Together we will shine a light like stars, burning through the dark!


CRank: 5Score: 54050

I hope they were implying hyper threading optimization for their future games through their specs even if they are not final. Finally utilizing Intel CPUS more.

3914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This feels like a bit of an overreaction. So what if Microsoft posts a video that partially includes an emulator that plays 20 year old games lol. Maybe it would be wrong if it was the dolphin emulator running Zelda Wind Waker or something but it's not. Games depreciate quickly despite their priceless artistic statement (excluding COD and other super generic games). Maybe if Nintendo had PC software for these really old games and were selling them it would be wrong. But they aren't an...

3914d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The line between right and wrong disappears on the internet.

3914d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ziggurcat I've played enough games with micro transactions to see it hinder the 'full experience'. Fair enough some games do allow you to still obtain the content you want, but guess what? At least 90% of them completely wreck the normal progression system to earn them and works as a means to force impatience on the player and make them pay. That IS a legitimate complaint and completely unfair on the player, particularly after paying for the game.

On mobile plat...

3914d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Red October was a great film

3915d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

You're completely right in regards to those aspects, but I should have elaborated more. I don't want Nintendo to change the type of games or quirky controllers they make, I want them to improve and catch up to Sony and Microsoft on the hardware side and software. Their OS on both devices are decent for playing and downloading games, but it's pretty lackluster in all other areas. It just feels restricted. The reason I hope for better hardware on their next devices isn't to make...

3915d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Every time I see a Wii U game, I imagine how awesome it could have looked if they were using the PS4 or X1's specs. Why are Nintendo so slow with this stuff? The new Mario game and Smash Bros look like HD versions of their previous titles but don't look like HD games if that makes sense? Is that due to the hardware? Aside from gameplay and art, Nintendo seem to fall short in almost every other aspect of their Wii U and DS. Perhaps they don't see a need to be pushing visually power...

3915d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

That's awesome as long as half of those hours doesn't include back tracking to some place to get the 45/2000 treasure chest.

3916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure he was talking within the context of multiplayer gameplay. Single player mode is definitely free roaming/open world.

3920d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

0mg ur rtrded

3921d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I got a PS Vita just for this! Have the PS4 in the loungeroom and the PS Vita for bed or any other time I'm away from there haha. I guess the bonus (Kind of sad that I see it as a secondary selling point) is that the handheld is finally starting to get a larger amount of support from game developers. I hope Borderlands 2 turns out decent and comes with all the DLC released so far.

3921d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly! This guy at a shop tried to rip my dad off by convincing him to purchase a 32" 720p monitor instead of a 1080p (which was the same price) because the difference was supposedly "negligible". Ever since, I hold a grudge against these type of people haha.

Ah I haven't heard of the Qnix or X-Star before! They must be newer cause I haven't done a lot of hardware research since I got my rig together. Yeah, I think the Q270 Yamakasi used the same pane...

3921d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Inb4 someone says 1440p on a 27" is pointless. Go back and play on a 20 inch 640x480 monitor then f****t. Why are there people who still don't believe images are sharper and more realistic with a higher resolution and pixel density. It reminds me of people who say your eye can't perceive anything beyond 60fps, in fact they're probably the same people.


3922d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awesome! I have a 2K monitor and a GTX 690 and Batman Arkham City looks incredible and runs pretty smooth. Hopefully this will have better Sli support and Physx coding. It was poorly optimised in AC. So excited, been wanting to return to Gotham! For anyone interested in 1440p monitors, definitely go for Yamakasi through Greensum on eBay! You'll hate looking at 1080p after you've used one. They're around $500 or less (Aud) as well.

Still stoked for a PS4 though, fu...

3922d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course they can hit 1080/60fps on Xbox but they'll most likely have to scale down visuals in other areas where the PS4 will be able to remain at higher level.

3923d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes, however in a recent interview, the developers said they were pushing for 60fps in the Campaign as well, so fingers crossed!

3924d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Most houses including mine get max speeds of 5-6Mbps and pings of 300ms+ lol. We were supposed to get this new national broadband infrastructure which replaces all the lines with fibre optics to deliver speeds of over 100Mbps and up to 1000mbps with minimal ping. But the wrong party led by the biggest, sexist and most prejudiced dickhead in the world got into power recently so it's being canned for some dud version where they just replace the nodes to companys with fibre. But the nodes to...

3925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knowwwwwww, I'm just hoping they make one for consoles. It's such a great series!

Oh god, Namco Bandai have been slaughtering the Dragon Ball Z games. Lets hope they don't do it to AOT if they make it.

3925d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This would be awesome, if Australia didn't have such f**k off bad internet.

3926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

An open world Attack On Titan for next gen systems with the anime art style. That's what I and most people would want if they saw it. Not some cruddy 3DS game. Soz /notsoz.

3926d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment