My second love is gaming!!


CRank: 6Score: 264220

I totally agree,who is anyone to say those are authentic tweets or not,that's what really bugs me about this site is when people think their opinions are HARDCORE FACTS,just maybe the creator of DMC did like NT's reboot because I personally think they did a great job & then again maybe he doesn't,no one will know this really unless they know this man personally.

4272d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hear what you're saying,I know people can be opinionated & people can like & dislike whatever they want,but some people here have gone extremely bonkers with their negative rants especially in a article that's being totally positive about a game (DmC)It's almost like sitting in a church & someone comes in saying everything the priest is saying is untrue "there is nothing to believe in" which people in the church would find offensive & rude,I know this i...

4272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's Beautifully Violent!!

4272d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@DragonKnight...I'm going to say this game is amazing as many times as you troll every DmC article with your redundant,lame,worthless rethoric & horrible theories about how bad this game supposedly is & every other worthless thing you've said.Isn't about time you find some other articles to try to trash,it's obvious you're not able to accept change...GET OVER IT & MOVE ON!....I could say other nasty things but I will keep it simple & to myself.

4272d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'll be ready in for the PS4 next year,too many great titles coming this year!

4272d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I got my copy for the PS3,I'm at the beginning & there are a little technical flaws but the gameplay & the design of the levels are AMAZING!!!NT didn't get it a 100% with the tech for the PS3 but so far this game is amazing!Some of the backgrounds in the level designs remind me of something Tim Burton would have done.

4272d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Just got my copy an hour ago,just played the first level,on a technical level the graphics on the PS3 at times are a little muddy (blurry) & a little screen tearing but far as the gameplay & the bizarre background animations & scenery are fantastic! well as the voice acting for Dante.I'm only at the beginning but I'm having fun so far!

4272d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I happened to agree with with Riderz as if some of those ranting negatively about DmC sound either like 12 yr olds or hysterical paranoid psychopaths,quoting ridiculous theories over & over again.

4272d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

Of course miserable immature people would pull a stunt like that it was bound to happen,but majority rules & the mass of reviewers big & small say DmC ROCKS!!....& the haters can't TAKE IT!!

4272d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Another good review,stating NT did a great job sticking to the DMC franchise,,,great to know this!

4273d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

It's really time for the anti-DmC to give it up,telling these ridiculous theories of why this game is supposedly bad & why it's getting good reviews.Capcom hired NT to do a reboot not rewrite the Bible,majority of you haven't even played the game at all I included & preaching this madness as if it's the gospel truth,it's really time to move on,this game has gotten nothing but praise & that's from alot of reviewers big & small,even members here that are ...

4273d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@REALgamer.....LMAO!!.your comment was funny & on point...some of these people are miserable,pathetic & CRAZY!

4273d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good article!

4273d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@VINNIEPAZ....isn't that just it????....excellent comment!!! I'm the same way,I never give anyone the blues because they admire or like something that I may have no interest in "different strokes for different folks"I have NEVER enter a forum bitching & trying to put down a game because they like it & I don't or resort to saying don't buy this game people are on this earth to do whatever they want,play whatever they want.

4273d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@MadMax...great comment!....can't wait to play this afternoon,I always felt this was going to be a great game!

4273d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

@pandehz...excellent explanation!!!....I understood exactly what you said (even though I knew this already)but it seems some people just can't comprehend that DmC is a fresh NEW & DIFFERENT approach of the DMC series,again it's NOT DMC 5,so that means things are going to be different it's a f'ing REBOOT!!

4273d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Absolutely!!...I'll be doing the same!!

4273d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

This game will probably be hard to rent at first,I'm quite sure alot of people already have first dibs on it.

4273d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment're probably right about the haters buying it & posting what they hate about the game,if that's true then MISERY REALLY LOVES COMPANY!

4273d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

This is FANTASTIC!!! much praise & support for this game,tomorrow afternoon couldn't come any sooner!

4273d ago 23 agree23 disagreeView comment