh in his video review. Enjoy n4g users!

On Youtube:

6144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never really liked Jeff Gerstmann but, if this is true and he did get canned for this reason, I feel pretty bad for him.

Couldn't the executives at Gamespot or CNET kind of had a talk with Jeff and the other editors behind closed doors and just said 'Hey cool it with the negative reviews. Some of these companies are giving us a lot of ad revenue.'?

If this is true, it sucks Jeff was made an example of. To me, its not really about GS the website, its how the s...

6144d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was on Yahoo's main page (and it still is if you check).

6144d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was on Yahoo's front page 20 mins ago. That was the first time I saw it.

And its still on Yahoo's front page if you check.

6144d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment