CRank: 5Score: 4645

Blu-Ray is quite behind on the player feature department.

6224d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am currently borrowing a PS3 and have watched a few BD movies on it.

It's not that loud at all, about on par with the 360 running a regular DVD (I.E. only one fan running). The HD DVD add on (for 360) isn't too loud for me either, but to be fair I have the surround sound going when I watch anything on it. I can't hear either player when the surround is on.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

**" I don't think they'll have an issue with making multiple disc releases should the need arise. Like, including every scrap of information even partially related to the movie in history. "**

**that's the problem right there why do you knowningly prolong and try to fight a superior technology.**

Superior Technology? HD-DVD players are superior to Blu-Ray discs in all features save disc media. AVC runs at 13 MB/s, well under the rated max for HD-DVD and...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only HD-DVD makes Dolby THD mandatory, as well as LPCM, as well as DD+.

Blu-Ray has no audio advantage in the slightest.

They both have the same requirements for video codices as well, so quit arguing quality of Blu-Ray over HD, because it's not, and never has been, true.

The ONLY advantages Blu...

6224d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

We get it, the PS3 is hard to port to because it doesn't have unified memory.

That's Sony's fault isn't it?

Enough of this story.

6224d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

That is all.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


That was a good one.

In case you were being serious:

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jack Thompson is just disgusting. I would compare him to feces covered fleas drowning in a diabetic mongrels urine, but it would be insulting to the fleas.

Anyone wanna take that site over for me? Feel free to copy it for your own use. I've lost the password to the Freewebs site.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I wouldn't care to lie about it. As far as it goes, he should be happy I'm giving money to Sony.

To Odiah: Other than a few touchy issues with the NES and catridges mating, you would be correct. I've not had an issue with a Nintendo made console to date, other than a few blinky screens on the NES. But that doesn't even happen on the top loader.

Never had an issue with a Sega console either, now that I think about it.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But a liar I am not.

I don't believe I am an XBox fanboy either, although I freely admit to being a Bungie fanboy, so I do tend to have a bias.

I continue to buy the consoles because I have a lot of games for them. Not because I'm impressed with the quality.

In any case, being the big "XBot" that I am, I'll be getting my PS3 this fall. Hopefully it will only be one.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment certainly the most noticable.

However, it's actually hard to get a whole lot of detail from a small format video, so there could be more differences than what I notice. Still it looks to be very nice looking on both consoles. I don't think anyone could be dissapointed by the port quality.

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He writes "Netgen" consoles and "oppertunity"...

And Crysis is heavily dependent on DX10. It may be able to run on DX9c with the extra resources the 360 can dedicate to video, but the PS3 will take months if not years to get it running on.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "No Direct X = No Crysis".

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The graphics appear to be a hair crisper on the PS3 version, and slightly (very slightly) more detailed on the 360 version. The contrast seems better in most instances on the 360 version but not in all instances. And of course the lighting effects are real time so they varied there a bit, but that's actually encouraging.

They seem very comparable. Good work on the developers part. Must have been a hell of a difficult job considering how different the 360 and PS3 are.

6224d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got Phantasy star Universe and one of my Halo 2 discs scratched by the thing. Made an awful racket. Happened a lot when it was next to the subwoofer. I've since moved it and had no further issues.

Oh, and to the Sony Trolls who came in here... I'm still on my first 360, and my 5th PS2, 2nd PSP, 6th PSX...

Yeah, Sony never has hardware issues. Play a game for 48 hours and the console starts to whine.

6224d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

People may be having 360 problems, but it's not because of the patch, both the 360's here have the patch, and they work fine.

6225d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would be great for FPS games and the like.

I'm waiting for Microsoft or Sony to make a controller with a rotating section in it, so you can switch the positions of the stick with the D-Pad and vice versa. The PS-layout is superior for fighting games, and 2-d shooter type games, and I'm sure it would be a godsend on the XBox Live Arcade.

Conversely, the 360 controller is as close to perfect as I've held, good weight, good positioning of the analog stick, and ...

6225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jaffe, quite a responsible human being. And surprisingly direct considering he's a Sony developer for all intents and purposes.

I don't think I need to repeat my statements from the other 3 threads like this one do I?

Now, with this generations hardware and graphic limitations (PS3 and 360 are similar processing wise, at least for this argument) one could argue that a 25GB (half a BD-Rom) game would have an explorable area similar to that of the entire British Isles (Ask anyone who lives in the British Isles how much of it they have personally explored, or could given a year and free resources).

Let's add in the progra...

We shall see. If it (the patch) works, no more issues.
If it doesn't, then warranty guitar replacement will be a must for Activision and Harmonix.

Or if that option isn't availiable, there's always the opening option.

6226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DX and unified memory, nuff said.
RSX hasn't put out anything impressive yet.

And the load time will likely be much faster on the 360, since the DVD9 drive runs at 12X compared to the 2X BD Drive. Not to mention Rockstar can always enable the HD detect feature to spool data on the HD resulting in even faster load times.

So go spread your sour grapes elsewhere.

6227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment