CRank: 5Score: 3700

just fine on both systems. deal with it, cause further complaining will only give you high blood pressure.

5213d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

the Sony fanboys aren't getting furious about this.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it's a multiplatform title! haha, naaah, don't trip fanboys, i'm kidding. well not really, it DID score .2 higher.

Nonetheless, I look forward to Kratos concluding an already great month of gaming here in March.

edit: Above me...holy crap Mitchell. really? see, this is the problem with you fanboys, your anger towards the smallest things REALLY exposes your insecurities man. WOW. you guys are giving yourselves unnecessary high blood pressure, seriously!

5213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they wouldn't get this game because it was supposedly "gimped." Either you guys changed your minds, or you're bragging about a version of a game you're not even planning to buy.

Regardless, I'm glad the 360 will get a few copies under its belt. You really think the game would have made back it's development costs if it was exclusive to the PS3? Hell no, haha

Edit: Change that, yes its development costs will probably be covered. But you know what I mean. It'...

5213d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's an amazing game for an original ip. With all the feedback and refinements, think of what Bayonetta 3 would be if made by Platinum Games.

5214d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

They do it all the time, go to any article featuring Alan Wake, Natal, or Splinter Cell Conviction. You'll find a fanboy in there that starts babbling about the greatness of the PS3. Guaranteed.

5215d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

They think they're too high and almighty for multiplatform titles.

Anyways, I hope the team making this game played Fallout 3 to death and know what made that game so great. When they asked the Fallout 3 director what he learned about making the game, he said to never have level caps and never let the game end. I hope New Vegas acknowledges that do a degree.

5215d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

the ps3 version is better than the 360 version. that is expected, but still a win for microsoft because yet another ps exclusive franchise is now mulitplatform, and sony fanboys get to cry about the game being "gimped." haha

expect FFXV to be on the 360 too!

5215d ago 7 agree31 disagreeView comment

360 port of FFXIII in terms of comparing it with its competing version, and although I haven't taken a look at any scores, I highly doubt Bayonetta was docked off THAT many points. From a solid B to a C-? Just for technical aspects that don't really affect gameplay? That's a little too harsh, man. At most I'd think 5 points would be enough, like from an 85 to an 80, or an A- to a B/B+.

5215d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

sorry, left a comment in the wrong article, lol

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if all you're paying attention to is whether or not the 360 version of this game will be scored lower than the PS3 version. It's actually pretty funny, I'm glad you guys are getting all butthurt over it.

Seriously, get over it. If you choose not to, oh well, it only hurts you and gives me more laughs.

The only difference between the two would be in the graphics, and even then it's not like the 360 version has sh1t graphics. The gameplay, characters, story, EVERYTHING...

5216d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

You're missing out big time, especially for 2010. Yeah you got your exclusives, but why settle for just that? You guys really think you're too good for multiplatform titles huh? LMAO, who are you?!

5217d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment


umm, how about maybe these guys really just see it as a great game, plain and simple?

It's like what I said a few days ago: when a game gets a score that you don't like, either the reviewers were paid off or extremely biased. And if they get the score you agree with, it's fact.

Towards the end of the review:
"Is it better than White Knight Chronicles? Oh hell yes.

lmao, "gimped" multiplatform ga...

5217d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Calling Sony pathetic repeatedly was just me irritated replying to whoever it was that called Microsoft pathetic. And no, I'm honestly neutral. When my friends bash Sony, I'm defending them all the way. And then I come to this site where everyone bashes Microsoft and I feel that at least one person here has to defend them. I want both consoles to be successful, but not at the cost of the competition being disrespected and insulted like I see here.

C'mon man, don't start taking it...

5218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regardless of whether or not the PS3 is selling more right now or is outselling the 360 every year since launch, the simple fact is that the 360 has still sold more than the PS3! What matters is the total number as of now, not how many each console sold within a certain time frame of their launch.

People say "oh well if the they were released at the same time the ps3 would be on top,' and all this other speculation, but that's not what happened! They WEREN'T released at the...

5218d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But, every 360 copy of FFXIII sold could have been a PS3 copy sold. Still, the 360 doesn't even need to outsell the PS3 here, it's already done that for other previously PS exclusive franchises. GTA? Resident Evil?

5218d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Dude, 95 percent of games coming out for the ps3 are also coming out on the 360. I don't understand why people judge a console's success by that extremely small percentage of exclusives.

I'm not that hyped about Halo Reach or Natal, but I am for Alan Wake and Splinter Cell Conviction.

If you ask me, what's pathetic is that it took 3 years for the PS3 to get on track, and at the cost of reducing the price tag to half of it's original price tag. It was originally 600! ...

5218d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

God of War III bundle, like a red PS3 or something. I mean, this is arguably their biggest exclusive of the year.

5218d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You ever think that the deleted content was cut because it didn't flow well with the game?

Content gets edited out of games on a regular basis, ya know. No different than deleted scenes in movies. Oh well, I'm glad you're upset over it. =)

5218d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

Resident Evil would get more respect than this.

Don't get it then, stick to your PS3 exclusives. I also get to enjoy those, AND good multiplatform titles.

5219d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment