CRank: 5Score: 5865

If Major Nelson and the connection he provides (between gamers and MS) is so great then why are there still Xbox 360 hardware problems? (RRoD and scratching disks) And don't even tell me they fixed them because we still see articles about these problems.

6146d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

You're wrong, of course he has power. Why else would Sony pay him to read the blogs?

His job is to filter out all the bullsh*t comments, pick out the ones he thinks are valuble and pass them on in the company (probably to executives and/or managers).

BTW, the example you gave is garbage. The nurse in that situation has a lot of power. What happens if the patient's vitals are all fvcked up? The surgery doesn't happen that's what.

6146d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you don't find it acceptable then leave, simple as that.

If you don't leave and just complain about fanboyism then its like watching a UFC fight and then complaining its too violent. Or going to an NFL game and complaining because fans of the other team are being mean to your team.

If you don't leave then that's pure idiocy on your part.

6146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you an idiot? Have fun wasting your time and energy trying to eradicate fanboyism.

While you're at it, please try to rid the world of hunger and make sure everyone is well fed. Also, please stop violence and end all wars.

My point is some things are inherently part of human psychology. And fanboyism (aka Cognitive Dissonance) is one of them. Read my post in 5.2.

6146d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I posted this a week or two ago but its worth re-posting (several more times to be frank). Fanboyism is natural. I'm not saying its good, its just natural. Its pretty much in our genes. Its called Cognitive Dissonance, the New York Times had a good article on this a few weeks ago.

Also fanboyism isn't restricted to videogamers. I...

6147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a strong feeling the game that Team Ico (I think that's their name; the developer that made Ico and Shadow of Collosus) will make will blow people away.

On par with (and maybe surpassing) MGS4 and FFXIII.

6147d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

-Uncle Ben (Peter Parker's uncle)

6147d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ummm, yeah. That's way off topic.

But definately good to know. F1 with force feedback must be amazing, the game already has great graphics and unbelievable sound.

6147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good to know a sensible guy like you is a DM.

6147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never knew Nicole Kidman was hawking the Nintendo DS (don't watch much tv). I looked up the commercials on youtube, good commercials, they will definately help to sell a ton of DS's.

(btw, she looks pretty hot in the commercials).

6147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just kidding. So what? Sony and the ps3 will be fine. Besides, even at $400 the ps3 isn't exactly cheap.

BTW, people need to remember, the ps3 is fighting two hardware battles at once:
#1- the console battle
#2- the Blu-ray vs HD-DVD battle

In the console race, Sony is lagging a bit (but not too bad IMO) but in the HD-DVD battle, Sony is thrashing the competition.

Don't be surprised if the next Xbox and/or the next Wii have blu-ray...

6147d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

At least its good to know Microsoft isn't throwing in the towel after this generation, lol. Its good to have MS around, it keeps Sony on its toes and vice versa (having MS as the only major player in the industry would be a nightmare IMO).

But I'd die if the next Xbox ends up having a Blu-ray drive. That would crack me up like crazy.

6148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Olevia TV's aren't that bad. Sure they're cheap relative to other LCD's but who says a person has to spend $700+ to get a quality tv? IMO, Olevia is one of the better of the 'cheaper' brands. Not everyone wants (or can) shell out the $$$ for a Sharp, Sony or Samsung.

6148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Change the url, its fvcked up. The current url links to a zdnet page that has maybe 3 lines on this story.

Change the url to link directly to the USA today story.

6148d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please, stop exaggerating. The ps2's hardware problems weren't nearly as widespread as the Xbox 360's current problems.

The ps2 sold 120 million consoles, so a 1% failure rate is over 1 million consoles (and I doubt the failure rate was even close to 1%).

6148d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, this might be the same county with that guy who camped 36 hrs for an Xbox 360. Floridans...not the brightest bunch.

6149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Goldeneye ====> totally disagree, that game was da' bomb FPS in its day.

Final Fantasy 7 =====> I sort of agree. A big reason why it sold so well was because Sony gave it a big marketing push. It was a good game no doubt but not legendary like Zelda:OOT or Mario64 (or even GTA 3).

6149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Off-topic but I like your avatar. Although I don't think too highly of AC (the actual game itself) ur avatar looks cool.

6149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You bought a ps3 yesterday? I hope you bought it from Walmart. You know Walmart is selling the 80gb ps3 with 10 free blu-ray movies immediately and then 5 free movies with the mail in rebate.

So that's 15 free blu-ray movies. I sure hope you knew about this deal (btw, the deal ends Sunday night so you could still return your ps3 and take advantage of this deal at Walmart; but the Walmart needs to have 80gb's in stock, so call ahead).