My second love is gaming!!


CRank: 6Score: 264190

Bottom line..... there's old Dante & now a new young Dante,there's old DMC & now the new reboot DmC,either you're interested or not interested,if you're not interested MOVE ON,who that are interested then let's continue to have postive discussions,Capcom have the money to make whatever they want when they want,these anti-DmC haters need to get over that there's a possibility this new Dante may be here to stay with more games to look forward to & that's ...

4265d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Totally agree....I pay no mind to some of these pitiful mindless freaks on this they know what's best for you to play,At first Lightning seems hard & cold but she finally opens up & she's this girl with emotions & feelings,I liked her character & I got what Square was trying to convey.I believe alot of people that whined negatively about XIII didn't play or finished the game.

4267d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Son_Lee...I totally agree with you.FF-X & XIII are my favorites & I've played all FF since the Super Nintendo.I'm playing XIII again,I like Lightning,the battle system was fast & furious...loved it,the soundtrack was amazing which is something I never really pay attention to in videogames & the graphics & production were superb just like all FF games.Yes XIII had it's minor flaws but I had no problem because of the story I got what Square were doing,it wasn...

4267d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really like the new DmC,the gameplay,design & this young Dante for this reboot.I like old Dante also.

4268d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

@chadwarden...I see you like the FF character Lightning,I think for a female FF character she is a interesting badass!

4268d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll believe that a FFvsXIII is being released when I see it!! someone stated earlier Square is money hungry & if there is a FFvsXIII Square maybe waiting for next gen to release the game so it'll be on both platforms,I don't think they're going to keep it as a PS3 exclusive anymore.Whomever is running Square I'm surprise they haven't run the business in the ground yet with their poor business decisions & lack of game releases.

4268d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know he just don't realise how SPECIAL & OBSESSED he's acting....WOW!!..LOL!!!

4268d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment is 3 more seconds.....give it up!! you're so far gone with your supposedly hate obsession with DmC,for all we know you're probably playing this game,because you absolutely have a CRAZY HARD ON for this game,no one cares about your one video review or your negative worthless rants,I do & will praise this game in every article that praises DmC because it's the thing you can do when someone likes a game,I can see if an article is bashing the game then you ca...

4268d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

She should give it up!

4268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

DAMN!!!.....Get over it already!

4269d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I loved FF-X,the story was touching & the gameplay was fun,with Squares horrible business decisions lately,who knows if this hd version will even see the light of day & if so there probably won't be a USA version.

4269d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

DmC is great so far!!...there are minor technical issues with the PS3 (visually-blurry,screen tearing at times) but everything else is tight!Got to give a hand to NT & Capcom for hiring them to develop this reboot!

4269d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new hack & slash with Anime style graphics..Nice!!......I'm definitely down to play this!!

4269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would definitely consider this reboot of DmC something "fresh" it's new,different (developers & development wise)it's not a sequel it's something "fresh"because DMC4 in my opinion was STALE & BORING.

4270d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

My OPINION....I loved Heavenly Sword,Enslaved was ok,I'm still in the begining of DmC & so far as gameplay,level designs & Dante's voice acting NT pulled it off big time!...Capcom knew what they were doing business wise by hiring NT to develop this reboot.

4270d ago 15 agree12 disagreeView comment

I like the FF character Lightning,I enjoyed FF-XIII,not so much FF-XIII-2 still have the game & a year later still haven't finished it,but this game looks interesting may give it a try when it's released.

4270d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was interested in this reboot of Tomb Raider because I could never get into any of them & I've tried them on the PS1 & 2 & just couldn't continue playing them,I was really hoping for a demo to see if I would like it but if Square isn't releasing a demo than something is very fishy going on & maybe this game isn't up to par & Square & the developers don't have the courage to let people try this game.

4270d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the PS3 copy & there's some screen tearing & certain areas are not as sharp & crisp as it should be & so much red & yellow which I notice in certain games using the Unreal engine,other than that the design & gameplay of the levels are amazing! I say the first 3 months are going to be fun so far playing hack & slash games...DmC,MGR & GOW:A!

4270d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to be negative,just
civil, but I do want to state that I've seen your dedication at so many articles stating how you just didn't SEE DmC for this & that etc,but if you are a fan of the DMC series than you should or be willing to try this one with an open mind...& you did!!..& you say you're enjoying it,such as I am,hopefully you will enjoy the rest of the game.

4271d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds possibly like a good theory,Lumina looks alot like Serah.

4271d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment