n4g only allows negative Sony news if its clickbait
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DKTF launched in 2014 with a MSRP of $50 and Nintendo is currently selling it for $20. There is no excuse for them to charge $60 for this Switch port of a 4 year old game.

I hope they don't do this same thing for the price of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker but knowing Nintendo it will be $60 too.

2392d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Neonridr

Except that isn't true either.


PS4 was on top and they took over a day to get approved. You know this is true since you were the first person to commen...

2392d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

B..b..b.but, nobody on N4G approves Media Create articles when Nintendo leads in sales.

(Did I get that right? It is harder than one thinks to impersonate a Nintendo fanboy. Would it sound better if I said - "Lets put it this way. You'll sooner see our comments flagged as inappropriate for suggesting this place is slow to approve media create articles during weeks where Nintendo is dominating." Yes, an actual fanboy posted that just last December.)

2393d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think everyone can agree now that Bungie is an overrated developer and any greatness they might of had 15 years ago is long gone. We have to remember that their solution to a problem was to disable Trials of the Nine instead of just disabling the emote that caused the problem. Problem solving skills like this is why Destiny 2 will never be fixed.

2393d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't worry, I'm sure some Nintendo fanboy will be here soon complaining how long this took to get posted.

2393d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

No, he's asking for the Switch version of the 2DS. Are you saying that Nintendo was stupid for removing the one thing that defined the 3DS?

2393d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is easy to have a great first year if you stop making games for your previous console. After E3 2014, the only new games announced for the Wii U were Paper Mario, Mario Tennis, and a bunch of derivative amiibo games. The last year for the Wii U was extremely barren and filled mostly with ports and delayed games. On the other hand, Sony released God of War:Ascension, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, The Last of Us, Beyond Two Souls, Puppeteer, GT 6, Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus, along w...

2397d ago 33 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ kevnb

"Those are great looking games, but it’s not an answer for games like Pokémon, Mario and Mario kart."

The 3DS has all of those games and even with it being cheaper and having a 3 year head start the PS4 has still outsold it. Let's also not forget that the Wii U had Mario and Mario Kart and it sold so bad even Nintendo wants to forget about it.

2397d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah, changing your tune again. "It wasn't cities, it was counties. It wasn't 10, it was 5." LOL

Although it is good to see that you yourself thinks that the Department of Defense budget is way out of control. The Pentagon is the largest office building in the world and the county it is in and the 2 neighboring counties are some of the richest counties in the country. I imagine you were quite upset when Trump increased the DoD budget and gave those coun...

2405d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL, I like how when presented with facts you completely try to change your tune.

"heavily regulated gun control areas have the most gun deaths"

no, no " has more to do with the poverty levels than the gun control law"

Alaska has one of the lowest poverty rates in the country, the weakest gun control laws, the highest firearm death per population, and the highest violent crime rate. I'm sure your head is explodi...

2406d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Wow really? You think a guy who slaughtered millions of people (mostly his own) and started a world war is similar to Donald Trump?"

I'm sure that you were one of those carrying the signs with the Hitler mustache on Obama. For you to call someone Hitler, that is perfectly ok but for someone to the person you voted for Hitler - they are being haters.

2406d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What is amusing is that many of those countries the people used their guns to overthrow what they thought was tyrannical government and the proceeded to replace it with something much worse. How exactly do you think the governments of USSR, Cuba, and China come to be how they are? But hey, keep that 2nd Amendment dream alive even though it is the 1st Amendment that protects us from tyranny and that is why our nation's founders made it first.

2406d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"heavily regulated gun control areas have the most gun deaths"

Hawaii and Massachusetts have the most restrictive gun laws in the country and they have the least amount of gun deaths per population. States like Alabama and Louisiana have the least regulated gun control and lead the country in gun deaths per population. But I am sure facts are not that important to you and you'll bring up something like Chicago or some other parroted talking point. For the r...

2406d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
2406d ago Show


You're saying that the item that Nintendo sells for $89.99 is just a piece of plastic that doesn't do anything? Some defense there.
It is applicable here in the size comparison since the article compared a DOCKED Switch to a PS4 Pro.


Here is an article comparing the graph...

2408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a response to your later post saying "i don't think remasters or whatnot are bad, but when it's the only content that a console has (and that was the case early this gen), well, then there's a problem."

Are you serious?!!! Do you really think that nobody remembers the games that came out in 2014?

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Watch Dogs
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Alien: Isolation ...

2409d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sounds like they should of included the worker AI from Age of Empires 2.

2409d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


You mean like Skyward Sword selling 4 million with a Wii install base of 100 million? Metroid 3 selling less than 2 million? Xenoblade Chronicles selling 1 million? You guys always like to bring up attach rates and the truth is that most Nintendo first party games do not sell any better than Sony or Microsoft exclusives. Nintendo is dominated by casuals who mostly just buy Mario the same way many people buy a PS4 or XBox to just play Call of Duty. The differe...

2409d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Both of you don't like them being compared yet when a sales report comes out that Switch is in the top spot you cannot shut up about it. You cannot have it both ways. If they are not comparable, then each systems sales are irrelevant to each other. If you want to compare sales, then you have to accept that everything else is open for comparison.

Everyone knows you are bad at numbers but 10x the size?! Really? You think that the PS4 Pro is th...

2411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because the PS4 Pro was released in 2016 and the Switch was released in 2017. You know things are bad in technology when you need something to be compared to a device that came out 4 years earlier.

2411d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment