CRank: 5Score: 1970

I'm a PC gamer idiot. I love how fanboys like you call others trolls, but don't stop to examine your own pro-ps3 remarks. Lighten up, get outside for a bit.

4767d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm drunk!

4767d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol I said it years ago. Sony bungled their launch and it cost them. If they ever do catch the 360, it'll be when noone cares and has moved on to the 720.

I don't understand how the playstation crowd thinks games is so important when 'competing with the mighty Sony". Please, ever take a gander at the sales chart? Yeah, its good 'ol Nintendo. QUICK, name 10 games for it! GO!...............Yeah. Its all about media, connectivity, marketing and accessibility....

4767d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment

The first one was so good, loved the old-school dungeon crawler feel. I'll be getting this upon release. =)

4768d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is placing the utmost importance on delivering the fluid, perfected FPS system that is the Halo franchise. I love shooters, and Halo is simply one of the best. Revolutionary console-FPS mechanics, great story/characters and so on.

At a point were a new developer studio wants to make the oh-so-important first impression, they will not allow any drastic changes to the legendary formula--at least not yet. While the trailer reflected an image and style that was not Bun...

4768d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

Both Ps3 and 360 are out of date. Fact.

4768d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Elder Scrolls 6,7,8,9....

4768d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awe, was really looking forward to this one. Was going to squeeze in a playthrough before Skyrim steals my life for 2 years lmao.

4768d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its awesome. DX-11 based games, advanced tessellation and a slew of other features Pc gamers have been enjoying for a couples years now. Console gamers are confined to having a 'next gen'. With the PC platform, you install the tech as it comes. There is no 'next gen'--only the next gpu, or cpu or whatever. My PC for example, that I own now, will likely match the specs of the PS4/720 (which launch 1-2 years from now). Thats kind of sad, because by then, pc enthusiasts like myse...

4768d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Not really smart to take a shot at the 360-release. DO we really need to get into what Sony did wrong with the Ps3 day one? "The next gen starts when we say it does." lol Remember that? The complete lack of games? Lair? Yeah, as a Pc gamer I don't care if you troll. But at least do it intelligently(at least as much as you can, it is trolling afterall); makes for more amusement. Just remember who is ahead of your PS3, 6 years and counting. Yeah, they did that with the 'rush t...

4768d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Xbox, 2 discs. PS3, 1 disc. Pc, no disks. I guess when your dealing with old hardware like the PS3/360 all you guys can squabble about is how many discs the game comes on lol. One disc or two--you'll both be playing a lesser version of BF3. Blu-Ray that.

4769d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Pc gaming is not more expensive than console gaming; in many ways its actually cheaper in the long run. The benefits are endless: Modding,getting the latest/greatest as it comes out, customization (little better than 360 faceplates or Ps3....oh wait, it still looks like a kitchen grill), torrent games (not having to pay to find out games are shit), maxing out graphics AA, ubersampling ect.

When the PS4/720 launch, try spending the 600$+ on a mid-range PC of that time. You...

4769d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol consoles need to learn this lesson. The Ps3 and 360 are both dinosaurs.

4769d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


4769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

G-man isn't creepy. He works for Microsoft.

4769d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Todd Howard is a warlock.Level 50. All kneel before Todd.

4769d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't understand the hate towards multiple discs. You can bet dollars to donuts that the 360 version will outsell the PS3 version as multi-plats usually do.

By the way, Ps3 crowd, the game will look identical on both consoles....So, relax? Where is this false aura of superiority from?

Pc gaming is definitely making a comeback now that GPUs offer high performance for competitive prices. Graphically, this game (like any other) can only shine on a Pc. I i...

4769d ago 15 agree15 disagreeView comment

lol And Ladies and Gentlemen, here we have exemplified the North American ideology responsible for rampant obesity. Mom, more hot pockets!

4769d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

....Gears does not have broken multi-player? Oh wait, fanboy argument, sorry.

4769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well yes, but these idiots=95% of N4G's members. If it were an Xbox exclusive, the ps3 kids would be trolling over there. Its a PS3 game in this case, so Xbox is shitting on it. Its very sad. I am a pc gamer, so I lol'd at the warning of a 600mb patch.

4769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment