CRank: 5Score: 3700

guy pipes in and says he's never heard of E3. Ummm...why is he being shown Natal?

5132d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

haha, we can say "fucking" now!

I feel so liberated, wooooo! fuck fuck fuckity fuck!

5133d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

there's barely anything come out this summer. Crackdown 2 supposedly in July, and Mafia 2 and Kane and Lynch 2 in August. It'll be a good time for me to catch up on some games I haven't beaten yet, like Oblivion and Dragon Age. Maybe squeeze in some time for a few handhelds.

5134d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My kill/death ratio is over 2, so I think I have more skill than the average player.

5135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel that almost all my deaths are cheap. I'll have the jump on a guy, he throws a grenade and boom I die. But when I throw grenades, enemies somehow roll out of the way. Those things seriously need a longer time fuse. Shotguns are ridiculous, you don't even need to aim, just gotta run around. Getting killed by grenades, shotguns, rockets, grenade launchers, it all feels cheap to me. And then the one where they hipfire at you for a second, then melee you so you die? That sh1t NEVER ...

5136d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

emphasize that it would take a long time. Of course he doesn't literally mean 30 years. geesh, c'mon guys.

anyways, the more i think about it, the less reasonable it sounds to do a remake. first of all, you have to have the FFVII development staff working on this, and right now a lot of them are focused on different projects. That, and you have to consider what they want to do as well. Maybe they want to try out different things, instead of remaking something they di...

5136d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

tried it are giving it tons of praise, so I think I'm going to listen to their opinion more than the PS3 fanboys on N4G who are praying that Natal fails. From what I'm seeing, impressions for MOVE are the mixed ones, while Natal has been getting unanimous positive feedback.

Let me guess, you guys think Microsoft paid all of those guys to say those positive things, including Hideo Kojima, right?

I don't understand why people are hating on Natal ju...

5136d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

because world at war sold a ton. and modern warfare 2 broke entertainment records. just sayin.

5137d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's a difference between taking orders and getting yelled at though. There's obviously a lack of respect if someone treats you like that.

And in my experience, managers and bosses can be great to work with. Either you really suck at your job or your boss is a d1ck.

5137d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't be a b1tch, homie.

5137d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Something that could count how many jumping jacks and pushups we've done in one session, tally our progress, etc. All without requiring a little balance board. Could be a great alternative when I don't feel like driving to the gym.

5138d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I liked what I saw in this video, which is a year ago. Hopefully they'll have improved on it even more for this year's E3.

Anyone who expected this to be the price of a game is very naive.

All you cowards disagreeing, why don't you just go away and focus on your Move articles? Stop stressing about Natal and worry about something t...

5139d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

The same people that paid big money for plastic guitars and drums. The same people who paid big money for a console that features motion controls. Basically, people who can afford it and like to take part in something that hasn't been done before.

Navigating menus without a controller isn't the only reason people are excited about Natal, don't be an idiot, boy. And you go ahead and do that study yourself man, I'll let the sales numbers prove my point when Natal ...

5139d ago 8 agree18 disagreeView comment

to be able to navigate the dashboard with flick of the hand? Controllerless gaming is new; the idea of playing a game without something in your hand is an attractive concept, and I'm pretty sure people will buy this just because the technology is impressive (like Apple products).

A $150 price tag is interesting and I don't know how well that would be received by the public, but if you really didn't think Natal would be successful at $50, you gotta get off the drug...

5139d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

That's less than one game, did you really think Natal would cost less than one game? Believe me, people will pay big money to be able to control the dashboard with a flick of their hand. Controller less gaming is something new...for the most part we've always had to play games with something in our hands. Natal is changing that, I think people will buy it just because the technology itself is impressive (like Apple products).

5139d ago 5 agree26 disagreeView comment

And that final boss fight was a little underwhelming. Other than the great graphics, to me it was the same as GOW2. Same combos, same combat, etc.

My favorites as of now would be Bayonetta, Mass Effect 2, Bad Company 2, and Heavy Rain.

I could go on about how much I prefer Bayonetta over GOW3, but nah. GOW3 is tight, but the best game of 2010? Not for me.

5139d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm excited for Natal because of it's capabilities for facial and voice recognition. That, and from what I'm getting, people will be able to navigate the Xbox interface with a hand. I can speak for a lot of Xbox users when I say that we're not and never have been excited to hit red balls by flopping around looking like an idiot. Me and a bunch of guys agreed to that one year ago, during E3 2009.

PS3 fans, on the other hand, have completely turned around and ...

5141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Live...I have to pay another $10 for every game that I want to play online? Gamefly is my primary source for playing videogames, so this is definitely a major concern for me. As much as I love Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, if they're really gonna follow through with this, I'll stick to single-player campaigns, thank you very much. That, Uncharted 2's multiplayer, and Final Fantasy XIV. Not our fault you guys don't put out enough games that warrant a full $65 purchase.

5146d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe because all of our friends on our Xbox Live as well? Get outta here man, $4 a month is nothing to me, I make that much in change everyday.

5147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they're more worried about the 360 version's score over the actual game itself. In the case of FFXIII, if you really have to pause the game and look at still snapshots to see noticeable differences, it really doesn't warrant a different score, ESPECIALLY when the game performs equally well on both platforms. And the funny thing is, half the people complaining weren't even planning to buy that game in the first place.

Seriously guys, give yourself less stress ...

5148d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment