CRank: 5Score: 1970

Lol The Bias on this site is so ammusing. As of this moment, the following post was not closed do to 'trolling':
""Trophywhore + 6h ago Already voted
Im so sick of this guy and his mouth. He goes off and says crap to clearly draw attention to himself and then he takes it back saying "lol I was joking." He is like a little kid who just wants to push the boundaries of what he can and cannot say.

Personally im not surprised that h...

4663d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft really knew what they were doing when they added 'Achievements' to gaming. You have knocked over 100 barrels--10pts! Who knew people would care so much? If I could only dig up all the 'oh that is stupid remarks' from before Trophies came on the scene, would be priceless. Steam has to do it in a better way. Its so passive/uneventful when you get a steam achievement. At least let it make a noise or something...

4663d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

lol Todd Howard: "The PC Version will melt your face"

Pete Hines: "...will look nearly identical"

I'm going to go with Todd on this one....

4663d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

The success of the Halo CE Anniversary addition (It'll sell)will catch the eye's of other companies. They'll assess their own IP's and likely we'll see remakes of old favorites.

I'd like to see (No particular order):

Golden Axe
Pitfall The Mayan Adventure
Elderscrolls Arena/Dagonfall (lol as if)
Max Payne 1&2
Splinter Cell
God of War

4663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought RES 5 was good. Looking forward to
this one.

4663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Troll harder? Lol Yeah, right. Uncharted 2? Gears 3? Lol You know what, just nevermind. You take care.

4664d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

"I mean, we have to select which platforms we're going to show it on, and there might be a lot of reasons behind it..." Helps to read the article, but okay.

4664d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol, this is funny to me as I am of the opinion Gears of War has a weak story. I like Gears, one of my favorite 360 titles (along with Halo/Reach/Alan Wake) but I have always cringed at the dialogue/story. I'm hoping that gears 3 kicks it up a notch.

4664d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well of course it won't look anywhere near as good as the PC version. Who was expecting that? It will still be the best looking game on consoles, and likely the best FPS this year. The console hardware has been at a point of being graphically capped for about 2 years. High-graphic games have no choice but to be heavily modified for console appearances. The PS3 benefits from having games developed exclusively for it--wonder if it would look any better excluding the 360...I think it would b...

4664d ago 9 agree24 disagreeView comment

You keep telling yourself that kid...

4664d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

They show the PC footage the most as that is how the game looks it's best. I think this game will do wonders for the PC-FPS online department--I can't wait.

4664d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lmao ass off. I'm a Mac, and I suck.

4664d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You guys are hilarious lol Troll,, your a troll. you think actual trolls feel?

4664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Concept consoles are so ugly and impractical...

4664d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

O-pin-ion: 1. A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

If you spent as much time as you do trying to be confrontational, snide and condescending in your remarks perhaps what you said would come out as intelligent. Helps to read too (Its cool!):

A) I never said the consoles 'produce the animations'. I had meant the consoles have exemplified their ability to render better graphics, better engines and animati...

4665d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah your right, the open world plays a huge part. Well, Ill be crossfiring two 6990's 4Gb cards--that should do the trick I would think. I cannot wait!

4665d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, Skyrim really isn't that graphically intense. My computer runs Witcher-2 maxed (far more demanding than any Bethesda title) at an Eyefinity resolution. One thing is for sure, N4G will be dead on 11.11.11 because The Pc, 360, PS3 crowds and their mom's will all be playing this game until...well a very long time.

4665d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment


1. Didn't like the new hobo-with-a-shotgun appearance--bald isn't max.

2. The color pallet used is to bright and cheery (Indoors and out doors) Its sunny and bright in the office, outside...only scene that REMOTELY felt like Max Payne was him drinking in his room...

3. The action scenes felt somehow too over the top--even for max payne.

4. This may just be me, but I think Rockstar's graphics/animations suc...

4665d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment Your absolutely right Lucreto. I was just stating my opinion, in an article that involves all platforms. It obviously irked "vyke3" the wrong way as it wasn't along the lines of "PS3 PWNS!". Tired of the term trolling being overused and misused. Back in the day it referred to forum idiots obviously and blindly trashing something the majority loved only to cause chaos and anger. Nowadays, if you do not share the opinion of the offended--your a troll.

4665d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am buying it for my PC--as usual. But if I had to choose between the consoles, I'd go with the 360 versions due to the fact I like it's controller the best (Best video game controller ever IMHO). Oblivion ran well on the PS3, I don't see why the PS crowd is worried--Bethesda has done a good job in the past...

4665d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment