My second love is gaming!!


CRank: 6Score: 264190

I don't care what people say about DmC especially the negative comments.DmC is a great game,I've enjoyed them all except 4.DMC needed some spice & this reconstruction or reboot of DMC is refreshing IMO it plays LIKE a DMC game & NT did a good job developing the game & because it's not selling well doesn't mean it's not a good game. @MikeMyers.....WELL SAID!!

4256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Tzunoy....that's why you only have 1 bubble."you should THINK before you SPEAK,whenever someone dies especially someone that contributes their talent to the world which happens to be us gamers knowing we won't hear any future compositions from him in videogames,some people feel this is a loss as other great talent has passed on,so people that have enjoyed his scores want to give him praises on his fine work,as a great artist should & there should be nothing wrong with that.W...

4259d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They gave it a 9 which DmC deserves,it's a very good game.

4259d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ado908.....alot of people who've played HR evidently admired the music he's done & maybe other scores he may have composed doesn't mean these people have to know him or met him to admire his work & say praises & condolences during this mans untimely death,unlike you...some people have compassion & a heart.

4259d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I totally agree....some of the people here are thoughtless,resentful & mindless!

4259d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The music that was composed for HR was great haunting & atmospheric,it fit the game well,there is only a couple of games I've played where the music captivated me & HR is one of them,this composers work will be missed.Whomever is disagreeing on peoples praises & condolences for this man is obvious some disrespectful,inconsiderate fanboy.

4260d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now....Sony & the PS3 can do no wrong,I enjoy everything about my system especially always releasing amazing original IP,just wish the browser worked better,I've stuck by Sony for 3 generations & I will a 4th.

4260d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I believe them because DmC is that good!!

4261d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@H&P...beleive me if you like h&s games DmC is fun,very entertaining.

4261d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I love DMC including DmC & after all these years I just got into the fact that combos are a big part of the gameplay,I was just enjoying the fact of just tearing things up like a normal H & S game,I'm on mission 10 & started over again & after seeing this video my scoring is better & combos are Sick to pull off but this person playing in this video is GOOD!

4261d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are people who don't like CHANGE & there are people who don't mind CHANGE such as I,I think this is sort(reboots) of becoming the norm now especially with movies like Batman,Star Trek,there's another Carrie coming out,it's slowly starting with videogames also,us fans do spend money on these things but in reality fans can't always get what they want & these companys have the money to do whatever they want,it's either you're interested or you're not...

4261d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii-U is a next gen console it just has yet to show next gen graphics,when the next wave of consoles are released then we'll see & compare what exclusives games including some multi will look like.

4261d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is supposed to have a 10 yr life cycle,so Sony is probably not going to implement PS3 backwards compatibility in the PS4 especially if it's released this year,they want to keep selling the PS3 while selling the PS4 like they did the PS2 when the PS3 was released,PS3 backwards compatibility with PS2 was short lived because of cost & technical problems.

4262d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the SNES,PS1 & PS2 days Square used to release alot of games & majority of them were enjoyable experiences,I know technology has evolve & now games are in hd so I guess development takes time & that's to be accepted.This article states some good points about Square's wrong doings,because the person or persons running Square are not making good business decisions at all this generation as far as their main development team developing & putting out games.

4262d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My personal opinion....Square's Lightning Returns & FF-XIV is the only thing being released this year.If there's still a FFvsXIII,I don't think it'll be exclusive to the PS3 anymore,supposedly it's a big game & they supposedly incorporating the luminous engine & that's suppose to be a next gen engine so they're probably going to release FFvsXIII on both next gen systems to make money.We probably won't here any news on FFvsXIII until the end of the y...

4262d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I always thought the same about this game having an old school feel from the SNES & PS1days,like Secret of Mana,Secret of Evermore & countless others though some look childish,alot of the script(dialogue)is mature & they may have touching,emotional content.

4263d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another game Square lied about that was supposedly coming to the PS3.

4263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed also,people who just played the demo doesn't validate that the game sucks especially when it's just a DEMO,NT did a good job,Capcom made a wise choice hiring them to develop this classic game as a reboot.

4264d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I will continue to support Square with their FF franchise except the MMO's.Out of all the FF games I've played FF-XIII-2 is my least interesting FF,FF-X & XIII are my favorites & I've played them all.My gripe with Square is the fact that they're taking too long to develop & put games out to play,this generation only FF-XIII with 3 parts,not counting FF-XIV,they use to put out at least 3 different FF each console life.I like the FF character Lightning but it seems t...

4264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm totally enjoying DmC,taking my time with it,I think NT did a good job with this new take on DMC,love the level designs & combat,a fresh new experience because the last DMC was boring.

4265d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment