Together we will shine a light like stars, burning through the dark!


CRank: 5Score: 54050

@wishingW3L and @MyswordisHeavenly, if the iPhone 3GS and < compared to the iPhone 4 > and the New Ipad are anything to go by then I would say there would be a huge difference visiually, colours would pop and it with enough power and high resolution textures, it would look as though you're looking through a window!

4437d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Jijoro shut the f*** up, open your mind before your mouth.

4448d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

If it's Nintendo acquiring the rights to just Banjo Kazooie, then hell yes. I can only imagine the polish of the next BK game that comes out especially in Nintendo's hands. Please make it happen! And I hope to god the next one is platformer, with awesome Wii U controller integration.

4448d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would imagine it being 3 times as powerful as the Xbox tops. No video evidence from the games being shown off suggest it will be next gen, it favors the group of developers and speculators claiming that it won't be as powerful as a next gen console should be. This strengthens the point of it costing somewhere around the price of the Xbox and PS3.

I can imagine by the end of it's cycle, it'll be pushing the low end versions of what next gen will look like, maybe....

4472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes and it will most likely be done like that to cover the cost of all the promotion going into it, and eventually will drop once it's soaked in the market at its price and gotten a large portion of the consumers.

4472d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

$400Aud would be fair I guess seeing how it's a brand new console. The lack of a built in HDD should cut down the cost, but the addition of the tablet controller will probably even it out. So somewhere around $300USD, $350-400AUD makes sense.

4472d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just noticed how mask comes flying in at SD and spins out in HD, maybe it is real? I have no idea, cause I know Nintendo was really emphasizing the jump to HD and all that.

4493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Holy Ballz, that looks way too polished and good to be fan made. And it also looks too good to be real, maybe the Wii U is way more powerful than we've anticipated. Seriously, that looked like it was an animation. I WANT A WII U NOW.

4493d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

By huge I hope he means it will be games society/I want, for example:

-Banjo Kazooie 3
-Star Wars Battlefront 3
-Star Wars Kotor 3
-Star Wars Jedi Kight III
-Half Life 3
-Rocksteady's third Batman game
-Super Mario Galaxy 3 for Wii U

That's all I want, and I will be a happy man.

4504d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Technology is rapidly evolving every year, give it 18-24 months before we get the next gen, maybe an announcement at E3 2013 but that's where it should begin. Money is of no issue, you throw your cash at Apple when it comes to phones, yet they seem to expire every year. I'm sure you can afford to get a console that will last 5-10 years just as the Xbox has almost done.

Personally, I want it now cause I am so ready for that big leap in graphics. Although I know the tec...

4506d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony's conference:

"We have over 15 new exclusives, 5 new IPs, new online features and that's just PS3!"

Meanwhile at Microsoft's conference:

"This is the biggest year yet for Xbox Live, introducing over 30 new subscriptions to your favorite TV channels and sport shows. Also Halo 4"

:( f**k this s**t, wish my PS3 didn't break.

4507d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ooft baby, fingers crossed that this one is good. Who am I kidding, it'll be terrible haha. It's apparently a sequel to Budokai Tenkaichi 3 so it may be good?

4511d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 4 and Forza


If they were cool, they'd be using Rare to their advantage, making a new Banjo Kazooie platformer and a Perfect Dark sequel. As well as those, they could announce Crackdown 3, Gears of War spinoff, new IPs if that's even possible these days.

For Xbox Live, maybe Geometry Wars 3, dlc exclusives, it would be interesting to see Halo 4 launch at the same time on live as it does in the real world.

I d...

4521d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Holy s***, what is wrong with Namco Bandai :( all I want is a BT2 gameplay mechanics refined, with BT3's roster updated with 360/PS3 graphics. Why is that so difficult? I'm sure they could add a bunch of other features on top of it as well, like exploration similar to Final Fantasy XIII-2

This reminds me of Rare and it's stupid Kinect games instead of awesome Banjo Kazooie sequels and Lucasarts and how they're butchering their franchise. God help us all.

4547d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hardcore = Couchcore that's the problem haha

I think it works better not as a completely new controller but as an extension of the console to the player, like Mass Effect was trying to do, I'd just like to see menus being controlled with the hands OR the controller and being able to change between them, voice recognition works pretty well too, but the delay is another problem, the camera still feels laggy.

4551d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Looks so good, didn't read past the first mission section but I assume there's a three way battle happening, a human resistance and the elites who are both at war because they've been inside the shield world and aren't aware of the war and truce that happened outside MEANWHILE some kind of new enemy is there, is it Forerunners? I have no idea, but I am keen to find out when the game comes out :)

4551d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I returned my copy of Mass Effect 3 with so much anger, the game itself actually missed the sense of being lost in a galaxy. There was no real immersion and the cheesy dialogue did not add to it.

The ending really grinded my gears but at the same time I actually saw it coming when I found out that EA and Bioware had partnered and I know that people will say that they had a different relationship with EA and Bioware had a LOT of creative control but when you get partnered wit...

4572d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never planned to play Xbox live multiplayer games, only single player but as it seems online has become an integrated part of the experience which I just can't afford.

I did own a PS3 but it broke lol, so I got a 360 instead.

That's just it! Mass Effect wasn't supposed to be a multiplayer game, it was supposed to be a massive single player trilogy. Bioware said that the multiplayer in the game wouldn't effect the main story, but it in fact ...

4580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What a load of s***, you actually do need to have the galactic readiness to be above 50%, otherwise it only gives you 50% of your total military strength. You need to have 5000+ EMS for the perfect ending (The one with the scene after the credits) and the total military strength you can get is only about 7000, which means 3500 EMS, this is with a perfect import from ME1/ME2. I'm so angry right now, just spent $130 getting a game without a proper ending ...

4580d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus, looks amazing, if Bungie were to continue. I think this is exactly what it would be except it looks like the new team have devised a better graphical engine! So effing keen, can not wait! I love how they were very careful with avoiding showing off the new enemies but based off the architecture, I think it may be some angry forerunners haha, or aliens with a lot of white shielding and thinner frames, just the vibe it's giving me. 2012 = the year Halo returns and punches CoD/Battlefi...

4585d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment