CRank: 5Score: 3700

I'd buy this over a Wii anyday.

5242d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

I take my time with these games, usually beat them in a week or two. I hate to rush to the end of a game just because I don't want to pay another $2 for an extra day. Puts pressure on the gamer to finish as soon as possible to save more money, and that's no way to approach a game.

Gamefly does something similar to this, called the G-box, I believe. If you go that route, you better beat that game quick then, because Blockbuster charges what, 8 bucks, for two weeks? So ...

5243d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

exclusive content like this makes me get the PS3 version, just like Arkham Asylum.

BUT, this is a multiplayer game, so I still gotta go with the 360 version, cause that's where all my friends are.

5244d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

ending for any videogame I've ever played, without a doubt. Every single person's story is wrapped up, and the last cut scene was extremely satisfying. More often than not, videogame endings leave me wanting a bit more, because they'll often leave certain characters' fates unknown or unresolved.

5247d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

ummm God of War collection?

5251d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

God of War collection?

5251d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Tifa (FFVII), Sheva (Resident Evil 5), Eleka (Prince of Persia), Elena Fisher (Uncharted), Bayonetta (...Bayonetta), and Lighting(FFXIII)

Not necessarily the hottest, but they are my favorite female videogame characters. Most female characters are sexualized in some way, and I really like how all of that is thrown out with Elena Fisher. Instead, her character is reflected through her dialogue and interactions with other characters, and it really humanizes her and makes her all th...

5282d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox fanboys wouldn't start disowning the series and insulting it, which is something I see PS3 fanboys do a lot to their exclusives that become multiplatform. In that situation, the Sony guy says, "Oh, it wasn't going to be that good anyways...gimped gimped gimped" while the "xbot" would be like, "Oh...whatever(shrug)&quo t;

"Xbots" didn't care when Bioshock came to the PS3, but I bet you Sony fanboys would be oh so butthurt if the 360 got Heav...

5288d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

compared to BC2's rave reception. Everything is opinion, not fact, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. I really can't see how people can choose MAG's boring and mediocre gameplay over the killstreaks/attachments of MW2 and the realistic shooting/sound of BC2.

5290d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Tell that to the people that are seriously overhyped for 'Agent.' and 'FF vs. XIII.'

5290d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it can be incredibly frustrating, because the huge maps are heaven for snipers. Look at those killcams and you'll see people hiding in bushes remaining absolutely still and just camping like that. I personally enjoy using the assault rifles, and it seriously kills the mood when you got people taking you out from a mile away.

I wish they had smaller sized maps where using assault rifles and shotguns would actually be more appropriate than resorting to sniper rifles.

5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

absurdly unreasonable expectations with everything. You'd really find ways to pick apart and criticize every single aspect about the remake, just like everyone complained about XIII having no towns and NPCs amongst other things.

I'd like a remake very much, but I almost feel like FF fans don't deserve it, because a lot of them don't appreciate the latest titles (12 and 13), which really aren't as bad as everyone's making them out to be. In fact, I'd say they're pretty good.

5297d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The developers themselves are fans of the franchise, they have every right to do whatever they want to mix up the series. I mean, do you guys have anything to do with the making of Final Fantasy games? No. So why does it seem like you want to dictate to them what they should add to a game to make it supposedly more like Final Fantasy-ish?

Everyone keeps talking about how the most recent FF titles will never surpass the old school ones. Ever heard of nostalgia? It's the one barrie...

5299d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As I've said throughout this thread, if the gunplay/shooting is mediocre, I can't care less what its defining feature is. More players in each match? Teamwork, leaders, and squads? Whatever you think it's main attraction is, it's rendered worthless if the shooting mechanics are terrible, which they are.

5300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, thing is, those killstreaks and vehicles complement what is already solid gameplay. Take out vehicles in BC2 and I'll still have a blast shooting other people. Take out killstreaks and I'll still have a blast shooting other people. MAG? They can add a thousand players to the capacity, and I still wouldn't try it again.

MAG is a mediocre shooter that supports 256 players. 12, 24, 256, 512, none of it matters if the shooting isn't good. I'm not the only one that thinks this w...

5301d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I can't see why you guys would prefer that shooter over MW2 or BC2, I really can't. I mean, reviews aren't everything, but just look all the scores this game got. Not bad, but compared to other shooters, yes bad. Take away that whole 256 player feature and it goes from average to below average.

5301d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

Anyways, it's his loss.

This is one of those times where I really disagree with the majority of the reviews. They all thought the linearity was a game-breaker, and I completely disagree. The battle system is more fresh and addicting than any battle system Bioware's ever done.

5302d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

who are still upset that it's a multiplatform title.

Even now you got a few very anal FF "fans" here complaining and listing every single damn thing that's "missing" from this game. Haha, it's like they're the ones who direct the franchise or somethin. Still stuck in the past, smh.

If you want your towns, micromanagement, and repetitive turn-based battle system, then go enjoy Lost Odyssey and leave FFXIII alone.

5304d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought it would be a boring first 20 hours like all the reviewers claimed, but I absolutely disagree with them. These opening chapters have been very fun, and if the latter half is even better, I can't wait to reach that point.

I'd prefer this battle system without towns over any other FF battle system with towns included. Such a small thing to complain, and the crazy thing is that it makes perfect sense within the storyline.

Gimped game? I certainly don't feel th...

5307d ago 5 agree18 disagreeView comment

If you actually play the game, it makes no sense to have towns where you can just talk to random villagers and what not. You're branded as l'Cie, which are very much feared by the people of Cocoon. To have you just go into towns and talk to everyone for fun makes absolutely no sense within the context of the story.

It wasn't about not being able to make towns, it just didn't go with the story. Jesus Christ, that's all I see when I read these comments, people complaining about no...

5308d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment