n4g only allows negative Sony news if its clickbait
CRank: 5Score: 87200

No single 3DS version of Monster Hunter outsold PSP's Monster Hunter Freedom Unite or Freedom 3. How does that fact work into your reality that "Nintendo held the hearts of the Japanese gamers?"

Capcom moved Monter Hunter over to Nintendo in 2010 and as I recall, the internet existed quite well back then and worked well with the PS3, 360, and Wii. Where exactly were you that there was " weaker internet capabilities on home consoles?" Probably not ...

2493d ago 16 agree13 disagreeView comment

If you write for all the Enthusiast websites, you shouldn't have any trouble posting your article on every single website. There's fanboys for every system and if you sincere with what you are writing, you need to make sure that they all see it. I look forward to seeing it posted on Nintendo Enthusiast.

2494d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why is it that you didn't also post this article on Nintendo Enthusiast? You don't own a PS4 or XB1 so why are you telling gamers on Playstation Enthusiast to support other game consoles when you yourself refuse to do so? Seems like this is a poor attempt to get others who don't own your preferred console to go out and support that console. You did write an opinion piece saying how PS4 Pro and XBox1 X don't matter compared to the Switch yet are completely supportive iterat...

2494d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Forcing me to buy a Kinect if I wanted to get the next generation XBox console. Making someone buy something they don't need in order to get something they want is anti-consumer.

2498d ago 18 agree4 disagreeView comment

So basically you just wrote off the portability of the Switch as a useless gimmick since in your view nobody would want to buy a Switch version of a third party game over getting it on PC, Xbox or PS4. I'm not sure most would agree with that assessment.

It is amusing that you constantly trash people who enjoy third party games in a poor attempt make yourself feel better about your fanboyism towards Nintendo.

2513d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is sad that you do not even make any sense anymore. It is a little desperate to take an article written in satire as a way to validate your political view. You claim that Democrats ruin everything which is why Nintendo consoles sell poorly when there is a Democratic president but are completely unable to accept that during the exact same time under the exact same President Sony consoles sell incredibly well. How exactly do Democrats somehow screw gaming over when the facts don't sup...

2534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo not owning their own factories is a choice THEY made so any consequences from that is something they have to accept as their own. I just don't understand how you can make excuses for every single thing that Nintendo does.

As for forgetting about Sony buying the factory that Nintendo uses to make Wii U, it seems that you are the one forgetting (or purposely leaving out) the actual details of what happened. "Renesas announced last August that it intended t...

2534d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Repeatedly saying something is a fact doesn't actually make it a fact. You also contradict yourself is your post. How exactly is it ok for you to attribute the success of Nintendo consoles to Republican presidents but not ok to attribute the success of Sony consoles to Democratic presidents? Seems pretty desperate for you to attribute the international success of a foreign company to your preferred American political party.

Also, do you just pretend that the financ...

2534d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PS1, PS2, and PS4 all launched under Democratic presidents. The worst selling Sony console launched under a Republican president. How does that fact fit into your version of reality?

2535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Concertoine

Like your graph shows, it isn't the PS4 sales that were pulling down the Japanese console market these last few years since it is selling roughly as well as the PS3 in Japan. No, the biggest factor outside of mobile gaming was the lackluster sales of the Wii U. The Wii U sales were barely 1/4 of the Wii sales and that kind of sales drop had a big impact on the market. Now Nintendo has corrected their mistake we once again have 2 consoles that are sellin...

2538d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It is a sad day seeing gamers turn their backs on games like Wolfenstein and Bioshock. Apparently, now games are only fun if they are not potentially offensive to anyone and have no deeper meaning than a cheap cartoon.

2554d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and I bet you are all tears when playing as an angry man beating up a room full of men. "I'm sorry guys - this is hurting me more than it is you. This brings me no joy." sob, punch, sob, punch, punch....

2557d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm counting the games you cannot play on Wii U, XBox One, or PC as exclusive. That is pretty much the standard definition of what exclusive means. It is hypocritical of you to be bragging about Bayonetta 2 as a Wii U exclusive and then act like Bloodborne doesn't count because Sony didn't develop it themselves.

2574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Wii U has more and better First/Second Party Exclusive than PS4 and Xbox One"

Actually, it doesn't. The Wii U has 7 exclusives rated 85+ on Metacritic while the PS4 has 9 exclusives rated 85+. Please don't let your personal desires get in the way of the facts. This generation will end just like the previous generations with Playstation having the most highly-rated exclusives.

2574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are the one's that thought up of digital content distribution before Steam did and Brad Wardell is a big opponent of DRM. They have also made the excellent 4x game series Galactic Civilization as well as the RTS Sins of a Solar Empire.

Do you even game bro?

2608d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm playing the one with the bow and arrow.

2662d ago 40 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who are you yelling at? Are you sure that you are posting in the right thread? Your comment doesn't really make sense with the what is in the video - unless you really, really hate the Switch and don't want anyone to be influenced to spend their money on one.

I personally think that all 5 of the reasons are good ones for Playstation gamers to consider buying a Switch.

2664d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is a Piggyback guide, so the answer is always yes. I've got the Collector's Edition guide preordered and cannot wait to get it. Their guides are as good as any art book.

2668d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ monkeyman

Here's you attacking the PS4, holding it to standards that you don't hold the Switch to.

"Soooo...did they finally take down that paywall for online multiplayer?
How about some native BC?
The second is just a wish, but I won't touch a PS4 with paywalled multiplayer so once that goes, that's when I get one."
2668d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Like Nintendo, right? They spent actual money on an advertising campaign bragging about 85+ Metacritic score but now that they have been putting out such gems as Star Fox Zero (69), Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water (67), Mario Party 10 (66), Mario Tennis (58), Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (46), Devil's Third (43) - we don't hear anything from them about Metacritic.

2668d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment