My second love is gaming!!


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No Lightning,Summons or people to recruit & yes it was short,FF-XIII was better & all that was needed.

4174d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't get how Hitman & TR sold as a failure selling 3.4 million copies,Square stated TR cost 100 million if it sold 3.4 million copies at 60 dollars a game it seems like they had to make around 200 million getting their 100 million back with a 100 million profit,maybe figures are done differently??

4202d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Aghashie...if you must know I have NNK already & it's ok but there is nothing like playing a visual masterpiece when it comes to the FF games & I can dream may it be day or night.

4202d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Abriael...Call it what you want but RIGHT NOW the MAJORITY,the MASSES WANT FFvs or FF-TYPE O or even a new good looking & playing jrpg... there are little concern about an MMO(FF-VX) knowing that Square didn't get it right the first time.

4202d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

TR sold 3.4 million copies those are not flop numbers.

4202d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Square should reassure fans that FFvs will be released & they should also release an english version of FF-TYPE O & maybe they can recoup some of their losses knowing both games are highly anticipated!

4202d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I love the FF franchise & I don't know if Square could develop the magic in games they once had but Wada made alot of BAD buisness decisions,I liked FF-XIII but there was no need for 3 of them,Square could have released 2 other jrpg's instead,hopefully this new CEO will make better wiser buisness decisions & most important LISTEN to the FANS without the FANS there wouldn't be a Squaresoft.

4202d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FABULOUS NEWS!! maybe Square will start listening to the fans & developing & releasing more jrpg's & releasing games that the fans want including releasing games internationally like bravely default,ff type-o,listening to the fans wants & needs would be a wise decision if Square would like to have their company pockets filled with cash.

4202d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

OOOHH...thank you sooo much.

4202d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes it's TRUE!....I saw the news on Gematsu & VG247 go check it out!

4202d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

N4G should have also posted that Yoichi Wada has resigned as CEO of Square -Enix,that has to be the greatest news I've heard this morning! Edit:why would anybody disagree when this is true!

4202d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yoichi Wada has resigned as CEO of Square-Enix,that has to be the greatest news I heard this morning,I'm surprised N4G doesn't have this news up already.

4202d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Xander...I don't care what you say & you don't have to agree it's a rip off period!! Every since gaming consoles have been online compatible developers are making incomplete games so they can milk people for more money for dlc,it's bad enough forking down 60plus dollars for the game especially when you're not rich & you're on a budget,no one should have to pay extra money to level up.

4203d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

ABSOLUTELY...YES!!...first you pay 60 plus tax dollars for the game 30 dollars for a season pass,any game I've played in the past that required leveling up,you usually can level all the way up to 99 or better,Gearbox limiting the game to only level 50 & now charging 5 bucks for another limited amount of levels which are only 11 is a total rip off!!

4203d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

Charging 5 dollars for raising the level cap only eleven levels is a major rip first people payed 60 dollars plus tax for this game then for extra content people payed 30 extra dollars for the season pass or 10 dollars each dlc...that can be almost 100 dollars to play a game with a leveling up limatation that you have to wait months for to be raised & then to be charged for a limited level raise is a complete rip off!...I remember the days when you played a game in it involved l...

4203d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Crazyglues,I agree...I bought GoW:A & it should have never been tagged with a demo knowing that the demo wasn't playable until 2 months later,2 weeks before the game full release,the demo should just appear ready to download & play on the PSN like any other demo.

4207d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love the PS3, I've been with Playstation since their first console & I'm looking forward to the PS4.

4207d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

IMO alot of game related rumours turn out to be true or somewhat true & Square isn't saying NO only stating NO COMMENT,due to the fact that this game has supposedly been in development since 2006 then 2011 Square states that it's in full development which imo it must have made the switch & change (using the next gen engine Luminous) to be on the PS4 nor have we heard anything about VS since 2011,Square knowing alot of fans want to move on from the XIII universe VS more likely ...

4207d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of the battle scenes in the 2011 trailer look next gen,they also talk about using the next gen luminous engine and this anticipated game is taking so long to develop & it's been 2 yrs since we've heard any recent concrete news, IMO I think this game is definitely going next gen or it's been canceled.

4208d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope this is true & I hope this comes out in NA before the PS4 is released,wouldn't mind taking a stab at both games one last time in HD especially on one disc.

4209d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment