CRank: 5Score: 3700

you got way too many emoticons going on there at the same time, man.

5030d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

big_silky just got ja ruled.

5041d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

why bother paying for cable television if we can get it online for free?

Why even bother paying for internet when we can get it at the library for free?

Why pay for games when we can download most of them for free?

Why send text messages when we can email for free?

Why drive when we can bike or walk for free?

It's called convenience, man, and it's normal to pay for it.

5041d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

when you can probably download them online for free?

5041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5041d ago Show

I played through it a second time a few months ago and was blown away all over again.

5043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The dialogue, the shooting, the city, the driving, among other things.

5043d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

you'd think that GTA IV was a game that was barely decent. It's the most realistic city I've ever seen in a videogame. I don't think it's just the hype...there's a reason why you'd have to search for a review that didn't give it a perfect at the time. 10 out of 10s aren't perfect, but they're exceptional, and I think GTA IV was such a game. An 8 out of 10? Really?

5043d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if the added ESPN streaming is good, then I think that justifies the additional dollar or so per month (I buy the yearly subscriptions). Of course I wouldn't pay if I had the option, but all of my closest friends are on Xbox Live so that's what does it for me.

I only know one person in real life on PSN, and trying to communicate with him and the process of sending him invites to games is a pain in the ass, honestly.

When I think about it, people comp...

5043d ago 8 agree61 disagreeView comment

bisexuality are becoming more mainstream and embraced (nothing against it though), I'd honestly be happy if I saw my preteen with a Playboy magazine. At least it suggests he's not gay. We're going through puberty at that stage, how the heck can parents get furious at their kids for that?

Reminds me of this one time around 9th-10th grade I forgot to clear my history on the pc and my dad found out...he called me on the phone and said that I was visiting sites that ...

5062d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

it seems unfair that this girl should get that much money over something that was never proven. 200 grand?! I swear, that makes me want to be sexually harassed.

5071d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

If you were to judge a game based on forums alone, you'd think GTAIV was a pile of shit. You'd think Final Fantasy XII and XIII were piles of shit. You'd think Call of Duty games were a pile of shit.

5079d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

very misleading.

5080d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

We pay for almost everything we use and consume. And if I am wasting my money on this, than I've wasted a ton more on other unnecessary things, such as subway sandwiches and mexican food when I have a ton of food at home. And nope, I find the 360 interface to be a lot more faster and convenient than the PS3's.

"And a shot at adding friends, well i just lol on that one as i think over the thought. "


5086d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Whether they be monthly or yearly. I pay a ton more a month for PG&E, Comcast, Netflix, Gamefly, and my Chase credit card. When I look at all those bills (especially Chase haha), the estimated monthly cost of Live is nothing. Good for all of you people that have a PS3 and are content with that. However, I do have a 360 and most (actually, all) of my friends are on that service, so I pay. It's not like I enjoy paying 50 bucks, but I don't think it's that big of a deal, consider...

5086d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

would probably get it, but I hope that's not what they base it on. Sure it got a high score, but you can just look at the amount of effort and detail put into other games such as Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect 2 and I think it blows Mario out of the water.

I thought God of War 3 was tight, but for me it was just like the first and second one. I really thought Bayonetta offered more variety and fun, and this was only Bayonetta's first outing. The games that innova...

5099d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

Fallout 3 looks pretty bad compared to the best looking games out there, but it ultimately delivered hundreds of hours of fun for me, to the point where the graphics didn't become a factor at all.

5102d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I texted the number and they gave me a code right away. Downloading it right now, I hope IO Interactive does it right this time. But sheesh, I think everyone wants another Hitman game. More importantly, a next-gen Hitman game.

5103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For it's time, GTA IV pushed the boundaries of the sandbox genre. Liberty City is one of the most realistic worlds feels so alive.

And Uncharted 2 is not that far off (on metacritic). It pushed the boundaries of console graphics yes, but let's face it, it's not the most innovative title out there. Plus, it's a 10-12 hour linear campaign while GTA IV was 40+ hours and in a much bigger world with a lot more things to do.

Both are gr...

5103d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

B-b-but, Alistair destroyed your archdemon!! The Blight has returned!

5103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment